These questions arose several times, so I will answer in detail
I know there are problems, but the problems are technical and can be fixed.
Saves will be autosaves and the ability to save at special points.
(Now the saves are at certain points, and if you save, then you will not roll back very far in the plot)
For text, there will be a setting for the speed of text output.
The screen resolution will also be corrected. It works for me on one computer, but not on the other.
Unfortunately, I am a designer, not a programmer. Therefore, I could not fully resolve this point. They promised to help me, probably in two weeks.
The combat system was done long ago, postponed, and I took up the main story. Yes, I know she's not the best. For starters, it is not configured, the abilities for the first battle are test ones. There is a new option, but it needs to be configured. When it's done, I'll post it to get an opinion.
Personally, I have not seen a pure black screen. And the people who watched the game did not report it.
As for the wall of text... I've played quite a number of these games, and I often lacked some kind of logic in the narration and actions of the characters. Therefore, a lot of the text in the beginning was done deliberately. The player needs to get to know the characters to get a feel for their motivation. If you get to know the character well, then you will empathize with him.
In the prologue, I wanted to create the impression that the player is playing date sim, with a touch of mysticism. And then something happens that is completely opposite to romance. So that the player has a question, "what was that?" I have the answers, and they will be rather unexpected. But, not all at once.
As some people wrote to me, this moment turned out to be at least someone. And, since they did, it means I did everything right.
Further, in the new update, according to the plot, the text will be slightly less. A map will appear where characters can move between locations. On some, it will be possible to move, as in the scene with the house (this was also a test). Somewhere the narration will be in the novel's kid. Sometimes the game will be shown from the perspective of another character.
Also, I want to avoid moments where characters are acting illogically. When the character of the game approaches a sexy girl, he grabs her ass, and she gives herself up at the same moment. There are a bunch of such games, and why make another one like that? There will be a lot of sex scenes in the game, but the character must deliberately approach this so that the player doesn't get confused.
For the same reason, a combat system was made. The player plays the game to view / get the video clip. The Internet is full of pictures and videos, a couple of mouse clicks and you get them. But, this is an easy way, and the person does not appreciate it. He needs a new video, and he forgot the old one at the same moment. What is earned is appreciated. The game is progress, and a person appreciates the difficulty with which he earns this progress, for example, achievements. Combat is an obstacle that must be overcome in order to get content.
In some games, the player gets a sex scene after a couple of minutes from the start of the game, then again and again. The game shoots the player with these scenes. Personally, I get bored. I want to avoid this.
I posted this demo for a reason, to find out an opinion about the plot, whether mini-games are pressed, what are the players waiting for. Please close the door for technical deficiencies for now, they will be fixed.
Well, what you didn't like. Yes, it may not please everyone.