I have read all your comments and I will try to modify the game by deleting the lesbian content, although this was always optional,
Make the game you want to make, dev. Ignore the lesbian police and the people that go on and on about the things they dislike (these are the karens and snowflakes of f95forums and they plague every thread).
As long as you make a proper story, the game can be played and understood properly, all will be fine in the end. There are plenty of games where people come and yell about situations/characters they don't like. Take the (arguably) most famous and successful game around here, Badik...there are plenty of people that go REEEeee, maya and josy forced lesbian couple..or REEeeee late introduced childhood friend is a retarded smurf, etc. Guess what ? Nobody cares. As long as the story and content make sense, all is ok.
Make sure you focus on some of the glaring bugs or issues the game has. Like the people getting stuck in Julia's apartment because they didn't manage to do the required number of drinks. Or the getting stuck in a loop in the first evening after school, where you can try to get to Julia's apartment, but there is no one there and you can't turn back.
Another constructive criticism...if you are adamant on making this kind of sandbox (i personally dislike it, but hey, nothing is for everyone), make sure you label the places you need to go to, on mouse hover maybe (ex: when u hover the mouse on a door it says whose room it is, etc), like doors, or arrows to different places (atm you have no idea what to do and must try everything, making people do mistakes). Or make a sort of image carousel with fast travel to rooms/apartments/locations.
One more constructive feedback, if you are trying to make a harem game, ease up on choices that give +to a girl and - to another (they can work sometimes, but those choices are mostly for game where you don't have a harem and must choose a LI path or another). It just makes things more confusing for the player and possibly for you in the long run, if those points will matter in some scenes.
Keep up the good work and GL with your game.