android>data>com.wakuwaku.massageshop>files>game_dataWhere is the save location for Android version??
android>data>com.wakuwaku.massageshop>files>game_dataWhere is the save location for Android version??
Damn, I hope not! I'm also to the end now and I've already earned well over 10m yen so I guess I'll find out soon!I was hearing the game only has a bad end whereis this true?You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
the problem is some people too lazy for playing this games, they only interest for some H-stuff...The game is as easy as it gets, I really don't know how you couldn't double the target amount. Why so many pages about cheats...?
The girls "problem missions" early on are the only hard thing, but most of them come down to "Aim at umbrellas" or "Wait for a truck to bounce against" really. The girls start with enough stats to take care of the missions themselves, just need to clear the trash.
Take over an area, attract customers until they're gold, repeat with each area. Buy all the interior stuff, unlock the good massages then start leveling them up once you have 5 phases for each and you'll have so much money there's nothing to use it on outside of maxing stats for no real reason like 15 days before the ending.
Which is where the greatest problem of the game comes in, there's not a whole lot to actually do once you have the management finished.
They have other games under a different alias ? Could someone point me to them ?on one hand I appreciate quality games like these coming out at a rather fast pace. But on the other hand, It's getting pretty stale with all these "NTR Legend" type plot where you bang their wives and cum on their husbands' face. Could've been my bias against this author under a different alias but ehh... i'll consoom either way.
Yo need to be defeated 3 time (except for Miki). Surrendering is the easiest option.Now how in the blueberry fuck does one unlock the "Defeat" scenes?
Tried getting the girls defeated when in battles.
Tried being defeated when on their special missions.
I legitimately don't get what the criteria are...
I got the same issueIntel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60GHz 2.11 GHz
8.00 GB (7.76 GB usable
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Don't know what is relevant to include (Perv first, tech novice)
I thought it may be a Unity issues, but Third Crisis runs perfectly fine (though, it isn't a up to date version)
This isn't the only game I'm having this issue with, which makes me think it is a Unity thing
cant change money values, nvm it workedif every value is ?? then you should try closing both cheat engine and the game and check to make sure on the main menu in the bottom left it says ver_1.9.6 also the values are usually left as ?? until called so the minigame timer and all the drinking values will stay as ?? until you enter the area that they are used. as example with the drinking it will stay as ?? until you enter the bar with the specified character. if that doesn't work let me know