Whoaaa, folks!!! It was just a theory.
I mean, even Amanda doesn't know why Val didn't fire Tillman.
I know Andy did not screw Val - he's been too busy pounding his Mom for months! He even says it himself in the game.
Okay, so to make you
@LucasLeels ,
@k3ven, and any others NOT feel sad. A pool should be done (this is a suggestion) so that the Dev doesn't surprise us all and we find out Val was ... ahem... touched/tarnished/ruined by someone else!
So the question is:
Do you think Valerie is hiding something because:
1. Andy used the serum to fuck her?
2. She had a fling with coach Tillman (and won't fire him?)
3. Is actually using the revenue from the Serum sale as funding for ESU
4. None of the above.
5. All of the above.
