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Nov 18, 2018
So dev is writing progress reports every 2weeks, but the game itself has not been updated for a year? wha?


Game Developer
Dec 29, 2018
Progress report!

So, remember how in the last report we had a good two weeks and actually got an acceptable amount of stuff done? Well, I managed to keep it up for these two weeks as well! I feel like an actual dev reporting on actual progress for once...

Now, before I give the word count, I do have to add a little caveat to it. I feel like it's slightly deceivingly high, not because I didn't write that many words, but because some of those words aren't final and may still be subject to editing and may even have to be cut or rewritten. I'll give a few more details below, but first, the word count is:


If you've been following these progress reports and are not suffering from short term memory loss you may recall that I took a break from the difficult, complicated scene to work on a simpler, shorter bad end. Well, that's done and dusted, I finished the second half of it and it's ready to go! That accounts for around 4,300 of the words in the word count and maybe slightly over a third of my time and effort these past two weeks. With that out of the way I had no choice but to return to the complicated scene and have another crack at it...

The bulk of the work I did was on expanding what I'm calling the base of the scene in an effort to try and make it be less repetitive and flow better. This involves writing little passages between 4-10 sentences each, which may not sound like it should be too difficult, but when you have to come up with several dozens of them it can be a real slog... I expanded an existing 18 passages like that into 54, but I haven't done a thorough quality review on all of them yet. I did spend the last day trying to do precisely that, and some of them seem to flow nicely, but some I think need some more work and may have to be edited, shortened or possibly completely rewritten, which is why I said the word count is a little deceiving. So that's going to be the first priority for the next two weeks.

Other than that I did a few small bits and pieces for the scene along the way. The plan is to keep slogging at it, filling in more bits and pieces until it feels right to me, or at least right enough. Once the base is more or less stable, I can start churning out actual scenes for the character. I did a quick calculation, and by my estimate if I keep the current pace I should be able to finish the content I have planned for this character in approximately 3-4 months. Of course, that's only if I keep up the pace for the entire time, plus I'm not sure if I've ever made an estimation that wasn't optimistic... So we'll see what happens, but hopefully that should help you get some rough ballpark figure regarding the amount of content this character will get. I'm also not sure if I'll release an update at that point, I kinda wanted to bundle it with another character, but I'll think about it. But anyway, that's still a while away, for now I'll just try to keep up the pace at least for a little longer. Peace!
Dec 8, 2017
With that out of the way I had no choice but to return to the complicated scene and have another crack at it...
Any hints as to who this scene is for? Is it one of the existing girls or a new one entirely?

I've a feeling it's the girl from the start or the one your neighbour. But am excited to see who it really is since it seems to be very in depth~
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Game Developer
Dec 29, 2018
Progress report time. I'm kinda tired (plus, to be honest, having to go through that Google captcha is souring my mood every time I come on this site lately) so I'll just kinda give a chronological rundown of what I've done. First, the word count:


A little less than last time I know, but I actually did spend almost the same amount of time on the game (only slightly less). Reason the word count is lower is mainly because I had to do more editing and coding this time around. First, you may remember I mentioned writing a bunch of mini passages last time and that some might be subject to review and editing. Well, I reviewed and edited them. 18 were good, 18 weren't so I fixed them, and 18 more I was waiting on implementing a little mechanic before I review them because I felt it could affect their flow. So I created that mechanic - basically, I coded a really simple Quick Time Event. I've never done that before, so it took me about a day and a half to get it to work accurately enough, then I spent another day and a half tweaking it and the surrounding code. I ended up having to change the remaining 18 mini passages a bit because of these tweaks, and I also added 6 new ones.

I had 2 failure passages ready for when you fail the QTE, but I needed a third, and I think probably most of the word count is from writing the third one. The problem is, I got this idea into my head that these passages should have tiny changes based on what you've already seen and what you haven't plus a line or two that change randomly to try and make them feel more dynamic and less repetitive, but because of that trying to review and edit them has become a real pain in the ass. Yesterday I looked over one of them that was supposed to be sexy and I wasn't really feeling it, but I realized I was just too tired to work effectively on writing at that point... So that's where I currently am. I'll be taking the weekend off, and I'll aim to finish off what I started with a fresh mind next week.

After I do that I think I'm at the point where it's time to take stock of where I am and what pictures I have and what I can and want to do with them and come up with more specific plans for going forward (I have plenty figured out, but there are still gaps to fill). I'm still chipping away at the base event, there are a few more things to do, but it's moving along, and once I formulate a clearer plan of the scenes I want to branch off of it I should have a clearer idea of how to close the remaining gaps as well. There is one painful thing that I'm not looking forward to having to do: because I changed my mind on how the content should be structured, I'm probably going to have to cut out a few things that I've already written. Basically, I have two or three avenues that lead to the same scene, and now I'm thinking they should lead to different scenes, but those avenues themselves are no small amount of text that I kinda like, so, if I decide I have to throw some of them away, that's not gonna be fun... But that's why I need to really finalize my plans, so I don't have to backtrack again.

Well, that's for future me to deal with, not for current weekend me. And until that future, cheers for now!


Game Developer
Dec 29, 2018
Another progress report, coming at ya! Word count:


If the word count seems a little smaller than last time, that's because 2,700 is indeed a smaller number than 4,000. That's just how math works, and is obviously not my fault.

So, what did I do this time around? Thinking, mostly. Of the plan-making kind. As I mentioned in the last report, I wanted to stop writing for a moment and take stock of things. Well, turns out there was a lot of stock to be taken. The first day was dedicated to finishing off what was left from last time, then I spent basically an entire week thinking about and planning all the content that was left to write. The scene list for this character expanded since my original plans, and while I had a bunch of ideas, I never made a solid plan until now. So now I decided on every scene, what it'll be, where it'll go, and what pictures I'll use for it. Basically, I spent a week storyboarding.

With that finished (at least I think it is, though I did JUST come up with a new idea that would require a new scene, or to move some around, don't know if I'll implement it, but it does make a lot of sense, argh....) all that's left is to write all the scenes. Well, that and I still need to finish off the base event. The way it works, is there's a base event, and that event branches off into one of a bunch of scenes depending on how it goes. The base event is getting close to finished, but there is one section that requires something of an overhaul, that's the big thing still to do, there's also a mid-sized thing I need to add to it, and then a few really little things. But I decided I'll just start writing the scenes and fill in what's needed to each section of the base event when I'm working on the scene that branches off of it. So far I wrote one new scene, which is why there's a word count at all, and that adds to the two existing scenes that were written for a while, even before I decided to rework the content flow.

I may have also mentioned that I might need to cut some text that I've already written because there are multiple avenues that lead to the same scene and I changed the content flow to give each avenue a different scene. Well, I looked it over, and I think I can keep at least 90% of what I have intact and only change the endings to lead to different continuations than before. Which is good, because as I read through the avenue I just diverted to a new scene, I couldn't help but feel like it was pretty hot... Probably the hottest make-out scene I've personally written. It definitely would have been a shame if I didn't keep it... I did rewrite the last part of it, which lowered the word count by about 400 I think, but the important parts are still in place, so that's a load off my mind...

And that's it for this report. Future plans, as I said, are writing the rest of the scenes, and occasionally taking time to complete the base event as is needed. This will probably be the same for the next two or three progress reports. I'll keep you posted with how it goes. Cheers for now!


Game Developer
Dec 29, 2018
Alright, guess I should do a progress update. Sadly, I broke the streak of good updates this time and won't be posting a word count, since it's somewhere in the low hundreds and I'm probably going to rewrite most of it anyway.

So, what happened?

Well, to be honest, I'm not sure if it's writer's block, burn-out, general life exhaustion or just me being kinda sick since I have been feeling not-so-perfect lately (still kinda do). This was supposed to be when the word count shoots to new heights, since I've done all the prep work, everything is set up, I've got the pictures lined up and ready to go, all I need to do is write some scenes. But sitting down to write them, I just couldn't get the words out of me. I tried pushing a bit more, but I felt like what I was achieving was more headaches than actual progress, and after a couple of days I decided I'll try taking a break instead. So, that's what I've been doing. I've been on break.

I may have mentioned this before, but while I've considered whether I'll take game making seriously and start a Patreon at some point, the reason other than me not producing my own artwork that I don't want to do that quite yet is that I still don't feel like I've proven to myself that I can work consistently on games over long periods of time. I know that proving this to others is simply something that happens over time if you're consistent, serious and productive, but first I feel like I need to prove to myself that I'm at least capable of that before I actually try to live up to it. So, this is still an experiment to me, I still don't know when I hit a roadblock if I should push myself or take things easy for a bit, and how to overcome these challenges and keep myself fresh and happy and writing.

So yup, I feel like I hit a bit of a roadblock currently. Honestly, maybe I'm just a little sick and tired, I don't know. I'm definitely not sporting a fever, but I am lethargic and easily fatigued and kinda just, meh, right now... Sooo, guess I'll let you know in two weeks if I managed to overcome this roadblock yet or not. See you soon.


New Member
Mar 26, 2021
I've just played this game and I quite like it and I feel like you should at least just release some update at a regular frequency even if there is not much content (e.g. bi annually or annually or quarterly if you decide to make a Patreon down the line)
as that will help you get more audience for the game and potential Patreons for your current or next project if you decide to continue making games as providing bi-weekly updates on a game without Patreon consistently is something rare(at least for me since I only started playing these types of games last year September ) and releasing frequently with a set amount of content should also make it easier for you to fix bugs reported and errors in the game (spellings, grammar, etc.) which are reported here. But this is your project so feel free to do it at your own pace and release it when you feel comfortable and confident enough as you are spending your precious time to create content for free. Hopefully this project is successful
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New Member
Sep 22, 2020
I seem to be encountering a bug in which everytime i do an event in the later stages of addiction to anna or kaylie it just gives an error saying "name 'location_pic' is not defined"


Game Developer
Dec 29, 2018
I seem to be encountering a bug in which everytime i do an event in the later stages of addiction to anna or kaylie it just gives an error saying "name 'location_pic' is not defined"
Hmm, strange, I'm not sure what could be causing that. Do you have any more details, like your save file, or at least the full error message and when exactly it happens?
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