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Thank you for explaining so kindly. Are all topics with "Dominace" valid?Give her the topics Yes Sir (which you get from watching bondage porn) and Objectification (which you get from smacking Gina's ass in her Brother Fucker and Brother Crusher AT).
Alternatively, if you have the Sexual Conquest topic and she has 60 lust, get Diane drunk on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Deny giving Diane what she wants after bringing her to her room, go back to your room and beat off to incest porn. Make sure you have the Sexual Conquest topic in your topic bar.
Yes, as long as they don't also include tags from her banned list.Thank you for explaining so kindly. Are all topics with "Dominace" valid?
not exactly i'm not sure if its a bug but the embraced topics In Control and Beyond Reproach won't bring down Diane's Dominance level.Thank you for explaining so kindly. Are all topics with "Dominace" valid?
The topic needs to have a tag the person is interested in for the skill bonuses to apply. I should probably reword the skills to make this clearer...Kinda hard when I'm limited by [___________________] this much space.not exactly i'm not sure if its a bug but the embraced topics In Control and Beyond Reproach won't bring down Diane's Dominance level.
i just use Objectification and Yes Sir because they both have tags that are a part of her interests and they work fine
It crashes newest versionCheats for v0.06.03 Public (windows x64)
unzip in "Loser_Data\Managed"
F1 or 1 to lock focus/health/stamina/arousal at max
F2 or 2 add 10k cash
F3 or 3 add one level to the main skills
F4 or 4 add 100 exp to all 40 secondary skills
F5 or 5 to advance one hour
F6 or 6 to go back one hour
скоро вообще будет веселоУважаемый Баал как прошло тестирование игры? А будут реализованы читы движок юнити сложен и не линеен. Контента вы добавили достаточно но очень много гринда. Если это возможно рядом с фан сигнатурами можно сделать графу с сохранением прогрессии прошлого контента. Если не секрет напишите как в вашем регионе обстоит дело с кибер спортом и есть ли на вашем кластере Мир танков или Вар Тандер. Кибер спорт в нашем регионе умирает потихоньку. Удачи вам в вашей не лёгкой работе жду обновлений ваших игр.