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Oct 31, 2018
Sadly, not really.
I've been preoccupied by other things and actually haven't touched the game in a while. I do plan to get back to it, but it might be several more weeks before that happens...
Your work is gold. I can't speak for others. But I really like the stories you write in your captions and in your games. I also understand real life and just not being in the right mindset. I do hope you can get back on it but I totally get that you have to be in the right mindset and mental health is very important. <3

frank dibbly

Oct 29, 2017
Sadly, not really.
I've been preoccupied by other things and actually haven't touched the game in a while. I do plan to get back to it, but it might be several more weeks before that happens...
I understand my man. I love playing what there is of this game and cannot wait for more.

Don't know why but the idea of an unbirth turduken just came to mind involving you going into Kaylie or her friend from the mall and then repeat with whomever you go into first goes into the ovther eg you into Kaylie's friend and her into Kaylie with different outcomes.

Either way im keeping my eye on this game and hope you can get back to it soon :D

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Active Member
Apr 15, 2020
Seconded, on both counts. Surprised I missed this for so long despite the circles I'm usually involved in. Fun stuff.
Not big on futa myself (I much prefer femdom and giantess stuff with biological females), but one of the great things about this game is how everyone can play their own fetishes and you can just neglect/not interract with characters you don't necesarely want to, so I'm not opposed to it. I love the addiction mechanic and noticing the well-written gradual changes in MC's thought patterns and personality as his sheer submissive desires come to the fore and erode his resolve (especially loved how it was implemented on Kaylie's route with the foot-licking routine and the more-and-more degrading "what can I do for you?" requests) and can't wait to see the same thing on a finished Sofia route!

Sadly, not really.
I've been preoccupied by other things and actually haven't touched the game in a while. I do plan to get back to it, but it might be several more weeks before that happens...
All the best to you dev and I hope that you will find your inspiration anew and keep releasing updates - I was pleasantly surprised by this little jewel of a game and it would be a real shame for it not to be completed!
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Game Developer
Dec 29, 2018
Any plans for a new update any time soon Nannas?
Not anytime soon. The sad news is that there hasn't been any progress made these past couple of months. The slightly more hopeful news is that I'm kinda meaning to try and get some work done now. I'm thinking maybe I'll actually try and make a progress report for once, say in like two weeks, and maybe without giving anything away just post how many new words I've written? Not sure yet...


Game Developer
Dec 29, 2018
Alright, I said I might do a progress report, so here goes. I'll be honest, I didn't get that much done and was thinking of not doing or delaying this report, but I decided that there will be no backing out! So without further ado, these past two weeks I wrote... *drumroll*

1500 words!

...Give or take. Not that much. The reasons for the pitiful word count are 3:
1. I dedicated some hours to the game, but not as many as I could have.
2. I actually did write a little more, but that was a rewrite. I spent the first few days fixing a part of a scene that I thought needed improvement, so while there were new words added there were also old words taken out, and the fixed scene came out to about the same length as the old one so it didn't add to the overall word count.
3. Linear narration is much easier to write. What I'm stuck on now is not that. It's an event that honestly I've already put way more effort into than I believe I'll be able to justify with the end result, but since I've made it this far, I'll just need to keep going and make sure it's at least decent-ish.

So yeah, still revving up my engine after a long break. It's always hard to start writing after not doing so for a while, and it's a little hard to stay motivated when you're stuck on the same scene you've been doing for months. I need to find a way to get excited about it again or it won't come out as good as it could... Just to be completely honest, the biggest problem is still my motivation and ability to put in the hours; I decided I want to get the update going, but I'm still not managing to spend as much time on the game as I planned to. For now though, I'll do another progress report in two weeks (maybe I'll round that up or down to make it on a Sunday, or Monday, maybe not, not sure...) and the first goal is to get a higher word count than we had this report! Ultimately, if I can get the word count anywhere near 10000 for two weeks of work I'll be happy, but let's not dream too big too soon...

I've never really done regular progress reports before, but maybe I'll try them for a while. At least while there's SOME progress being made... Might even give me a bit of extra motivation. If you're not interested in reading through my ramblings don't feel compelled to, I'm not really expecting that, but I figured some people might be interested in at least knowing how much progress is being made.

So yeap, guess I'll see you in two weeks! First goal, more than 1500 words for the next report! Rest assured that if I'm not busting my ass on the game, I'll at least be busting my balls for not doing so! Cheers for now!


Game Developer
Dec 29, 2018
Okay, progress report number 2. These two weeks I've written:

~750 words.

...so like half of last time. Not great, I'll admit. In short, the reason for the low word count is that I was exceedingly lazy during the first week and barely did anything, planning on making up for it by only being mildly lazy during the second week, but two things happened:
1. I was quite lazy during the second week, which is not as bad as exceedingly lazy, but definitely worse than mildly lazy.
2. I had a family situation come up that ended up being a bit of a distraction.

Now, as for what I did do, basically I took the painful step of looking at what I had so far and realizing it was kinda "meh". So I did some tweaking, a tiny bit of coding, edited a few lines, moved some others around, wrote a couple new ones, and I'm pleased to say I think I managed to elevate things from "meh" to "eh", which I consider markedly better. So while I do still need to do some quality control, I do feel like I have a better base than before to work with.

Honestly, I think I may have screwed up a bit with planning out the content this time, as I keep finding myself writing basically the same thing three times in slight variations, which is tiring to do and not that rewarding to play either, but I'll just have to push through and try to learn from it, I think...

Even though I didn't hit the very modest goal I set last time, I'll keep at it and post another report in two weeks. I'll keep the goal about the same: at least 2000 new words, and to feel like I'm getting closer to closing the event I've been working on. Sorry for the disappointing progress this report, here's to a slightly better one in a fortnight! Hopefully...


New Member
Feb 27, 2019
It's not disappointing at all, at least that's my personal opinion :) The game I truly admire and get several shivers while playing is being developed, that's amazing!

Keep it up, man, we all are surely excited to see what it comes!


Game Developer
Dec 29, 2018
Progress report number 3. Word count is:

~800 words.

...Which means we beat the last report by 50! But that said, since I do strive to be honest, I have to admit that even though technically the word count is more than the last report by just a tiny bit, I actually feel like I've done less this time around. The writing was easier, with less coding and editing and such, and I actually didn't work on the game for most of these two weeks, only really buckling down in the last day or two to at least get something in before I have to give a progress report. That's the truth of it. But hey, you know what they say, last minute cramming is still marginally better than no cramming at all!

So yeah, not really that much to say other than that. The goal for the next report remains the same as last time, and maybe also to supplement the last minute cramming with some first minute and/or middle minute cramming. Here's to a productive two weeks, and to me actually starting to live up to these modest goals I keep setting! Cheers!


Aug 18, 2018
Nanas, first of all, thank you so much for keeping us updated like this. You've always communicated with us and don't you think it goes unappreciated.
Secondly, I don't have a lot of experience with making games, but I have some with coding and I know how easy it is to lose passion in a project and to keep striving to output something because someone is waiting for it(I hope it's not the case). Please, don't forget that you're not working for us. Unless you decide to monetize the game (and even then), you're working for yourself and sharing with us. Honestly, Love Dealers is one of the better games of this type I've ever played, and it is because of your passion.
That being said, I do hope you'll keep going with the game, but please don't feel like you owe anyone anything, but yourself.

I'm sorry if I got the wrong message, I meant no disrespect.


Nov 22, 2017
This game is a step above most real porn games.
The problem with most real porn is that it comes in two flavors. Official, where every bit of visual content is billed hours to the model and because it's made to the standard of video porn (low) it turns out unstimulating and half-assed vanilla because it's trying to appeal to the largest possible demographic. You see full on porn studios cutting up a 15 minute video into a single decision path that immediately converges to a cumshot and they can't do any more than that. There might be a niche for some higher budget animated games to employ porn stars as voice actors, but honestly I'm glad that the mainstream porn studios haven't made any headway into the market.
Then you get barely coded HTML, where someone just takes random photos and puts them at the top of a page with a wall of text because they don't know how to create visual assets, haphazardly using images of a model from a ten year period in a single scene.
The second one is more forgiveable, as it's often the best a creator can manage and leaves the possibility of good writing.

This game and a few others are creating a third category where the images are edited into actual assets and used as such. This game in particular does a fantastic job of being better for the use of real porn. Honestly this game is really refreshing in terms of how it uses the images contained, maybe it's just that this game hits all of my fetish nails right on the head, but I really enjoy this game.

If you're coming to this game and are about to write it off because of your experience with some life selector trash or similar, then I would urge you to give it a try.


Game Developer
Dec 29, 2018
So, another two weeks, another minuscule amount of work done! Word count for this report is-

~350 words

- the lowest so far! Honestly, didn't do much this time around, which isn't that different from last time. I guess you can add to that word count a little bit of editing and coding, but really only a little. Since I don't have much to say, I'll keep this short, and onward towards the next report, I suppose!
5.00 star(s) 5 Votes