
Jul 15, 2017
@berny: Thanks man, that's great to hear! And yeah, those kind of events (and many more) will definitely be added!

@GQ1NYC: Glad to hear that! :)

@lcp: Thanks a LOT! It's so cool to read these kind of reactions! Good point on the language, Maybe I can add a way to change it through the phone!

@Dole: Thanks for letting me know, I'll ask the translator about it!

@kasata: Thanks for the feedback, new character models incoming!

@WaltDee: Yeah that was the bug in the first release, the fixed version should....fix...that ;)

@Harry3171: What resolution are you running the game at? Try running it on a lower resolution (from the configuration window)?

@Kasey: The older sister's storyline is being developed in the next version! Each girl has one peeping event now, when you don't see anything, it's not the right time (as of now). This event will be further developed as well, to allow for some more dynamic options...
The percentage is how much of the attainable stats for that girl you currently have.
Dear F95Zone-Community!

Since I am responsible for the German translation of this game I would just like to explain to you, why there is so much... er... let's say “room for improvement” here. ;)

The actual textfile contains about 6000 lines, and I rushed the translation in 3 days. I'm not a professional translator, but a native German speaker, and after some 1000 lines of switching between languages, you just start mixing up the feeling of what sounds natural in one language or another.

I am sorry to not have yet met neither yours nor mine expectations. However, I feel dedicated to provide my German, Austian and Swiss friends with the highest standards of wankability attainable, and you can therefor expect the quality of the translation to increase significantly in the near future.

I hope that you can nonetheless enjoy this great game, and thank you for your feedback until then!



Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 14, 2017
@FallenLondon: Thanks man, glad you like it! And yeah, I'm well aware of the potentional grindfest and that's the last thing I want, so I'll really keep an eye on balance. After all, the focus should be on a fun game and lots's of story/content!

@KingsRaiden: Thanks for playing! I checked the elevator thing, but I couldn't it, do you mean during the intro? :oops:

@NoiT89: Thanks!

@Crispyking: No worries! It takes a ton of time translating all those lines, even more so when having to do it within script language, thanks a lot for helping out and being so cool about the feedback!

@DeMarcus16: Thanks! Let's hope so!


Jul 15, 2017
The German translation have a lot of mistakes it is more Geenglish in German you say "Deenglisch". A lot of words are in english and not german.
Hi! Ich habe mich bereit erklärt die deutsch Übersetzung für Fenrin zu übernehmen. Wie ich weiter unten erklärt habe ist das viel schwieriger als ich ursprünglich angenommen habe, und daher überarbeite ich die Überstzung nochmals im großen Stil.

Kannst Du mir vielleicht sagen welche englischen Wörter in der deutschen Übersetzung übrig geblieben sind? Ausdrücke wie "Fuck!" oder "Shit!" habe ich manchmal so belassen, einfach weil das mittlerweile auch hier gebräuchliche Anglizismen geworden sind, aber wenn Du noch mehr findest, dann würde es mich sehr freuen davon zu hören! :)



Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
@FallenLondon: Thanks for playing! I checked the elevator thing, but I couldn't it, do you mean during the intro? :oops:
Yeah I think it was in the intro, though I skipped it this time I'd have to go back. I think it was in the part where you help Mom/Step-Mom bring in the groceries.

btw I hit the mall - in the furniture store matrass should be mattress
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Active Member
May 30, 2017
I'm very much looking forward to spending more time with Ashley and Sophia, potential threesome somewhere down the line? Great game, keep up the good work.
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I totally stumbled upon it by accident. Here is how I got it.
I was coming back from the store after 20:00. When I came into the hallway I heard the Mom arguing with Ashley about lingerie. When she comes out ask her what's wrong...etc. Next day go to mall and it's there in the store. Then just give it to her after school in her room.
Not finding it :(


Ashley seems to max out at 75 hearts, 4 stars 96.3% (whatever that does)
Mom maxes out at 15 hearts, 0 stars, 100% (still don't know)
No lingerie event, no second bath event (if that is where the hj is), will not watch porn with me, been caught 10+ times...


Oct 15, 2016
max stars are 7 for ashley
try to give with cheat (either mod or edit the save) a +1 star to go to 5
with 5 i think that you get the second bath event and after that porn and then lingerie (22:00 outside moms room)
4.20 star(s) 269 Votes