
Mar 19, 2018
Just finished the game. I enjoyed it but it is definitely his weakest game so far. Pretty cool that this is a sequel to Xenotake. Once I realized this I was hoping to see the more of the characters from that game but oh well.

This game barely has any H scenes compared to his previous two games. Also found myself getting more lost in this game as well. He is thinking of going the guro route for his next game and if that's the case I think this where I hop off this train and wish him well. I don't see myself playing this game again, maybe I'll boot it up once he implements a working gallery in like a year (genuinely don't understand why he hates when a game has a gallery) and will probably replay Xenotake and Ghost Hunter Vena cause those were much more fun and rewarding.

Salty Doggo

Jul 8, 2021
Yeah cheers, mate.

It's kind of entertaining to see both sides of the spectrum talk about this game. Apparently a story-rich point-and-click game where you point and click to enjoy the story is too much compared to other games where you point and click. Go play Summertime Saga or Corrupted Kingdoms. I know people like those games. Plenty of bland asset/koikatsu flips to get your fix. A few good ones, too.

As I state in the walkthrough, if you don't know what to do, just run around everywhere, pointing and clicking. Use your scanner, too. If you REALLY don't know what to do, then look at the guide.
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Sep 23, 2017
Guro would be a strange choice. He's asked about this in the past and the feedback he got was too few people tolerate guro for it to be worth years of dev time. Unless he means more aliens exploding into gore, which happens in this game already.


Jul 8, 2017
I know Vosmug mostly work by himself so I won't blame him. But honestly, the sex scenes are kinda boring.
I love the idea of female main character like GHV cuz I can control her going around and do dirty stuff.
But this time he really put his efforts on the plot, which is good in my opinion.
I hope his next project will be about those captured girls make their way out in the alien hideout. Cuz like I said, I prefer to control female character doing naughty thing than a tentacle man.
Praise to Vosmug for his work.


Sep 24, 2018
Very well said, friend. That's exactly how I felt about having female protags in Xenotake and GHV, and playing as a dude in this game, I wouldn't have said it better.
Though, I would add that male protag could've worked fine if he were the main participator in h-scenes. You know, sort of like "hey, who's the next girl I'll conquer?" All those harem games with male MCs are quite popular for a reason.
But here it seems Vos did literally everything wrong about playing the game as a male MC. Seriously, I could never understand where's the fun part in playing porn games as a guy who doesn't get a pussy...
I'm the opposite - if it's a male protag game in the first place, I prefer that he's not involved in many of the scenes cause I find straight vanilla-ish M/F boring af in games - an over-abundance of real porn exists for that. I think the only one is when they're waiting for the bio-bomb to finish, and imo it fit the character better - that the guy is ruthlessly pursuing his own goals, and fucking the girls he's undermining and subverting is just incidental, as is putting them in situations where they get fucked - just using the tools and opportunities at his disposal, and only indulging himself when he has literally nothing more productive to do.
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Miss Y

Sep 12, 2016
Guro would be a strange choice. He's asked about this in the past and the feedback he got was too few people tolerate guro for it to be worth years of dev time. Unless he means more aliens exploding into gore, which happens in this game already.
Here is the full context of what he said about using guro/violence in future projects, when he shared an archived version of an old game that he abandoned. Personally, I do hope that it is mostly just referencing how Lunar Crisis handled it, because I didn't mind the "body horror" aspect of the cyborg that much or the aliens exploding into chunks... but I think that I would have a much more difficult time with it if he reverts back to using a female protagonist in the next project, because I never felt like the game wanted me to be attracted to the cyborg at all.


I think just the fact that he is mentioning it in the context of Prisonkage is the worrying part for me, alongside the little detail of him not remembering the reason why he wanted to avoid mixing the sex and violence which makes it sound like he's of a very different mind about that decision now.


Conversation Conqueror
Nov 2, 2017
i have one question did they leave the warden to be fucked to death be the one monster because it lookes like it.


Oct 6, 2018
I'm starting to be convinced all the porn games that go straight to the porn have stunted a good chunk of this community's attention span. Like the game isn't perfect and it was jarring to see one of these, especially from someone with a track record of games that do that, take such a long time to get to the porn, but it's not gonna make me go "I DON'T SEE SEX IN ONE SECOND, LITERALLY WORSE THAN SHOVELWARE REEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

Same goes for the protag. Yeah, you play as a protag who isn't all powerful and has to strategize his way out of a situation in a way that won't lead to instant gratification for us gooners, and Vosmug thought that it would be best for it to take a bit to get to the porn because of this, that doesn't mean male protags killed your grandma. I personally don't think one kind of protag is inherently weaker than the others. Male protags mean you usually can fuck multiple waifus in the same game, while games with female protags tend to only have porn of the one unless you see a yuri/futa tag. Any advantage you think one has over the other feels insignificant if the execution is good enough.

All in all, I understand thinking this is the lesser Vosmug game, but it's absolutely ridiculous to be so melodramatic about it as to see this as the worst thing ever just because of that when we're drowning in a sea of AI Generated Slop, those VNs that use those fugly "realistic" models that make me wish they just used Honey Select 2 for their visuals at least or uses straight up stolen porn gifs and games that are overall far worse than this was, and that's not even accounting for the pay 2 win scam games still plaguing places like Nutaku.
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
LMAO my point exactly

I understand thinking this is the lesser Vosmug game, but it's absolutely ridiculous to be so melodramatic about it as to see this as the worst thing ever
Yeah it was fairly good. Just ended more abruptly than I wanted it to. Felt like you'd get to explore that asteroid and all.


Jul 14, 2019
First time finding out about Vosmug,

finished the game 100%, pretty good, story-wise, the H is just ok, but damn I forgot how fun point-and-click was

gotta try their older games probably

Also this kinda made me miss Grimhelm

P.S. Oh yeah. the gallery sucks ass, I didn't edge till 100% just to get a barebone scene editor
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Jul 6, 2017
Here is the full context of what he said about using guro/violence in future projects, when he shared an archived version of an old game that he abandoned. Personally, I do hope that it is mostly just referencing how Lunar Crisis handled it, because I didn't mind the "body horror" aspect of the cyborg that much or the aliens exploding into chunks... but I think that I would have a much more difficult time with it if he reverts back to using a female protagonist in the next project, because I never felt like the game wanted me to be attracted to the cyborg at all.

View attachment 3298446

I think just the fact that he is mentioning it in the context of Prisonkage is the worrying part for me, alongside the little detail of him not remembering the reason why he wanted to avoid mixing the sex and violence which makes it sound like he's of a very different mind about that decision now.
Neato. I miss Prisonkage. Maybe it'll get a spiritual successor one day.


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
Here is the full context of what he said about using guro/violence in future projects, when he shared an archived version of an old game that he abandoned. Personally, I do hope that it is mostly just referencing how Lunar Crisis handled it, because I didn't mind the "body horror" aspect of the cyborg that much or the aliens exploding into chunks... but I think that I would have a much more difficult time with it if he reverts back to using a female protagonist in the next project, because I never felt like the game wanted me to be attracted to the cyborg at all.

View attachment 3298446

I think just the fact that he is mentioning it in the context of Prisonkage is the worrying part for me, alongside the little detail of him not remembering the reason why he wanted to avoid mixing the sex and violence which makes it sound like he's of a very different mind about that decision now.
I think seeing someone close to them dying kinda made them appreciate living. I mean, I used to like Ryona stuff before but after that hell that is called DA from my father towards my mom, I kinda liked it less now. I mean, I can tolerate it but I don't "like" it now as I did before.

I do appreciate them reading their old fans that from their guro/violence days asking if they are gonna make guro/violence stuff again and they don't condemn them but they will consider it in the future if they are gonna do guro/violence again in the future.


Jul 8, 2017
I've gotta say, even though I prefer female protagonists, I really like this cyborg guy. Mostly because he doesn't talk. In a Vosmug game that's a godsend. The dude has a real problem with overwriting. I mean, I don't want to skip through the dialouge because context is everything in games like this. But seriously, get to the point already.

I think Vosmug's really good at visual storytelling though. Hope he focuses more on that in the next game.

Deleted member 1017199

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2018
I think Vosmug's really good at visual storytelling though. Hope he focuses more on that in the next game.
I think he focused on that too much on this game which is why the sex is mediocre and because of that is not as well received as the last two games. Someone in the discord even pointed out the lack of sex variety. The plot wasn't bad but not very great either and if that part falls short the only other incentive to playing the game is the porn which isn't really that great either. I guess if you are really into that kind of point and click gameplay you got that going on for you too.
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Jul 8, 2017
To be fair sex variety was never really a strong point with Vosmug. It's all pretty samey. So with his games I prefer a strong scenario behind the sex scenes, since the sex itself probably isn't going to be very impressive.


May 12, 2018
One of those moments, where a 75% ending is better then a full one. (Spoilers I suppose)

The girls have been our antagonists for the whole game, and them being put into indefinite sex slavery felt like a cathartic win for the protagonist. Sure, it's immoral, but the game set us up from the start that our character IS immortal, and if anything, I was Waiting for a moment we get to pay them back for all the trouble they caused. 75% kinda gets that, even though the protag doesn't get to join in, which is disappointing.

And then 100% just makes them run free to get into more trouble? Seriously? The game tries to paint it as a good thing because we are supposed to like the girls, and all I can think about during the tearjerker scenes was how much I want them back to being raped again.

This game got a lot of strong points, but the fact that beating it fully actually robs you of an emotional high you feel you deserve for going though it is nuts.
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