Oh joy. Remind me to never make a game that has both NTR and non-NTR in it.
Both NTR and non-NTR releases have the total of eight scenes. The reason why this update feels short is that the non-NTR update has two paths to play in. I've always said by the time the game gets finished all three paths will have roughly the same amount of scenes and I stand by my statement.
Again, Yougi was banned because he violated the server's rules and this was not even the first time he did that/
If you see the comment I replied to above, he's saying non-NTR path is the main focus of the game. Now I'm not an expert in the philosophy of logic but I daresay at least one of you is wrong.
But on the other hand, you claim that NTR got released first. Well, that's so obviously not true I don't even know how you got the notion. The update before this one was a Halloween patch which was non-NTR and I'm not asking you to count that but the update before that one was chapter 4 non-NTR. I get that I've made the naming of the updates more complicated than they should be but come on, man.
That... is what you're doing already? If you do want to support the game though, you can always support it when we're making non-NTR updates and then unsub when it's the other way around. I communicate pretty well what we're making at any given time. Your money, your prerogative, of course.
Yes. It is the best game ever made. In my totally unbiased opinion.
I recommend just restarting the game and going through all the NTR choices and saving the game. With that you'll be good to go.
Dude, do you see the shit getting hurled at our way? This is what we want to make.
So is MC from the corruption path. Play that route.
No, you'll need to restart the game.
And swear to god if anyone mentions that scene again the next update will literally be just Carl and Thainendra double-teaming on the MC when he's dressed like Archer in that honeypot episode.
That's a very glass-half-empty way of looking at things. Yes, focusing on one path or the other will mean more content for that path but by that logic, we should remove the choice for the corruption and good path too to focus on just one path. Why not make a kinetic novel with no choices but a solid story? Why not? Because we don't want to do that. We knew the pros and cons of this approach when we chose it.
As for mind control clashing with NTR, yeah, I know. That's why MC doesn't have his powers in the NTR path.
Because it had two paths. And this update took two months to develop since the Halloween patch which was the last update.
That'd go to the very first update when I joined the game. Barely had 2k words. The silver star, if you will, will go to the bonus patch that didn't make it to f95 and the bronze (?) star will go to the Halloween patch. This one is almost twice as big as the Halloween update.
I'm pretty sure I've established somewhere in ep 2 or 3 that Carl and MC cannot die just like that. MC has taken a bullet and gotten fine in just a few minutes. And Carl is currently a better "Shadowcaster" (god, I wish I had come up with something less edgy) than MC. Sure, you could try and be creative and drop him into a volcano or something like that but that won't kill him really. Only thing that can kill him is the magic sword that MC still has. I want to make use of it later on. Also, one more thing to keep in mind is that Carl, being head of a powerful organization, has more institutional power than MC as well and he's not stupid enough to put himself in a situation where MC has a chance of summoning his blade and killing him.
That's because the paths diverge in episode 3.
Nothing has been removed from game in the last few updates. This could either be that you are playing a different path or a less likely scenario where it could've been removed because a coding error. Can someone confirm this?
NTR is generally divided in two broad paths so it will have fewer choices I think.
No, no, nothing was removed. If you're on the NTR path, Gabriel interviews you. Else, it'd be the old man.
Man, I've answered this question so many times now. The long and short of it is that it was removed for multiple reasons. Mostly because I didn't want Carl to go in that direction just yet because I wanted him to wear multiple hats as some user above put it. That was the biggest reason.
Depends. If you want to go on the good path then no.
was an NTR-only update.
Bunch of reasons. Could be summed up by saying this is what we want to do.
If it were up to me, I'd never have a game that has both NTR and non-NTR focuses but it wasn't. So here we are.
Okay now I'm starting to think this is a bug. Weird that proofreaders didn't come across it. I'll confirm this and get back to you all.
I'll tell Rich to take a look. Thanks!
Well, MC doesn't hate Carl unless you make a choice in ep 3 (I think) which implies that he does.
The reason why MC is not a total cuck in the NTR route is because of consistency. In ep 4 non-NTR path, Zel explains why he is so good at siphoning Darklight and I like to think he's generally competent and reasonably smart in the non-NTR paths so going full-180 right away wouldn't make a lot of sense. There will be two general paths in the NTR side of things. One where MC doesn't break and keeps fighting even as the odds are against it and the other where the story is just about him breaking down slowly and steadily to become a complete cuck.