Apr 15, 2018
To get to Restrained you need to have Richard on his Career AT and have Rot Gut Whiskey on you when you take Diane to the bar.
Thank you so much for the help, you just saved what little sanity i have left lol, but seriously this game needs a proper built-in walkthrough instead of having you go around blind. again thank you so much


Aug 12, 2017
Thank you so much for the help, you just saved what little sanity i have left lol, but seriously this game needs a proper built-in walkthrough instead of having you go around blind. again thank you so much
Loser is much more complex than other games. I was also a bit lost when I played it for the first time. Tutorial really helped me with basic mechanics, which are very unique and in my opinion awesome. But I agree that integrated walkthrough could help most of the players. I myself dont mind the grind and enjoy the game corruption/transformation mechanic.


Aug 9, 2019
SP isn't really 'hanging', it's completed.
it have complete storyline and abandoned content development (still have WIP planks here and there) so...
no complaining - whatever makes developer happy is welcome. still technically sp1 is hard to call completed because of sandbox tag - content should be on first place (as it really is) that`s why impression of abandonment there.


Oct 8, 2017
SP isn't really 'hanging', it's completed.
Work on SuperPowered 2 (in Unity) has started.

If you embrace Disorder aggression topics are easy, just loiter in the park. (But keep in mind that loitering gives different a topic in the morning and afternoon. Gina has a ban on the one from the afternoon, so do it in the morning)

If you haven't embraced Disorder, it's best to keep in mind that Competitive is a subset of Aggression.
Competitive on tags can gotten from Becky's first (and second?) AT on the Sports topic. Richard's 2nd AT also gives Sports (IIrc)
And researching Finance on PC gives a topic with Competitive.
Director topic (from taking pics of people) has Aggressive.
There's a few more I'm forgetting atm.
Thank you helped alot.


Oct 8, 2017
Help i am trying to get Diane to change to the boozer mother AT i have met all the Req but i'm not getting any triggers
i currently have her at REL:100 Lust:83 dominanace:33 intox:40%+ richard carrer father and have tried a ton of diffrent variations on both monday and friday. Can someone please tell me what i am missing.


Jul 27, 2020
i am trying to AT change diane from Immidriam mother to cosmopolian mother i have both Dancer and Artsy encouraged and have a lifstyle magazine in the inventory but the AT change button doesnt appear in the living room (i just started the game and haven't progressed any other characters yet)

so how do i AT change her


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
most of my initial enjoyment of this game had came from figuring out mechanics and exploring. Baal said this game just not for everyone and trying to please everyone is futile effort anyway so...
Not everyone appreciates going into things blindly without a guide.
Nor have the time to vest figuring out basic things that should not be some secret AS IF, it would be a spoiler.
Regardless how much You or anyone enjoys it.

No one is Jarvis protecting nuclear codes but, some certainly come off that way on this thread.
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Active Member
Jun 20, 2017
You can see the requirements for an AT change in the character you're working on by mousing over the AT you're aiming for. The details are a little vague sometimes but they usually tell you what to do.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
You can see the requirements for an AT change in the character you're working on by mousing over the AT you're aiming for. The details are a little vague sometimes but they usually tell you what to do.
Not knowing what to look for makes it vague for newer players attempting to grasp lets say.....
How to get secondaries that are slotted to kick in but, explained in a more concise direct manor.
Would be nice if i had the knowledge to create an updated WT.

People i know are asking me for advice when i'm the least whom could be helpful, pointing them here is not an option.
You've been Most helpful.
Thank You~


Active Member
May 28, 2017
How do I play this? I have figured out i need to get the right conversations for the right girls but that is it. To what purpose am I applying these topics? If you can guide me to an early sexual scene or something so I can have an idea about what to do.
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Active Member
Jun 20, 2017
It takes awhile to get to any sex scenes. The earliest available character is Charlie, though you can do stuff with a drunk Gina fairly early as well. If you want to talk to Charlie you need to raise your Appearance up a little. The easiest way to do that is to take a shower, then head outside at like... 4-5PM? Something like that. And you'll need your appearance at that level every time you want to talk to her. It's probably best to just work on your Fitness/Health skills until you can talk to her normally.

Okay, so a conversation works by trying to end up with a positive conversation score after using three topics. A topic they like gives you +2, a topic they find kinda boring is -3 and a topic they ban is -5. So the goal is to get two topics they like and one they're neutral on but they need to get to the next AT. This will be +2+2-3 in most situations, equaling +1 and therefore a success. A topic with a tag they like will give +2 even if it's paired with a topic they don't like, which is definitely helpful. However, a topic they ban will give an automatic -5 even if they like the other topic with it. Pretty much any time you use a topic in their banlist the conversation will fail and they'll just get mad at you.

As an example, let's talk about Diane. Diane needs to get her Fitness and Social Media up for her first AT change. You can get these topics by playing with your phone and exercising. Diane already likes topics tagged with Order, so if you clean the house and get topics from that, you can give two of those and one Social Media topic to get exp towards her Social Media score. This also raises your own skills at the same time.

As a side note, if you get the right topics, you can actually progress faster than I just mentioned above. Using the above example, Diane also likes topics tagged Cheap Gifts. This means that if you have money, you can buy Fitness magazines on your computer. If you give her two of these, you can then give her a Social Media topic and get two conversations worth of exp for Fitness and one for Social Media.

However, progress is slow at first. This is because Nathan has his own skills to raise. The three most important ones in this respect are Communication, Demonstration and Concentration. These are raised with basically every conversation you have with someone and when leveled up give bonuses to how fast you level.

Early one, if you don't have someone you can talk to it's good to look at trivia on your computer, play video games so you can livestream to get money and, at night, watch porn. Really, just keep working on your skills based on what you have open to you and have as many successful conversations as possible. It's all useful eventually and while progress is really slow at first it definitely picks up steam later.
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Jan 29, 2018
It takes awhile to get to any sex scenes. The earliest available character is Charlie, though you can do stuff with a drunk Gina fairly early as well. If you want to talk to Charlie you need to raise your Appearance up a little. The easiest way to do that is to take a shower, then head outside at like... 4-5PM? Something like that. And you'll need your appearance at that level every time you want to talk to her. It's probably best to just work on your Fitness/Health skills until you can talk to her normally.

Okay, so a conversation works by trying to end up with a positive conversation score after using three topics. A topic they like gives you +2, a topic they find kinda boring is -3 and a topic they ban is -5. So the goal is to get two topics they like and one they're neutral on but they need to get to the next AT. This will be +2+2-3 in most situations, equaling +1 and therefore a success. A topic with a tag they like will give +2 even if it's paired with a topic they don't like, which is definitely helpful. However, a topic they ban will give an automatic -5 even if they like the other topic with it. Pretty much any time you use a topic in their banlist the conversation will fail and they'll just get mad at you.

As an example, let's talk about Diane. Diane needs to get her Fitness and Social Media up for her first AT change. You can get these topics by playing with your phone and exercising. Diane already likes topics tagged with Order, so if you clean the house and get topics from that, you can give two of those and one Social Media topic to get exp towards her Social Media score. This also raises your own skills at the same time.

As a side note, if you get the right topics, you can actually progress faster than I just mentioned above. Using the above example, Diane also likes topics tagged Cheap Gifts. This means that if you have money, you can buy Fitness magazines on your computer. If you give her two of these, you can then give her a Social Media topic and get two conversations worth of exp for Fitness and one for Social Media.

However, progress is slow at first. This is because Nathan has his own skills to raise. The three most important ones in this respect are Communication, Demonstration and Concentration. These are raised with basically every conversation you have with someone and when leveled up give bonuses to how fast you level.

Early one, if you don't have someone you can talk to it's good to look at trivia on your computer, play video games so you can livestream to get money and, at night, watch porn. Really, just keep working on your skills based on what you have open to you and have as many successful conversations as possible. It's all useful eventually and while progress is really slow at first it definitely picks up steam later.
excellent explaination
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Nov 8, 2020
i am trying to AT change diane from Immidriam mother to cosmopolian mother i have both Dancer and Artsy encouraged and have a lifstyle magazine in the inventory but the AT change button doesnt appear in the living room (i just started the game and haven't progressed any other characters yet)

so how do i AT change her
Immediagram AT is a dead end for Diane. You need to bring her back to Health Nut to get her to Cosmopolitan so choose the Interests for Health Nut instead.

Help i am trying to get Diane to change to the boozer mother AT i have met all the Req but i'm not getting any triggers
i currently have her at REL:100 Lust:83 dominanace:33 intox:40%+ richard carrer father and have tried a ton of diffrent variations on both monday and friday. Can someone please tell me what i am missing.
Go to bed after visiting her in the living room at 23:00 on Monday or Friday. She also needs to be heavily intoxicated at least 70%.
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Active Member
May 28, 2017
It takes awhile to get to any sex scenes. The earliest available character is Charlie, though you can do stuff with a drunk Gina fairly early as well. If you want to talk to Charlie you need to raise your Appearance up a little. The easiest way to do that is to take a shower, then head outside at like... 4-5PM? Something like that. And you'll need your appearance at that level every time you want to talk to her. It's probably best to just work on your Fitness/Health skills until you can talk to her normally.

Okay, so a conversation works by trying to end up with a positive conversation score after using three topics. A topic they like gives you +2, a topic they find kinda boring is -3 and a topic they ban is -5. So the goal is to get two topics they like and one they're neutral on but they need to get to the next AT. This will be +2+2-3 in most situations, equaling +1 and therefore a success. A topic with a tag they like will give +2 even if it's paired with a topic they don't like, which is definitely helpful. However, a topic they ban will give an automatic -5 even if they like the other topic with it. Pretty much any time you use a topic in their banlist the conversation will fail and they'll just get mad at you.

As an example, let's talk about Diane. Diane needs to get her Fitness and Social Media up for her first AT change. You can get these topics by playing with your phone and exercising. Diane already likes topics tagged with Order, so if you clean the house and get topics from that, you can give two of those and one Social Media topic to get exp towards her Social Media score. This also raises your own skills at the same time.

As a side note, if you get the right topics, you can actually progress faster than I just mentioned above. Using the above example, Diane also likes topics tagged Cheap Gifts. This means that if you have money, you can buy Fitness magazines on your computer. If you give her two of these, you can then give her a Social Media topic and get two conversations worth of exp for Fitness and one for Social Media.

However, progress is slow at first. This is because Nathan has his own skills to raise. The three most important ones in this respect are Communication, Demonstration and Concentration. These are raised with basically every conversation you have with someone and when leveled up give bonuses to how fast you level.

Early one, if you don't have someone you can talk to it's good to look at trivia on your computer, play video games so you can livestream to get money and, at night, watch porn. Really, just keep working on your skills based on what you have open to you and have as many successful conversations as possible. It's all useful eventually and while progress is really slow at first it definitely picks up steam later.
Thank you
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