I'm very impressed by what I've seen so far, the music, stock images/gifs all fit together perfectly. I really got into this game and didn't want it to end, good thing I had 3 episodes to catch up on. Couple things though:
1. There's never any right way for anyone to get cheated on or should I say perfect way to handle it. But I think the Dev did a good job highlighting the MC's pain, the MC handled that particular incident well. A lot of men would've went ape shit and took a violent approach. Him getting a picture was also a nice touch, a picture is worth a thousand words and Divorce lawyers eat that stuff up. I'm pleased that he didn't throw his future away on trash that wasn't worth it, he thought about his daughter and at the end of the day he came out on top.
2. Ava is like the best big sister, not just in the personality and looks department but I absolutely love the way she handled Luisa. She was professional yet still managed to rip her to shreds.
3. The MC and Ava breaking down the divorce to Xiomara was nicely done, they didn't bad mouth Luisa or put her down. They both took into consideration of Xiomara's feelings and emphasized that she's not losing a mother just because the MC and her are separated.
4. The glimpses of the MC's past was pretty creative, I thought that was a nice touch.
5. Saving the best for last Xiomara is one of the most beautiful characters I've seen, her body is perfect. Not exaggerated proportion wise, her eyes, skin tone.. top notch.
Good luck the rest of the way, I will be subscribing.