Best girl?

  • Ann

    Votes: 3,017 27.5%
  • Vanessa

    Votes: 2,836 25.9%
  • Alex

    Votes: 1,519 13.9%
  • Emily

    Votes: 1,383 12.6%
  • Jenny

    Votes: 275 2.5%
  • Amber

    Votes: 84 0.8%
  • Merry

    Votes: 17 0.2%
  • Vanessa's Mom

    Votes: 829 7.6%
  • Fat Joe

    Votes: 991 9.0%

  • Total voters


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Your angst about the continuation of a porno gaem you're obsessed with isn't the dev's fault. The fact they didn't charge as you yourself pointed out speaks for itself. Now if they did charge and continued posting about 'reasons' for delay or release dates in the near future without delivering, that would be scummy behaviour.

When people have genuine life issues they tend not to pay attention to side projects, esp adult game development. Which is precisely why so many of those other devs' patreon posts about delaying updates sound iffy to put it mildly.
Communication should not be ignored, and the idea that someone communicating their issues is more suspicious than someone who just drops off the face of the planet is really backwards to me.

The fact that the dev has had time to post on discord, but not give a relevant or substantial update, is very odd. Clearly he is around, and clearly he is aware of the concern, so he's going out of his way to not address it in a meaningful way. From a purely business POV you would think he'd want to quash any concerns as soon as possible by giving a meaningful update. Since he hasn't done that I don't think it's wrong to assume he CAN'T do it. If he can't communicate in greater detail that there isn't a problem, then whatever problem there is must be pretty significant.

I mean, I'm new to this thread so I have no skin in the game. After reading about the game I was ready to support it on Patreon but saw that everything was paused; from there I caught up on the thread. So from my perspective, even if they unfreeze the Patreon, I don't know if I'll support if this is the way they communicate when times get rough. If this is strictly a hobby that's fine, it shouldn't be a priority, but if I'm paying and you're running a business then expectations naturally change. In a world where games are abandoned all the time, if you can't keep lines of communication open that's a huge red flag to stay away.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Obviously he or anyone else has the free time to post some stuff online, that isn't the point. I'm posting right now for example. The issue is motivation. If you're dealing with something serious (eg persistent symptoms after recovering from a moderate/severe covid infection) you tend not to pay attention to hobbies, side projects or posting online. Availability of free time is irrelevant. Also a couple short comments on discord isn't the same as a patreon dev update.

Like you, I have no skin in this game, because there are other games and what's already there for this one is wankable. My problem with comments like yours is they're unfairly throwing shade at a dev who is - for a change - doing the right thing by not taking money for not working on a game, and not posting crap to maintain some illusion of activity. And who also seemed like a nice enough dude who actually interacted with posters here. Imo if/when they become active again this little episode will colour their engagement with this site, which will have been both completely avoidable and pointlessly to the detriment of everyone who likes this game.
It isn't shade to say that communication could be better. I don't think anything I've said is overly hostile towards the dev. Now if they come back and say something like "hey guys, sorry for the long absence. Shit just got complicated here and for (insert a simple, not too detailed because we don't need personal details, but still explanatory statement) I wasn't able to communicate with you guys like I would have normally. I apologize, but I hope you understand. Blah blah blah." that would probably be a relief for everyone. You're right that the dev seems like a good guy, and that he did the right thing by pausing payments this month; for those reasons he should be commended. My comments aren't insinuating anything negative about him or his work effort, my comments come from a place of concern because it's not good to see someone just drop off like this. Clearly it's something serious, so I hope everything turns out ok.


Active Member
Dec 30, 2019
They have issues currently, on which they will communicate about (normally). That's why last time I said they should post on patreon soon, I didn't expect they'd still not have done it by now, but trust me there's a good reason. Be patient, the good news is that LSS isn't abandonned at least.


Jul 19, 2020
Just read on Patreon that TTrick decided to split from Kamo, and will be continuing the game on his new Patreon now. There will be changes made according to the post but he doesn't go into what yet.

I dunno... We'll see what the future brings for this game i guess...


Active Member
Sep 6, 2018
Just read on Patreon that TTrick decided to split from Kamo, and will be continuing the game on his new Patreon now. There will be changes made according to the post but he doesn't go into what yet.

I dunno... We'll see what the future brings for this game i guess...
Well that's good news, really looking forward to it. It means that the game is not abandoned and the tag should be removed. New Page


Active Member
Dec 30, 2019
They had trouble working with each other for a long time, which was also partly the reason for the lack of posts on their patreon page.
It will probably take some time for TTrick to be able to get all the patrons back, I hope the transition will be as smooth as possible, no matter as long it takes. Regarding LSS, Ink was responsible for the Unity infrastructure, so I assume TTrick will convert everything to a Renpy game. I really hope everything goes as planned and we'll see LSS prosper once again, because I really love this game.


Oct 9, 2017
Your angst about the continuation of a porno gaem you're obsessed with isn't the dev's fault.
There´s no anger or anything personal. I just expressed they should explain what is happening and not just stop updating without reasons for some months.
But I am amazed when people like you say people that pay for a game have no right to complain if Dev go silent for months and don´t say clearly if the product you have been paying for months is dead. Mainly because as I said given what happened with "DUO", I was worried this was going to end too early.

Now TTrick is going to explain everything, because he knows patreons deserve it (maybe you want to PM him to say it´s no necessary), and hope he can overcome this situation. There are Devs in this situation of a team splitting and it´s not always easy because the ones leaving can complain about their work being used... Happily don´t seem like this is the case so wish TTrick the best here.
Last edited:


Jan 22, 2018
They had trouble working with each other for a long time, which was also partly the reason for the lack of posts on their patreon page.
It will probably take some time for TTrick to be able to get all the patrons back, I hope the transition will be as smooth as possible, no matter as long it takes. Regarding LSS, Ink was responsible for the Unity infrastructure, so I assume TTrick will convert everything to a Renpy game. I really hope everything goes as planned and we'll see LSS prosper once again, because I really love this game.
What kind of trouble?


Active Member
Jul 25, 2017
Kamo Patreon Page;

Hello everyone.
I've decided to split away from Kamo and go on my separate way.
The game Long story short will still continue (with some changes), new updates will be under a different .

Take care,

Trick Patreon Page;

In order to be fair, as of right now, upfront is disabled and the payment cycle is frozen.
So feel free to join any tier you'd like, you will not get charged.

Before I'll make any changes regarding this subject I'll post a very clear message beforehand.



Active Member
Mar 14, 2017
They had trouble working with each other for a long time, which was also partly the reason for the lack of posts on their patreon page.
It will probably take some time for TTrick to be able to get all the patrons back, I hope the transition will be as smooth as possible, no matter as long it takes. Regarding LSS, Ink was responsible for the Unity infrastructure, so I assume TTrick will convert everything to a Renpy game. I really hope everything goes as planned and we'll see LSS prosper once again, because I really love this game.
This would be a good thing IMO. I never liked some of the aspects of this being a Unity game and honestly, it didn't help things really versus a Renpy game. I'm hoping he removes the annoying chapter summery bits.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
Good that it isn't abandoned, but it'll probably be a while to update still. They either need to find a new programmer or convert to Renpy I'd assume, or both.

I'd be willing to wait for a Renpy version. The way Unity is in this game is solid, better than most, but not being able to rollback is a pain and even though they put a lot of work into it, I dislike the save library. Too difficult to organize.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2018
Good that it isn't abandoned, but it'll probably be a while to update still. They either need to find a new programmer or convert to Renpy I'd assume, or both.

I'd be willing to wait for a Renpy version. The way Unity is in this game is solid, better than most, but not being able to rollback is a pain and even though they put a lot of work into it, I dislike the save library. Too difficult to organize.
I agree, the save library was a pain in the ass and you would forget which save was which each update.
Anyways main thing is, TILL NOW it supposedly will be continued.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
I'm glad to get an update. While the dissolution of a partnership is sad I was expecting something worse, so this was a relief

I'll keep my eye out for future updates. If I'm being honest, I don't have high expectations. Situations like these are tough, and relaunching a game doesn't have the best track record of success. I'm hoping for the best and would not be shocked if the dev decided to start from the ground up with something fresh.


Game Developer
May 5, 2020

Before I start, let me mention that I'm not a native English speaker, and that's why this post might be all over the place, so bear with me.
I have so many things I want to address. Most of them are questions I was asked here and there. I hope I'll be able to address them all.
I'm the type of person who believes that honesty is the key to understanding your motives and goals. So I'm going to be fully transparent in the rest of this message.
First of all, let me address the elephant in the room.
Most, if not all of you, probably came from Kamo. Kamo was a team of two, me and Ink. I just decided to go solo for my own reasons. No drama is involved, so please don't look for it.
And since Ink was the one writing Kamo's posts, this one might feel different.
So TTrick, what the hell happened? Where were you for more than three months?
To explain it, first, I need to tell you a bit about myself.
I'm the type of guy that when I get invested in something, I'm all-in.
It can be both a good and a bad thing.
LSS is my passion. I feel like I'm fulfilling myself while working on it.
But while I was doing so, I neglected everything, especially my daytime job.
It's not like I wasn't working, but I just did what was asked of me and nothing more.
I didn't realize that at the time, I was happy with what I was doing and couldn't care less about anything else.
It was only during when covid hit hard was when I realized what might happen to me.
My good friend, who was also my co-worker, got fired and, until now, cannot find a job, different reasons but the same scenario.
I couldn't let this happen to me. I had to invest some time in my career.
I work as a front-end developer, and with all the love I have for LSS - since 2018, The game has made 6k$ profits (after splitting it by two).
And even though I appreciate all the support, it's not something I can rely on to pay the bills.
And FYI - all that money was invested in a new PC with 3090GTX I9 10900K, 128gb to help me get faster and a better quality renders.
So I had to take some time out and catch up to speed with the latest technology and be sure I would be able to find a job if I ever got fired or whatever.
Ok, so what's next?
Well, the game isn't new, and most of you have been around for a long time.
But things have changed, and now I'm going to have to rebuild everything.
LSS, currently is made with Unity, and for the reasons I mentioned previously, I had the idea of building a new infrastructure from scratch,
using react-native.
In that way, I could work on my programming skills + working on the game.
But while thinking about that approach, I feel like it's repeating the same mistake all over again. It will be like shooting myself in the foot.
So converting the game to Renpy seems like a wiser choice to do right now.
I don't know Python or Renpy, and I don't feel like investing time in learning it.
That's why I'll probably going to have to pay someone to convert it over for me.
Ok, enough technical stuff. What about the plot?
I don't know even where to start.
The routes in the game are both a good and a bad thing.
On the one hand, it is what makes the game special.
You can play the game many times and have a different experience, and that was my goal when I first started working on it.
On the other hand, right now, there are so many routes that it's not possible (for me) to release a full version with all the routes in a reasonable time. There is always someone who's gonna feel left out.
Whenever I'm thinking about refactoring the game and removing a route, I see someone in the comments anticipating that specific route that I don't want to let him down.
The routes I feel more comfortable with are the corruption\ntr routes,
and you can probably get that vibe while playing. And for example, the Ann love non-ntr route is the most complained route and only for the reason that It's just not my most comfortable zone.
There are some good people out there that offered to help. So I'm going to reach out to them again to see if they are still interested since I don't want to remove anything.
It seems like a win-win situation for everyone.
So what's going to happen now?
First, many things need to get sorted out before the next update, and I'm going to take it one step at a time.
  • I need to finish designing this Patreon (tiers\goals\overview\cover etc...).
  • Open a new discord server.
  • Convert the game over to a new infrastructure.
If you read everything and reached this point, that means you really love the game (and me lol)
So if you wanna offer your help with anything (even the most minor thing), it can help a ton to get things up to speed.
The best way to contact me is via Discord (TTrick#1243)
If not, that's fine as well.
To be clear - I'm not going to charge anyone - not upfront and not at the end of the month until a new release will drop (I'll update you before).
While I'm working on all the mentioned things above, I'll try to please your time by uploading some renders I made in my free time.
4.60 star(s) 169 Votes