chips: 1) fathers room , behind laser barrier. 2) chest in male toilet. 3) chest outside Kat's room. 4) chest in woods. 5) on shelf east hall 2nd floor. .. don't remember 6 (yet) .. 7/8 not out yet..I am trying to find those damn security chips! I've only managed to find 2.
Any news on further updates?
Thanks for the info!chips: 1) fathers room , behind laser barrier. 2) chest in male toilet. 3) chest outside Kat's room. 4) chest in woods. 5) on shelf east hall 2nd floor. .. don't remember 6 (yet) .. 7/8 not out yet..
it's been said that the 'Pateron' said to wait till the 5th or 8th to release here... "do NOT quote me" im just repeating hearsay...Where's the update?
.. im replaying to get the locations, of photos,, im only to 4/8 so ill post later..How do you get her photo? Like, I checked my phone and it's not there.
me too
I think it's the axe thing you need to get through the walk in the too
there is no axe bro on basement but i can not reach one room on basement its redI think it's the axe thing you need to get through the walk in the basement.
Hey bro, can you help me out please? i have seen you know all the KS pages location i'm just missing "Reverse Cowgirl" for Amber, your help would be much appreciated.. im replaying to get the locations, of photos,, im only to 4/8 so ill post later..
You have to turn on the radiators, I think 6 or 7, then get those jump boots near the classrooms. Then get into the safety room on the upper right corner is an axe pick on the closet. Jump on it. With this thing you can get through the walk in three basement. But I don't know how to get there.there is no axe bro on basement but i can not reach one room on basement its red
There is preg content. In the basement is an prego girl who's masturbating. If there is some more? We're will see...Does this game have any preg content in it, or just the opening sequence?
ok this is a tricky/quirky one..: first goto outside Kat's room , cabinet south wall , facing south, an close as you can,, "SOUND ON". press space bar, should hear click.! move left or right, but still on cabinet.. repete for second click.. once you have both, goto east tower second floor, should be two cabinets on south wall,, repete each cabinet , 2 clicks, each ,, total 4clicks.. KS page should appear in middle of room..Hey bro, can you help me out please? i have seen you know all the KS pages location i'm just missing "Reverse Cowgirl" for Amber, your help would be much appreciated
udate: #2 moved , now in room 8 chest.! an 6) is in pantry..chips: 1) fathers room , behind laser barrier. 2) chest in male toilet. 3) chest outside Kat's room. 4) chest in woods. 5) on shelf east hall 2nd floor. .. don't remember 6 (yet) .. 7/8 not out yet..
goto Elizabeth an Violet room in east basement,, left wall has laser barrier (should be down, if not let me know) go there . in room is photo an blue disk,, the hidden is in south middle wall.. use pickax.just read that there's a hidden wall in the east basement i'm not sure which wall
yes near end,, Violet is preggers..Does this game have any preg content in it, or just the opening sequence?
thanks robnots and the laser is still up and maybe later content can take violet for ourselves is it possible to get both girls has nlt said anything about thatgoto Elizabeth an Violet room in east basement,, left wall has laser barrier (should be down, if not let me know) go there . in room is photo an blue disk,, the hidden is in south middle wall.. use pickax.