Team Cactus

Game Developer
Aug 15, 2019
it won't last, anyways. either it won't get completed (most games like this don't) or patreon will shut them down because of the taboo genres and the dev will stop. we've seen it happen a zillion times.
Always nice to see good old support. We don't really use any taboo themes actually, since fantasy creatures are not considered bestiality by Patreon rules. Just hellhounds instead of dogs and such.
if the dev had real passion to finish this project they would have completed more of it before releasing it. instead they put out a tech demo so they could do the patreon peddle. i'd like to hope otherwise, but when i see tech demo devs pushing for monetary support this early in the dev cycle.
Maybe those damn greedy devs just wanted to see if people will like the idea, hoping to gain some feedback. It's not fun developing something only to see that people are not interested in it.
maybe Team Cactus is different, who knows. unfortunately though, they're following a slew of other devs who have made the adult game pool a super toxic place to swim.
To be honest the main motivator for me to start the project was the abundance of very grindy games with little to no sexual content at all. I'm sure you know some of those. For me it's just a passion project I do in my free time, so money are not my main motivator here. I just want to create something the people will enjoy.


Jun 26, 2018
Considering the fact that an external artist costs money whether you are 10% or 90% finished with your game, I don't mind having a patreon link attached to the first release.

I have no clue about Warhammer, and if the others didn't mention it, I think I wouldn't have noticed anyway. That being said, I was pleasantly surprised with this game. The writing is decent, the art is not exactly up my alley but that's subjective. Only real gripe I have is the writing during h scenes - as someone else pointed out, I'd much prefer a first person description of what's going on. What's up her mind while a hellhound is railing her, that kind of stuff.

I'll definitely keep an eye open for this game.
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Feb 26, 2019
Looks fucking awesome, really promising. Like it was said previously it might get discontinued soon but I sure hope it doesn't.
Looking forward for the next update!


Aug 31, 2017
This has a lot of promise, but having the protagonist wearing a fetish costume kind of kills the Warhammer vibe. I know it's not set in the Warhammer world, just inspired by it, but it feels like another generic fantasy really. Having an appropriately intimidating Witch Hunter slowly being corrupted would be more effective if she didn't look like she was working a Warhammer themed strip club, in my opinion.

Team Cactus

Game Developer
Aug 15, 2019
This has a lot of promise, but having the protagonist wearing a fetish costume kind of kills the Warhammer vibe. I know it's not set in the Warhammer world, just inspired by it, but it feels like another generic fantasy really. Having an appropriately intimidating Witch Hunter slowly being corrupted would be more effective if she didn't look like she was working a Warhammer themed strip club, in my opinion.
I know that it looks silly and not really grim and dark, but I don't really want the project to become corruption based grindfest "you need 178 more points of corruption to see this event" game. So it's a lot more lighthearted and with humorous approach to things.


Aug 31, 2017
Oh sure, I think that's a good choice from a gameplay perspective, I'm not a big fan of corruption mechanics for a variety of reasons, one of which is definitely that it easily turns into a grind. I just meant aesthetically, I think her starting as a fully clothed, intimidating looking witch hunter would be more effective. But that's just my opinion I'm not asking you to change the game or anything.:)


May 10, 2018
I know that it looks silly and not really grim and dark, but I don't really want the project to become corruption based grindfest "you need 178 more points of corruption to see this event" game. So it's a lot more lighthearted and with humorous approach to things.
I like it, and I know this is a long shot but I hope that we get to see some action with some skaven,(maybe with a somewhat civilized skaven rat that offers his services in exchange for sex or something, the possibilities are endless! And I love when games have friendly NPC's we can get even more "friendly" with). Either way, the idea of a much sexier version of Warhammer sounds great and i'm on board.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
Seems the dev is going for dystopian projects style except extremely mediocre.
The art is iffy and goofy looking, what is going on with the mc's jaw? There is no actual quests yet, just walk to a glowing thing and click. The sex scenes just happen to you, theres minimal lead in and no great deal of logic to them, you have zero agency. Theres no systems like corruption points.
Prob ends its development when patreon removes it for having beast scene at the start.

Team Cactus

Game Developer
Aug 15, 2019
Seems the dev is going for dystopian projects style except extremely mediocre.
The art is iffy and goofy looking, what is going on with the mc's jaw? There is no actual quests yet, just walk to a glowing thing and click. The sex scenes just happen to you, theres minimal lead in and no great deal of logic to them, you have zero agency. Theres no systems like corruption points.
Prob ends its development when patreon removes it for having beast scene at the start.
I appreciate the criticism. Artstyle is not something I can fix at the moment, but you can always draw me a better looking one if you're willing, but scene tweaks and more wordbuilding in general are planned to be added to the prologue in the future. If you have any suggestions and you think you can help me improve the storytelling - you can always find me on Discord or here, in personal messages. Thank you for your honest opinion, I appreciate it.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
If you have any suggestions and you think you can help me improve the storytelling
To maintain the proven stairway to heaven formula at the start it would be prudent to have exclusively humans persuading the mc to do low cost sexual favors. That corruption point system would work there. They want sex, the mc doesn't but needs money or something which leads to scene where the protag has option to skip doing favor, doing it minimally or whorishly. In the middle of the sex scene the guy asks to do some action, and she can agree and gain more points to keep players attention/pacing.

The taboo scenes like beasts or shotas can happen later if the player has worked hard enough to earn them, and npc's have to persuade the female mc to fuck the animals to maintain the getting something by being humiliated paradigm.

Avoid scenes where the mc doesn't have a say, like a monster tentacle rape, because it's hard for player to engage mentally if their opinion isn't asked and theres nothing relatable about it. Write a tragedy and not an accident.
Woman ending up being raped by a guy because she did something foolish is tragic, a woman being hit a falling tree branch while jogging is an accident. The emotions you feel about those things are very different. Zero agency monster rape scenes fall more into the accident territory.

Team Cactus

Game Developer
Aug 15, 2019
Big thanks, I'll use your advice when I get to tweaking some story bits. I appreciate it.


New Member
Jun 22, 2017
I really liked this game, the art style is different and personally, i liked it. The things i would like to point out is that I found the prologue story a bit rushed, things happening too fast and like other guy said, the costume is a little too skimpy for the beginning of the story, leaving almost no room for later changes, since the mc is already using pratically a jacket and a thong, adding a mini skirt i think would be enough.

Pardon my grammar, english is not my native tongue.

Team Cactus

Game Developer
Aug 15, 2019
I really liked this game, the art style is different and personally, i liked it. The things i would like to point out is that I found the prologue story a bit rushed, things happening too fast and like other guy said, the costume is a little too skimpy for the beginning of the story, leaving almost no room for later changes, since the mc is already using pratically a jacket and a thong, adding a mini skirt i think would be enough.
Thank you for your feedback, I wanted to make prologue larger with more buildup, but I was working on the project for already half a year and my artist wanted us to launch at least something to see if the people will like it. I have big plans to remake the Prologue at some point once we get the game a bit more filled with content. If you have any suggestions or ideas don't be shy to contact me here or in our Discord channel. Oh, and check the Patreon if you want, we have a public poll about the artstyle running right now.
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Jun 10, 2019
I was going to say "meh", and move on.
But then i saw the last pic... ohh, i know this reference! Those words belongs to the greatest dwarf that ever lived!
You know your stuff, now i'm interested!
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4.40 star(s) 7 Votes