I happen to be paying attention to his Discord when what to name that AT started getting spit-balled.
Brother Crusher was just the 'least bad' we could come up with.
Which makes me feel a little weird. Because it was
my suggestion. (Fits with previous AT 'Brother Fucker', also alludes to her being the 'thiccest' of the women).
On one hand, I get to point at something in a game I enjoy and say "Hey! That's my suggestion". Which is kinda cool.
On the other hand... it's weak, and I know it.
How about Incest Curious/Allure or Brother Curious/Fascination.
The first doesn't quite fit the personality he was looking to describe.
The second... might work....
"Gina is a ___"
Gina is a Brother Fascinated Sister.
Hmmm... It's a mouthful.
Gina is an Infatuated Sister....
Not specific enough? Since it's not clear that it's her brother she's infatuated with.
Gina is a Brother Infatuated Sister...
Another mouthful
This is a good example of how, sometimes, it's something that
seems simple can trip up a dev and stall them.
Wasting time just trying to think up something clever as a name.
The naming of ATs is a difficult matter.
It isn't just one of your holiday games.