Well, its somehow interesting that MC is the dog, gives you different perspective, BUT the story is the weak spot here. I know that such bestiality oriented games are a rare stuff, still you expect more in terms of storytelling especially with pretty nice renders. Would be so much better if the girls weren`t so horny for a dog because of seeing its dick; really, it might be only my preference, but what makes the game interesting is a proper answer to a `WHY` question: Why a girl (i mean any generic character in game) ended thinking of a dog as a mate? why all of sudden the girl, that`s a virgin (was it Zoe in game?) thinks of a dog as a first partner and feels guilty for not being able to give the dog what it wants? why getting licked by a dog turns the character on but not pisses her off, like wtf its a dog and it might be disgusting without any `preparation`?
Doing a some kind research (ah, the things we do for the sake of science) i found out that there is enough 3D bestiality artists who are doing small stories or just set of images where the story is just a formality and the idea is to show an action - in such cases you are not even think that some kind of story is necessary, you got what you wanted - bestiality (drawn or rendered, whatever); i had the feeling that this game is almost look like a compilation of images with a weak storydrive and small player impact on the development, except being a horny dog with a dick; you might tell that it`s exactly what the dogs are but we have MC as dog that shows us a thought process and has a pretty firm target - to own every girl and make them pregnant, which impose certain responsibilities on the author.
Why am I telling all this - because tbh bestiality is NOT what i`m interested in a first place, but this game where MC is a dog with intelligence makes it different and opens a lot of possibilities to a story development (which can make it unique and interesting even for those who are not into bestiality stuff that much). Definitely it will take more updates to reach sexual content if to be me story and relationships focused, but you already have some tools to make a player interested even without a main course - the dreams is one of those, its very often used in games where you cannot reach the targeted character so fast and you have to provide a player with at least something; and here you did well - adding a Clara Roft as a dream character.
I clearly understand that this the first game of this particular dev but I wouldn`t bother to write all this wall of text if this project wouldn`t be worth it. The relationship system is key point here and also a quest system which helps MC to generate certain events that can turn into its favor later or provide a proper ground for further interactions with different characters, as example - you`ve started well at the very beginning with a possible choice for a dog - to lick the girl`s face or pussy, yes the choice is obvious and simple but gives a player clear idea that you need to be more creative to get in those panties.
That`s all from me, folks, hope my thoughts were quite reasonable for you.