Familiars only level up by being attached to your characters when picking up lollipops off the ground. these are semi rare unless you eat food specifically for their droprate, or use punishment tickets to participate in punishment games. if you find a statue of a squatting dragon girl, a NON statue version will float by and set off an alarm, notifying you. make contact with her to participate. the only 2 shops i remember are found very very late into the game, but i believe there is 1 more floating around Majo somewhere earlier on.
Does Anyone know if there's a way to make empty form last longer than 3 seconds? This game is Long and Large and i might have missed it, even though i've beat it. My only reason for doubting is because i still have silhouette for Boy Form, and said silhouette seems to have a bow in it's hair that MC doesn't have yet.