Your point on N*R not only being masochistic is absolutely right! Geez, I missed out that not everyone is identifying with the MC... hmm... Learned something again
And not all identify with attraction to every girl ether. Whether they are not interested in incest or not interested in Carol (who would think people like that could exist?). It only masochistic if feel something you want is taken from you. If you want it to be taken, its another story.
We just have so much love. I dont know why we are not seen as true romantics.
I hope your whip is metaphorical. Psychological and spiritual tortures are endlessly more effective when it comes to real pain. I've always find physical tortures as brutish, inefective shortcut:/
Hurt someones body and they feel pain for a day. Hurt someones mind and they feel pain for a lifetime. That said, I still agree with
@n0b0dy in enjoying the physical part. And they can combo together as well. The experience of violence leads to the mental fear of said violence. But the psychological part is still my favorite.
I don't know why I thought the dude (I want to say max?) is her boss instead of Carol being the boss. Probably my white male prejudice against women categorizing the men as leaders and the women as followers. Shame on me :tiredface:
It just cause you want to see her dominated and given orders. Dont worry. There is no shame in that.
Holy shit, when is your next book coming up? Can't wait for the release date

Seriously reading this was so easy and relaxing damn, if all wall of texts would be written this way there wouldn't be any tl dr. I really have to start considering taking people in to read my scripts, be prepared
@ShadowManNor !
F95: a series of rants and dark sexual discoveries. Feturing such classics as, why Avenger is harem porn with superheroes and the beauty in making her bleed. Well I dont really add any tl dr, but I think thats more from my sadistic nature (or that I put every word there for a reason).
As a writer that sounds like a lot of fun to me. Dont worry
@veqvil I am always prepared.