Magic Femdom v2.0 Change log:
-2 new days.
-1 event day with 3 major branches and further smaller branches. They add up to about 8 possible scenes depending on how you count them. (Keep in mind there can be substantial changes to these and other events based even on having different reputation with different girls or different fetishes. Even if you already played a certain branch, you may want to play again with a different girl's reputation up. As an example, during the drink branch, if you have a high enough rep with Clair, something different will happen with her.)
-1 free day
-12 new free time events for a total of 27, 3 for each girl total.
-A new save screen that allows you to see how many free time events you've done with each girl in that particular save.
-3 new panties for a total of 7.
-2 new toilets for a total of 5.
-2 new sneak attacks for a total of 4.
-Minor changes to previous content including toning John down slightly at the beginning.
-Various typo and bug fixes.