I was reading back awhile ago, that Veqvil was only allowing a four place or slot harem, rather than being able to have them all so to speak. I didn't want to re-read through all the posts to confirm or deny what was said. I hope that we can have them all for the harem route, but if it is indeed just a four person slot system, then I have already decided my four already.
These would, for me be the "Must Have". While I do enjoy playing all the routes, My Primary that I will go with, is the Strength/love route paths for all characters.
1) Carol is definitely a must for me. I'm probably a momma's boy, but it definitely helps having momma as hot as Carol. I think that for a harem play she just fits in so perfectly, as being a loving den mother type. I think that she will be the webbing for all the others, to keep all happy and also keeping arguments at bay, with her loving den mother attitude. I also think that she will bring a sensual love making type of sex to the harem, which I find appealing to the standard sex and done routine.
2)Amy is definitely a must as well. While she brings a kind of innocence to the game, I find it refreshing that the whole idea of incest is in fact, no problem for her in general. She is only interested in what the MC thoughts of it are. She tests the waters so to speak several times, and realizes her fears are shattering before her as the MC starts his love route with her. I also think that after this last update, that the relationship between them with probably morph from a want type of relationship to a need type.
3)Becky is a must as well, I think that Veqvil is doing an awesome job on the love routes. I love the fact that doing the love route with her, is done tastefully, and not like the MC is dumb or mean about it. In fact The MC is showing off more of a romantic knight-in-shining armor type of person towards her. I like the way he is trying to get her to not see their, soon to be relationship, as partners rather than a guilt ridden make up type of relationship. She is soon going to see that the MC is her rock to which she can finally build not only her love, but her life on. She will be really ok with anything the MC has, whether harem or abilities/power.
4) Mira is my last must have. Going the strength route, the MC is using the power of meditation and chi.
I believe that Mira is the living embodiment of chi. She will bring focus for the MC, whether it is job related or life related or ability related. She may not be able to teach anything about his ability, but she will keep him on the "straight and narrow" so to speak. By keeping him mentally and physically focused.
Veqvil, a few posts back, you said you were not worthy of praise. Believe it or not...YES, you are my friend, that and my respect and admiration for a damn good game.......Peace!!