
Jan 29, 2021
I personally doubt you can get all of them outside of cheating. Just not enough space. And depending when you played the game last, it will be very different soon.


Mar 17, 2019
How much dexterity needed to start at melee advanced position? Also during battle mouseover on slaves wearing shadow armor wrongly shown as duraplate. Slave aria has 80+ dexterity still unble to start at advanced position.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2018
Trying to get "$pcLastName" of a slave to work, it does and it doesn't, depends on I guess how the game renders the html.

vv <a> not work :cry:
&lt;&lt;if $event3 is false&gt;&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;ulvendor&quot;&gt; [[Amelia Stark|Kymanto]
&lt;&lt;if $event3 is false&gt;&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;ulvendor&quot;&gt; [[Amelia $pcLastName|Kymanto]
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Aug 15, 2016
What is with the Black Guard, Ayden and Felix? These three are always worth getting because you don't have to pay for the ammo. So even with their high upkeep it will pay itself off with their extreme combat effectiveness and that you can use Plasma Rifles and Coilguns with no ammo problems. It is enough to do two arena fights and one bounty to keep them and even get a profit depending on what kind of bounty it is you get that day.

Also I think the game is too combat focused. There is nothing even remotely close to the income potential of running around like a murderhobo. If you are considering money gained per time invested. And as everything costs time for your main character it is hard to do anything else. F.ex. the one time I tried a prostitution ring it was way too little money for the time my main character had to invest in it.

I would like a system for f.ex taking on unruly (random) slaves and training them within a time period to sell them for a profit. Something that is competetive wtih murdering for the midgame.

Of course in the endgame I guess you can survive on your investments.
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Aug 15, 2016
How much dexterity needed to start at melee advanced position? Also during battle mouseover on slaves wearing shadow armor wrongly shown as duraplate. Slave aria has 80+ dexterity still unble to start at advanced position.
I just asked this in the discord. Apparently slaves can't start in advanced positions yet. That might change in the combat update that is coming soon. For the main character it is 80+ Dex or 80+ melee combat.
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New Member
Aug 9, 2022
Is there an explanation anywhere of what happens if you subscribe one month and update afterwards on the free tier? Is there custom content for each tier at 1.0 release that you'd have to subscribe again for or would one month do it. Should I just wait until its finished as I only want to pay once?

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Is there an explanation anywhere of what happens if you subscribe one month and update afterwards on the free tier? Is there custom content for each tier at 1.0 release that you'd have to subscribe again for or would one month do it. Should I just wait until its finished as I only want to pay once?
You can subscribe once and get the Tier-4 and/or Tier-2 content and go back to playing the public releases without loss. When there is another Tier-2 update you'd have to re-up to get that content, but those updates are few and far between, there being maybe one or two in the last year. You wouldn't have any more Tier-4 early access if you chose to do that one, but you'd have all the content.


Jan 29, 2021
When you subscribe and then cancel , there are 2 scenarios to my knowledge.

1. The Tier 2 content (Great House, custom slave , questline) which you can continue playing at this specific safe, not sure if you get additional updates (new quest for Tier 2 )
2. Tier 4 content, all Tier 4 content is basically starting templates, so you will keep that until you start a new game, then you can't choose it again after a new version update.
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Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
There seems to be some confusion on this as it gets asked a lot, here and on the discord. I'm pretty sure it works this way.

The public version is the game, which is version .8.1.8 at this time. If you subscribe to:

Tier2 you will get to start a Great House, acquire a custom slave and start a family quest line along with extra cash and a unique revolver as a reward for subscribing.

Tier3 is the same as Tier2, but you get the public version a week or so earlier before public release.

Tier4 gets everything Tier2 does plus it has some enhanced starts that are basically OP, but saves you having to began at level 1, so to speak. What it gets is access to all the changes and additions that Grim is adding to the game between the public releases. This works as a QC check of the game to find bugs, balance issues, etc. as he works to smooth everything out before the public release. He is constantly updating this and sometimes drops new versions weekly, it seems. You can follow the game progress on his discord.

If you quit at anytime from one of the tiers and go back to the public release you will have all that you have built and earned before opting out. You can downscale and then receive the additions from that Tier only. Certain things in Tier4+ might not be available to the public release so those you would lose, i.e. slave market (the ones you had acquired are there, but no renders for them since those won't be included in game until .8.2 is released.

You will no longer get any more updates on the family quest line or have options of the enhanced starts from Tier2-Tier4+when starting a new game.

If you contributed at Tiers higher than 4 to have a custom quest, custom npc or some custom renders created for the game I would assume those remain as long as they have become part of the public version.

If I erred on any this feel free to correct.


Feb 5, 2020
A lot of the girls have had their renders updated since the game's launch, as Grim earned the money to buy more Daz assets and do better renders and such. Most of that was done last year. Juno's hairstyle specifically was put to a community vote on the discord in April 2022 and the ponytail won.
Dam really? That kinda sucks since I like long hair lol


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2017
Dam really? That kinda sucks since I like long hair lol
Well hey, Grim has plans for quite a few more handwritten slaves, and there's always the randomly generated ones! I'm sure a few of those will have long hair!


Active Member
Mar 18, 2018
I would HOPE that unsubbing would only lose access to alphas, betas, and early public releases;
and you keep your 'tier' version access of the actual public version.
[Unsure how dev would share the download links for inactive-subs, I don't even know if patreon/sss have good accessibility settings]

Perhaps if your sub expires and a new public version is out, hope on over to discord to try and get the proper tier public version?


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2017
I would HOPE that unsubbing would only lose access to alphas, betas, and early public releases;
and you keep your 'tier' version access of the actual public version.
[Unsure how dev would share the download links for inactive-subs, I don't even know if patreon/sss have good accessibility settings]

Perhaps if your sub expires and a new public version is out, hope on over to discord to try and get the proper tier public version?
You do not gain indefinite access to all tier builds for subbing once, no. But there's a great big asterisk here: Let's say you sub at Tier 2. If you download and play the Tier 2 version for a month and then let your sub expire, you can no longer get future tier 2 builds, only the public. However, you can continue using your Tier 2 save on all public versions, and you will maintain all the tier 2 benefits you have on that save. (The quest, the custom slave, the great house mechanic, etc.) If you start a new save on the public build, you lose those benefits as it would just read as a standard public save.

I do not however know whether that Tier 2 save will give you access to future Tier 2 content, or only Tier 2 content implemented at the time of the last release you downloaded. That would be a question for Grim.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2018
I see a few overlooked or unupdated bits?... good amount of places I see "stimpack" vs "tendstim".

I feel trying to seperate yourself from using "stimpack" usage is a good idea.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
I do not however know whether that Tier 2 save will give you access to future Tier 2 content, or only Tier 2 content implemented at the time of the last release you downloaded. That would be a question for Grim.
Grim has posted on this a few times in the past year and as I understand it he meant that like you posted that if you unsub you still keep what you had in your save, but wouldn't get any updates to the tier-2 material you had. If you wanted to update that you'd have to re-up for that version.

Thus someone playing an old Tier 2 or 4 character from a subscription that lapsed would still have the brother's slave and the gun etc but unless they re-upped they wouldn't have the tier-2 slave's quest or the nipple chain pic because those won't be in the public builds, they'd have to resubscribe at that point to get that content.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
When you subscribe and then cancel , there are 2 scenarios to my knowledge.

1. The Tier 2 content (Great House, custom slave , questline) which you can continue playing at this specific safe, not sure if you get additional updates (new quest for Tier 2 )
2. Tier 4 content, all Tier 4 content is basically starting templates, so you will keep that until you start a new game, then you can't choose it again after a new version update.
Any additional updates to tier-2 material won't be in public builds so you won't get that unless you resubscribe. You won't lose anything but there won't ever be any updates to tier-2 material in public builds so to get any more you'd have to re-up. In the last year, unless I'm forgetting something, that would have only amounted to the tier-2 slave's quest and her nipple-chain pic, both of which came out in the last month or so.

On your second one, while you wouldn't be able to start any new characters with tier-2 or tier-4 characteristics if you let your sub lapse, if you'd saved a starting Magnate, Silver Tongue, etc those would still be there and you could play them if you wished, saving to disk if you start running out of slots.
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