Best girl?

  • Ann

    Votes: 3,010 27.5%
  • Vanessa

    Votes: 2,836 25.9%
  • Alex

    Votes: 1,517 13.9%
  • Emily

    Votes: 1,376 12.6%
  • Jenny

    Votes: 275 2.5%
  • Amber

    Votes: 84 0.8%
  • Merry

    Votes: 17 0.2%
  • Vanessa's Mom

    Votes: 827 7.6%
  • Fat Joe

    Votes: 989 9.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Sep 2, 2017
Your fantasies about something are your personal business, but they cannot determine what that something is or isn't. Some people might fap to Frozen, that doesn't make it a porno. You're the one who is identifying yourself with the PC to such an extent that you feel like you're actually living their life. Likewise, you've chosen to expect your in-game self to abide by your personal definitions or opinions, even though you're consuming something that has already been created and you've had no part in creating it. If you think swinging/sharing is ntr, or any woman getting fucked by a man who isn't the PC is ntr, that's on you and completely irrelevant to both the game and it's creator.

I just played through that part and all h-scenes are avoidable. But even if Vanessa fucks the guy while you're interested in her, it still isn't ntr because both of you agree to fuck other people beforehand. Well I guess Joe's getting cucked. In any case, intent is what matters not your personal metaphysics. Open relationships are not ntr.
This by proxy thing only works when the MC feels the same as the player. If the player is getting jealous about something that the MC doesn't care about then how can you claim they're your proxy to experience the world through? You can feel as unpleasant as you want but unless that's also how the MC feels that's entirely you.

This site's definition of NTR is extremely useful, but wrong. Your definition of NTR is both wrong and useless.
NTR just means you're getting your girl seduced or corrupted away from you, whether your gf or just any other romantic or platonic female relation. A slutty girlfriend who cheats on you on her own without being seduced isn't NTR because no one is stealing anything from you.
Your bestfriend having sex with his girlfriend isn't NTR because no one is stealing from you. It's just plain voyeurism, the jealousy is on you.
It's unfortunate that you don't understand.

First, let's clarify:


Although the term netorare can be quickly translated as "cuckolding," its definition is much more broad than that. That's because, in English, "cuckolding" only refers to a man's wife cheating on him with another guy. The cheated man labelled "cuckold."

In Japanese, netorare refers the act of someone "being taken ( someone else's bed)." The genre can include a man's wife cheating on him, a woman's husband cheating on her. It can be their girlfriend, boyfriend. They don't even need to be actually dating: it could be somebody's childhood friend whom they never mustered the courage to ask out.

In fact, since the gist of it is just: character A has some feelings for character B, then character C comes and takes them away, it could be A's hot teacher that was taken away by someone. It could be their mother, father, daughter, son, sister, brother, etc. It's just a matter of framing the idea of them "being taken" by someone else.

First, as I already stated, IF, as in the case in THIS PARTICULAR INSTANCE, you CAN avoid Vanessa fucking the other guy, but YOU, THE PLAYER, CHOOSE to allow her to fuck other guys, then that is not NTR. Because you, the player, are still in control of the situation and you have chosen to allow an open relationship etc.

But as for the other point, AGAIN, NOT THIS PARTICULAR CASE, but in general, as the other person was actually alluding to, that a female in the game that you're pursuing fucks another guy and you are powerless to stop it... THAT IS NTR.

Two different things. Just so we're clear. This case with Vanessa and Mario isn't because you can avoid it. That guy was wrong because he claimed it was unavoidable NTR when it wasn't. They just made the wrong choice in the game, but there are options to say no, and still get to bang the girl upstairs etc.

But as for the case that many around here deny is NTR, the more general case of the sexual/romantic interest you're pursuing in the game fucking someone else and you being powerless to stop it... THAT IS NTR. Again, this isn't rocket science. If you're playing a game where you sexually/romantically pursue women through your avatar, and suddenly one of the women you're pursuing fucks another guy and you are powerless to stop it, that is NTR, whether you like it or not, and whether the author intended it or not. Because it's the situation you, the player, have been put in. I'll try to clarify below.

Fapping to Frozen isn't a valid comparison here because you're not being setup in the position of a male character in the movie pursuing the female character romantically and sexually. Further, and perhaps vitally, in the game you're not a passive observer either, you're put in the role of having actual agency, to make choices that are supposed to feel like you're choosing the direction of the narrative, that it's supposed to be going the way YOU, THE PLAYER desire.

So to suddenly have that feeling of you being in control of the romantic/sexual pursuit of specific objects of your desire in the game... and then be slapped in the face by having that control subverted, and your object of desire to be fucked by someone else and you powerless to stop it... THAT IS THE NTR.

Again, I'm sorry if you don't understand that, but that is what it is, and it's why so many people around here hate it when it happens. Because of the nature of the medium in question. The video game where you are supposed to be in control of the narrative and experiencing it by proxy through your avatar in the game.


Active Member
Sep 2, 2017
In other words, if the dev doesn't give you a choice on watching an h-scene with a woman it's cuck/ntr even if the PC is not in a relationship with her or doesn't know her at all. Because you felt bad. If he forgot to code the choice, it's still ntr... cus you felt bad. I mean you straight up said the creator's intent doesn't even matter. No work of fiction let alone a porno game that people casually play for fun can live up to such arbitrary standards of causing offense.

I'm going to try to give you the benefit of the doubt that you're actually smart enough to know better than to make such a straw man argument.

I quoted the definition that made it clear that it depended on your feelings toward the person. For example if it was a love you felt for your classmate that you hadn't gotten the nerve up to ask her on a date over, and then some other guy swoops in and kisses her in front of you.

In the game, that's like the equivalent of a character you're obviously setup to potentially have that kind of interest in, to be pursuing, and then to have that kind of situation occur when you thought things were headed in a different direction that you were in control of.

So if there were some random NPC that the narrative didn't revolve around and you for some reason super fell in love with that NPC, that wouldn't really be reasonable. But in these stories, you're literally setup in romantic/sexual relationships with these characters. It's very clear that they are primary options for romantic or sexual interactions. Vanessa is literally trying to get you to ditch Ann and come see her, fuck her, etc. Yes, despite her being in a relationship with Joe at the time, your friend in the game. You know the situation and you're trying to Netori Joe by fucking his woman on the sly. But if she were to bang Mario out of the blue, and IF you weren't able to stop her despite disabling NTR in the game options, that would be a problem.

Let's try to give a clearer example, as using this game is obviously problematic for a number of reasons when discussing the actual issue at hand. It really doesn't apply to Long Story Short.

So let's consider the example in the Area69 game I originally wrote that other thread about, you're literally shown these women naked at the start of the game. You're shown in sexual situations with them in day dreams, or shower peeking, etc. You literally have love points setup to keep interacting with them to increase points, which leads to increasing sexual and romantic interactions. And then bam, out of the blue, some guy from the bar comes home with one of them and fucks them sideways and there's nothing you can do to stop it, and it makes sure you know it's happening.

Now in that case you're nowhere near in a sexual/romantic relationship with that person from the game's story point of view. But it is abundantly clear that you're meant to view them that way and pursue them in that way. But in the middle of that progression, you get NTR slapped in your face. A lot of players were upset about that.

That is a prime example of why the general definition used by this site is profoundly misguided, narrow minded, and just wrong.

Because you are not your character in the game. You are a real human being experiencing the game from a godlike perspective, knowing things the character couldn't know if it were real life, etc. Having control over things the way that character couldn't in real life, etc. You are experiencing the game with the character as your avatar, but YOUR desires, YOUR feelings, YOUR choices etc are what matter. And when YOU get screwed over by having the love interest you've been pursuing through your avatar, and which the game clearly setup for that kind of situation, it is YOU who rightfully get upset about unavoidable NTR. Because YOUR feelings etc are what matter here. Not the character in the game.

And it doesn't matter if that character is already in a romantic or sexual relationship with you. That's never been a requirement either in real life or in these games. What matters is that a romantic/sexual desire from you toward that person exists and then is wrecked by someone else swooping in and "taking" that person from you.

This isn't just knowing that your married neighbor might have sex with her husband off-screen. It's the game setting it up as her being unhappy in her marriage, increasingly flirting with your character, getting romantically involved, sexual advances start, and you're diligently pursuing the next scene to unlock so that you can seal the deal and get her naked etc... and then suddenly you're shown a scene of her fucking some random guy at the gas station. Like WTF?

I'm not sure how else to make this more clear, but I didn't expect someone to just lie about what I'd actually said.

I'm not sure if you're just not able to understand what I said, or if you're actually intentionally lying to straw man what I said.

Neither is a good look.


Active Member
Oct 1, 2017

I'm going to try to give you the benefit of the doubt that you're actually smart enough to know better than to make such a straw man argument.

I quoted the definition that made it clear that it depended on your feelings toward the person. For example if it was a love you felt for your classmate that you hadn't gotten the nerve up to ask her on a date over, and then some other guy swoops in and kisses her in front of you.

In the game, that's like the equivalent of a character you're obviously setup to potentially have that kind of interest in, to be pursuing, and then to have that kind of situation occur when you thought things were headed in a different direction that you were in control of.

So if there were some random NPC that the narrative didn't revolve around and you for some reason super fell in love with that NPC, that wouldn't really be reasonable. But in these stories, you're literally setup in romantic/sexual relationships with these characters. It's very clear that they are primary options for romantic or sexual interactions. Vanessa is literally trying to get you to ditch Ann and come see her, fuck her, etc. Yes, despite her being in a relationship with Joe at the time, your friend in the game. You know the situation and you're trying to Netori Joe by fucking his woman on the sly. But if she were to bang Mario out of the blue, and IF you weren't able to stop her despite disabling NTR in the game options, that would be a problem.

Let's try to give a clearer example, as using this game is obviously problematic for a number of reasons when discussing the actual issue at hand. It really doesn't apply to Long Story Short.

So let's consider the example in the Area69 game I originally wrote that other thread about, you're literally shown these women naked at the start of the game. You're shown in sexual situations with them in day dreams, or shower peeking, etc. You literally have love points setup to keep interacting with them to increase points, which leads to increasing sexual and romantic interactions. And then bam, out of the blue, some guy from the bar comes home with one of them and fucks them sideways and there's nothing you can do to stop it, and it makes sure you know it's happening.

Now in that case you're nowhere near in a sexual/romantic relationship with that person from the game's story point of view. But it is abundantly clear that you're meant to view them that way and pursue them in that way. But in the middle of that progression, you get NTR slapped in your face. A lot of players were upset about that.

That is a prime example of why the general definition used by this site is profoundly misguided, narrow minded, and just wrong.

Because you are not your character in the game. You are a real human being experiencing the game from a godlike perspective, knowing things the character couldn't know if it were real life, etc. Having control over things the way that character couldn't in real life, etc. You are experiencing the game with the character as your avatar, but YOUR desires, YOUR feelings, YOUR choices etc are what matter. And when YOU get screwed over by having the love interest you've been pursuing through your avatar, and which the game clearly setup for that kind of situation, it is YOU who rightfully get upset about unavoidable NTR. Because YOUR feelings etc are what matter here. Not the character in the game.

And it doesn't matter if that character is already in a romantic or sexual relationship with you. That's never been a requirement either in real life or in these games. What matters is that a romantic/sexual desire from you toward that person exists and then is wrecked by someone else swooping in and "taking" that person from you.

This isn't just knowing that your married neighbor might have sex with her husband off-screen. It's the game setting it up as her being unhappy in her marriage, increasingly flirting with your character, getting romantically involved, sexual advances start, and you're diligently pursuing the next scene to unlock so that you can seal the deal and get her naked etc... and then suddenly you're shown a scene of her fucking some random guy at the gas station. Like WTF?

I'm not sure how else to make this more clear, but I didn't expect someone to just lie about what I'd actually said.

I'm not sure if you're just not able to understand what I said, or if you're actually intentionally lying to straw man what I said.

Neither is a good look.
Reading your comments makes me sad
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Harem Trooper

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
blyzer, phreadom

I dont want to expand this debate further since we all know how trigger happy the mods can be when it comes to this topic but you mentioned that everything is avoidable, which in my case it wasnt. Hence I asked if this was a bug but then I got a answear that everything is correct what I experienced.

So without pointless back and forth, which sex scenes with Vanessa are not avoidable if you play the non-NTR path ?


Active Member
Sep 2, 2017
blyzer, phreadom

I dont want to expand this debate further since we all know how trigger happy the mods can be when it comes to this topic but you mentioned that everything is avoidable, which in my case it wasnt. Hence I asked if this was a bug but then I got a answear that everything is correct what I experienced.

So without pointless back and forth, which sex scenes with Vanessa are not avoidable if you play the non-NTR path ?
I thought it was actually avoidable? You're talking about the one with Mario, right? I thought you could tell her not to sleep with him, and still have your character be able to sleep with the girl?

Let me go see if ...

WHAT THE FUCK... I had 35 pages of saves, and all the save FILES are still on my drive... but nothing shows up past half of the saves on page 8! I even copied my last save from page 35 to page 7 (slot 9), and it just shows as blank now and won't load anything.

ARGH. I was going to load up my save from that spot and check it myself... but now I'm not a happy camper.

(I'm on the Linux build, if anyone is curious.)


Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
blyzer, phreadom

I dont want to expand this debate further since we all know how trigger happy the mods can be when it comes to this topic but you mentioned that everything is avoidable, which in my case it wasnt. Hence I asked if this was a bug but then I got a answear that everything is correct what I experienced.

So without pointless back and forth, which sex scenes with Vanessa are not avoidable if you play the non-NTR path ?
Only scenes with Vanessa and other guys that you can't avoid are her giving Chris a BJ at the start of her path and her fucking Joe.
Everything else you have the option to easily prevent, just don't be a simp and tell one of history's biggest sluts that she's perfect.

Kinda funny how that other dude who doesn't know what NTR is apparently also doesn't know what your question is. Got himself in too much of a tizzy over his weird self insert rant to even read the question.
Fucking Mario's girlfriend has nothing to do with Vanessa fucking Mario, it's a choice you can make on either Vanessa path.


Active Member
Sep 2, 2017
Only scenes with Vanessa and other guys that you can't avoid are her giving Chris a BJ at the start of her path and her fucking Joe.
Everything else you have the option to easily prevent, just don't be a simp and tell one of history's biggest sluts that she's perfect.

Kinda funny how that other dude who doesn't know what NTR is apparently also doesn't know what your question is. Got himself in too much of a tizzy over his weird self insert rant to even read the question.
Fucking Mario's girlfriend has nothing to do with Vanessa fucking Mario, it's a choice you can make on either Vanessa path.
I know you're not talking about me, since I was aware that you could avoid Vanessa fucking Mario and said so repeatedly since frozenfeet pointed this out before the last several comments back and forth on the topic of NTR more generally.

So are you talking about the guy who incorrectly claimed it was unavoidable NTR? Because otherwise the second half of your comment makes no sense at all.

Harem Trooper

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
I was talking about Vanessa as a whole. Since you cant even avoid her there is no Path for her, at least I dont see what the big difference for her is in the whole game. You can ONLY change her after she fucked with multiple dudes while you was watching them, or you can let it roll how it already started and enjoy the fuck fest.

In my playthrough I picked Ann over Vanesse for the first meeting so that I dont have to see her blowing Chris. (But also I wanted to see/keep/try Ann "pure" lol. Yeah I know but I said I try. If there is Path where I needed to choose Vanessa over Ann then the scene with Chris is your first unavoidable NTR scene.
Then there is the Sex + Blowing BJ for Joe which is not avoidable but its your typical "They are in relationship so watching them bang dosent count". But no mater what I pick, Vanessa will still fuck the guy in the bathroom. The scene with Mario where he fingers her is at least avoidable. But here is what I dont get the logic. You have the option not to let it happen but her fucking in the bathroom is not.

I aimed to steal Vanessa from Joe but whats the difference when I tell Joe to breake up with her or not ?
Will he continue to be with her in relationship and this will close her Path or will it just prolong their relationship while MC bangs her behind his back ?

The other scene I couldnt avoid was the sex scene with Ramona and James. Another "They are in relationship so watching them bang dosent count" type of BS. At least it could be shown that she is not statisfied in your "non"-NTR path so that i get at least something from this scene but I blame here the piss poor writting.
Hence I said that this game is all about sluts and corrupting one girl into one.

By the way, I agree with what phreadom says about this whole NTR in the game, even the "avoidable" scenes (which are not). I blame the tags on this forum and since we dont have "Main Love Interest(s) fuck other guys besides MC", the NTR tag will do because thats what it means for me and the other people who get angry at such scenes.


Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
But no mater what I pick, Vanessa will still fuck the guy in the bathroom.
The bathroom at Joe's birthday party? Tell Joe to turn around and nothing happens. All she does is dance with the guy and then Joe gets mad.
I aimed to steal Vanessa from Joe but whats the difference when I tell Joe to breake up with her or not ?
Will he continue to be with her in relationship and this will close her Path or will it just prolong their relationship while MC bangs her behind his back ?
We don't know yet. Probably but we'll need to wait for more updates. If you want her for yourself and you don't like her hooking up with anyone, even Joe, then I think you'll probably want to tell him to dump her.
The other scene I couldnt avoid was the sex scene with Ramona and James. Another "They are in relationship so watching them bang dosent count" type of BS. At least it could be shown that she is not statisfied in your "non"-NTR path so that i get at least something from this scene but I blame here the piss poor writting.
Who are either of these people? Don't remember either of their names and when I search them nobody else has even mentioned them in this thread.
By the way, I agree with what @phreadom says about this whole NTR in the game, even the "avoidable" scenes (which are not). I blame the tags on this forum and since we dont have "Main Love Interest(s) fuck other guys besides MC", the NTR tag will do because thats what it means for me and the other people who get angry at such scenes.
A tag isn't defined by its haters, it's defined by its fans. NTR means stealing, there's no stealing going on with Vanessa, she isn't yours. If we started defining NTR as any sex scene involving a male who isn't the MC then all of a sudden actual NTR fans aren't going to be able to use the tag to find games anymore.

The sex scenes with Vanessa having sex with other guys are voyeurism scenes.
The scenes where Chris or Joe are seducing, corrupting or taking advantage of Ann while on her path are NTR scenes. Both are tagged, and the toggle works correctly.

Harem Trooper

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
The bathroom at Joe's birthday party? Tell Joe to turn around and nothing happens. All she does is dance with the guy and then Joe gets mad.
I tried both like I already said. Its the same outcome.

Who are either of these people? Don't remember either of their names and when I search them nobody else has even mentioned them in this thread.
Ramona is Vanessas mother and James is her Dad. It the scene when he was about to bang Vanessa but got cockblocked by them and we are forced to watch them fuck. And ofcourse the MC enjoys watching them fuck... :rolleyes:

A tag isn't defined by its haters, it's defined by its fans.
Who says that ? Its a description of a specific genre within the game/manga etc. Nothing more and nothing less. It can be used for either attract people who are looking for it but also as a warning so people dont get butt hurt when it happend.
Game has NTR tag but in descriptions it says its avoidable, which is not.

NTR means stealing, there's no stealing going on with Vanessa, she isn't yours.
And thats why I said its your typical "They arnt in a relationship so watching her bang others dosent count" type of excuse. In other posts I mentioned this before and I see this trick used many times. Mostly in Manhwas but also here in western adult VN.

If we started defining NTR as any sex scene involving a male who isn't the MC then all of a sudden actual NTR fans aren't going to be able to use the tag to find games anymore.
Exactly, hence I said -> I blame the tags on this forum and since we dont have "Main Love Interest(s) fuck other guys besides MC", the NTR tag will do because thats what it means for me and the other people who get angry at such scenes.
Thats what important for me when I see the tag "NTR (Avoidable)...

The sex scenes with Vanessa having sex with other guys are voyeurism scenes.
The scenes where Chris or Joe are seducing, corrupting or taking advantage of Ann while on her path are NTR scenes. Both are tagged, and the toggle works correctly.
The tags are corrcet here but I didnt mentioned anything about this part. I mentioned that the NTR is not avoidable and that the romance tag is missleading.
The problem with Vanessa scenes being voyeurism is what phreadom tried to explain.
Technically its only voyeurism but with this logic you can have your LI, which Vanessa is since you cant even avoid her, being fucked by other guys through the whole game only that at the very end to end up with her so it dosent count as NTR.
And like I said, this late in the game and she still fucks other people arround.

The problem in such games like these is even when I picked her path, you still got to watch her fucking arround even when you already made it clear that you dont want have NTR. Perhaps is that the Dev have different point of view since MC in the game mentioned he dosent feel cucked, but like phreadom said, from my POV as the player which also gets the option to change the name I feel different.
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Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
I tried both like I already said. Its the same outcome.
I think that happens on the Joe rival path, but not on any of the other Vanessa or Ann paths. That path is also objectively worse than all the other Vanessa paths because it ends up gating you out of some of her content. So far it just exists to setup the Joe Ann bj.
If you tell Joe to turn around then she doesn't go into the bathroom with that guy. If Joe isn't there then he can't stop it, the scene absolutely is avoidable though.
Technically its only voyeurism but with this logic you can have your LI, which Vanessa is since you cant even avoid her, being fucked by other guys through the whole game only that at the very end to end up with her so it dosent count as NTR.
And like I said, this late in the game and she still fucks other people arround.
Yes. That's exactly it. She isn't the MC's, he doesn't view her as his and he doesn't get jealous about her slutting it up. Watching her have sex is voyeurism. If he thought of her as his, or if other guys were stealing her away from him then it'd be NTR, but it's not. She's just a slutty friend he hooks up with occasionally.
That's why I said you shouldn't treat this as a self insert. The MC's priorities and perspective obviously doesn't align with your own. He is his own character and there's only so far we get to go to shape how he develops. You can get as jealous or upset as you want but unless the MC feels the same that's all on you.

Harem Trooper

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
I think that happens on the Joe rival path, but not on any of the other Vanessa or Ann paths. That path is also objectively worse than all the other Vanessa paths because it ends up gating you out of some of her content. So far it just exists to setup the Joe Ann bj.
If you tell Joe to turn around then she doesn't go into the bathroom with that guy. If Joe isn't there then he can't stop it, the scene absolutely is avoidable though.
This is what I picked:
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Yes. That's exactly it. She isn't the MC's, he doesn't view her as his and he doesn't get jealous about her slutting it up.
Watching her have sex is voyeurism. If he thought of her as his, or if other guys were stealing her away from him then it'd be NTR, but it's not. She's just a slutty friend he hooks up with occasionally.
Were you listening what I said ? I gave you even a example man.
Since she is forced up on me even if I dont invite her from the beginning its kinda hard to ignore her and you automaticly start to have a relationship with her. Through the whole game she is present even if I tried to ignore her.
This is always a mistake I see some people make when they tried to mix such things in. I get that some people dont mind if she is a slut which can be redeemed (which Vanessa dosent seem to be such a character) but there is a difference when you specificly picked the "non"-NTR path so you dont have to watch her fucking infront of you.
I dont mind if this happens in the "normal" ntr/sharing path since I dont play it but I got a problem when its shoved in my throat like this game does.
Her sex scene is through the whole game, even to this update and since she showed she will fuck others I doubt this will change soon, at least thats what I think from playing this game and reading from the other comments.

That's why I said you shouldn't treat this as a self insert. The MC's priorities and perspective obviously doesn't align with your own.
Yeah Im aware that AFTER I played it lol. But you have to agree that when the game says that the NTR is avoidable, the game supposed to have romance, then you can rename the MC ingame its kinda hard not to self insert like many people do.
But dont get me wrong, that dosent mean I will follow it where the game is going since the beginning is already fucked up for me taste its just that the description is miss leading.

He is his own character and there's only so far we get to go to shape how he develops. You can get as jealous or upset as you want but unless the MC feels the same that's all on you.
Again, I gave you example and I suggest to read what phreadom said here and also what he wrote in the seperate topic about the NTR in Area69. Thats why "unless the MC feels the same that's all on you" dosent fly here, at least not in this game with that description.


Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
Again, I gave you example and I suggest to read what @phreadom said here and also what he wrote in the seperate topic about the NTR in Area69. Thats why "unless the MC feels the same that's all on you" dosent fly here, at least not in this game with that description.
Because what he wrote just tells anybody who reads it that he doesn't have the faintest idea what NTR is. His knowledge about it obviously came from wiki pages instead of NTR doujins.
Your character is only your avatar in the game world for as much as you can relate to them by. If you're experiencing emotions that the MC isn't then they aren't your avatar, they're just the perspective through which you view the story.
Keep listening -> Tell him to turn around -> She goes away with the dude to the bathroom -> Dont tell him -> MC goes to the bathroom to confirm she is a nympho, sex scene with her sucking him off.
I'm not sure what to tell you, other than that you clicked say nothing. I just double checked on like 3 different paths. Even if you drug Joe he gets pissed off when you tell him to turn around. If you got the option to "Tell him the details" or "Don't tell him" then you clicked on say nothing. If you tell Joe to turn around then this happens.
screenshot0.png screenshot1.png screenshot2.png screenshot3.png
And then they leave.

Harem Trooper

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
Because what he wrote just tells anybody who reads it that he doesn't have the faintest idea what NTR is. His knowledge about it obviously came from wiki pages instead of NTR doujins.
Your character is only your avatar in the game world for as much as you can relate to them by. If you're experiencing emotions that the MC isn't then they aren't your avatar, they're just the perspective through which you view the story.
Where he gets his info dosent matter to me since its up to the point. I know NTR only from doujins and korean adult toons (because they even more fucked up then your regular japanese guy) and I think the same what he mentioned. Personally I dont want to see NTR in the game, its that simple. The game said its avoidable but its not, hence the examples I gave you or what he wrote in the other posts whats the issue is.

I get it that what here is not real NTR (speaking of the "non"-NTR path) but more of voyeurism but the player, at least such players like myself, wont see it that way.
The voyeurism scenes are not with some background character but the/one of the Main Love interest. And since she still gets shoved in your throat AFTER you made the game clear you dont want anything to do with her. I really dont like to name this fuckery as NTR but thats the only definition which is clearer to understand when you put it in.
A example is cheating tag. When a LI cheats on her BF, which is not the MC, it gets the tag. Same action but its on MC its NTR.
I wish there would be better differentiate on the tags here but the mods just refuse for some reason. As it would costs them millions to add this to the list.
Im one of the problem and we all know how much pointless these debates are. I also would prefer to fap instead of typing whole block of text but since this simple issue wont be resolved it will always repeat itself again and again. And people look dumbfounded when it happens once again.... :rolleyes:

I'm not sure what to tell you, other than that you clicked say nothing. I just double checked on like 3 different paths. Even if you drug Joe he gets pissed off when you tell him to turn around. If you got the option to "Tell him the details" or "Don't tell him" then you clicked on say nothing. If you tell Joe to turn around then this happens.
View attachment 1918972 View attachment 1918973 View attachment 1918975 View attachment 1918976
And then they leave.
Welp, will you look at that. o_O
I still dont get the scenes tho but I have the current version. I even downloaded from a different download server but I still get this problem. Did you tried my choices ?
Now for the more interesting stuff:
You can Drug Joe ? :unsure:
Never got the option before. Is it because I was "friendly" with him ? Dont get me wrong, when Vanessa is at least shoved in my throat, I want at least cuck him on the maximum level. (Hence I asked if Joe will still bang Vanessa if you suggest not to break up with her or when you suggest for him to do it, that it will only happen much later.)
I know, Joe is decent guy but the Stealing, aka Netori was the main eye catch in this whole damn game...


Jul 20, 2018
I'll never understand why certain people feel the need to whine about the content in a game instead of saying, "Yeah... this isn't for me." and simply move on.

I've checked out lots of games and most of them ended up uninteresting to me, but I didn't go complaining in the threads about what's in or not in the game. I simply delete the game and that's it.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
everytime i check my Bell I see you guys talkin about this I said the girl is Nympho read what i said
The true Of bad Girl First of all she is sick Nympho
meaning Her feeling of guilt is OFF Second she chose to call the mc to get the excited feeling of taking her Friend BF before they be and also the Feel that she's doing something Wrong and that is cheating on her BF with his Best Friend Third For God Sake look at her Family They don't Have any clue that they have She Devil as daughter and she Enjoy this way to much for years
I do hope that she loves The mc and change But I guess this Naive Probably, as I said Nympho Can't Be Loyel if they can that would be awesome and good and all that
Love is Soul Bond & Lust is Blind act
so does it matter I mean Ntr SH*T and All that I hate it to by the way as i said it would Be awesome if She turn from SEX head to Love head and love The Mc and never Cheat on him but let's be honest a Women who cheat on her Best friend date and
seduce her boyfriend Best friend Do you think she can be good ? i mean we all wish to see BAD girl have heart to and turn to bad girl only for her Man and all that but again read what i said you will get it she could lie to her own Family the one's that bring her to this hurt when you see heartless people but what can you do there is a scene I saw in funny anime it wasn't funny but it was similar he killed his Flirty wife after he finally did a Hero thing i was searching around to find the video but i found something close to this remember what the mc bet if i can't change you i will be like you
:cautious: so in the end i am happy i don't know what in this new version 0.8 i just saw 0.7 so i am good that i didn't see her do something to the mc to Joey enough he was the one to tell the mc let's go


Dec 16, 2018
So there's still no actual NTR sex scenes with Ann? Like I know you can't just unload everything players want immediately, you have to keep people hooked somehow for your game to succeed through development which I understand. That said, this string of bait of updates that don't actually have any content except fixes and tweaks to old content are getting into the "yikes" territory.
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