personal choice aside, the fact that there is a steady stream of new enquires and players and there are still very helpful forum contributors responding to newcomer's issues is probably a good testament to the appeal and entertainment value of the game.
The 216 review / stared ratings, per force subjective, are nevertheless a reasonable indication of the quality of the game as an unwarranted negative attitude towards forum members is a reflection on the nature of the critic.
In case you are referring to me, that wasn't meant as a negative. But generally within a thread you will find the players liking the game - others will move on to other games and threads - and more so for a game that is finished. So if you ask in a thread like this "is this game any good?" without qualifiers, the answer is bound to be "yes". From me as well, otherwise I wouldn't be here.
It would be different with qualifiers of course. If you say what you want, like BDSM, whoring out, whatever, then the answer could be more specific. (A bit of BDSM but pretty vanilla, still, also only with a few characters.)
Whereas I would not consider the (average) ratings a good measure. Sure, if it is 200+ with 4+ average, it's not a trainwreck, if it is 200+ with less than 2 it probably is. However, it is also important to deduce why it is this rating, so read some of the reviews for what they liked. Especially with new games because players will slam a game for "not having enough story content" in a 0.01 alpha preview version, or will give 5 stars for the fact that the readhead looks cute, also in a 0.01 alpha preview version when you just cannot judge, and might never update.