Why is this game so popular ? It's a true question , because the models are....well...
models (bodies) are good enough...given what i saw - above average id say
but faces, i can agree, average at best
veronica ,amy and coffeeshop gial are cute enough when being totally still...but when animated some weirdness occur.
but as a sanbox game - it is objectively good.
some games even lack basic must-haves like autosaves and fast-skipping
(i have to ditch couple of games just caz skipping can be made only via LMB [one click-per-one text line] which is f torture and there should be international tribunal in Haague for such developers)
...polished. bug/crash-free i guess, dont remember encountering anything
...this one have build-in hint system which allows to avoid picking into walktroughs
...almost no weird complexities resulting in your progress being slowed down (because something is not unlocked)
...the amount of grind is bit above average ...though okeish
...cheats also can be of help to cut some corners. what if games becomes popular because of cheats availability and not other way around ; }