
Aug 13, 2020

The string Oral wear ( appears in the HTML 42 times, and is followed by a + 42 times (as in Oral wear (+5)).
The string Vaginal wear ( appears in the HTML 34 times, and is followed by a + 34 times.
The string Anal wear ( appears in the HTML 33 times, but is followed by a + only 24 times.
(For the benefit of those among us struggling with or : there are 9 places where the + is missing.)



Jan 29, 2021
Tier 2 is 5$ , not 50 $ - all 50 $ is getting you is that you can create your own NPC Grimdark is getting that NPC into the game . Everything the 50$ Patrons create will end up in the free version in the end.
What the free version is not getting, is one quest line , one gun, one slave , and the great House mechanic which currently does next to nothing. As we currently have 16 story slaves (and more will be coming) , that one slave hardly makes a difference.


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
And Tier 4 aka 25$ per month only gives you either a stat boost background or a get fucking rich background additionally to your normal background which you can only select when you start so you either pay 25$ for an early bonus or you pay 5$ later for something that you can decide if you want to have this optional goodie later.
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Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
Second – where did you get the €50 from? You mean $5, right? Because that's the only content tier locked behind a paywall."
No Behind T4 there is content locked too. MoR Enhanced which makes you start with unique backgrounds which already provide endgame characters or one lowest of the low character. Also in MoR T4 you have access to ELITIST and WEALTHY where later gives you 5 of every material and 150 Gold while Elitist gives you each skill +15 and +5 Intelligence. You can only choose one of those special backgrounds but they add to the ones like SCIENTIEST or SOLDIERS
Jun 10, 2022
No Behind T4 there is content locked too. MoR Enhanced which makes you start with unique backgrounds which already provide endgame characters or one lowest of the low character. Also in MoR T4 you have access to ELITIST and WEALTHY where later gives you 5 of every material and 150 Gold while Elitist gives you each skill +15 and +5 Intelligence. You can only choose one of those special backgrounds but they add to the ones like SCIENTIEST or SOLDIERS
That is not "content". See post #6882 from the Developer.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
I think you should go back and read the tier rewards.
Vs public, tier2+ gets a ton of quests, and yes, new scenes, including sex scenes.
There's only one quest related to Tier 2 and that's the Tier-2 slave's quest. From that you can get a bunch of orphaned children to exploit with a sweatshop and a money sink to salve your conscience by improving the little kids living conditions if you're the sort that cares. No sex renders, but one old caretaker and a bunch of curious children.

You do get the Tier-2 slave and that is a lot of sex scenes, the same for any of the completed slaves. You can also personalize her starting stats to a degree which leads to different renders and scenes as well. That's pretty much the extent of additional content, at least that comes with renders because the only additional render you can get from anything higher up is the character portrait of your character if you go tier-4 and use one of the Enhanced character starts.

The tiers above tier-2 offer early access and more influence in game direction, not anything with additional renders. If you're tier-4 you're getting the earliest access thus there's advanced character templates so you can playtest early, mid and late game additions with one character. It would be less useful if all the playtesters were only testing beginning additions because they all had to start new characters from scratch or just using an old character who was exclusively pursuing endgame goals.

People who contribute to Grimdark mostly do so as they want to see his vision realized, not because there's some huge trove of 'additional content' available for higher tier subscribers. A few pages back I detailed how you could 'game' the tier rewards to get the most content from your contribution if that's all that matters to you. You can essentially make it into a game you buy for $25 once with a little foresight and planning that will still get updated regularly but might have an additional $5 DLC every year or so you can choose to purchase or put off until there's enough additional content added to the tier-2 slave to make it worth it to you.


Sep 15, 2019
This game has a great potential that a male MC can have "secretly submissive" relationship with his slaves. So that the female slaves can be femdom and dominate the male MC when they are in private. (Even force some small changes to his decisions.)
so this a suggestion? I could not find any of that in the game


Active Member
Mar 18, 2018
Just saying, the tiers include all the tiers below said tier. :WeSmart:
Sure that poster didn't have to mention $50 tier, but it stands that it has the tier2 scenes....

I strongly plan on subbing myself, at least once, regardless if I loose access to tiered downloads.

In other editing news, I've been looking to have script for dynamic videos that act same way as 'pic' does.
So far, I can only do it dirty with non-dynamic.
edit1: just added my own $pic is/to 7 variable, nice and clean videos now!!
edit2: still NOT dynamic :( :( tried to use $activeissid inside my video tags as part of src address, and it shows exactly as "$activeissid" and not grabbing the #, sigh.
edit3: got to figure out how to turn [img[_path + "/sex.jpg"]] into [vid[_path + "/sex.mp4"]]
Last edited:


Active Member
Mar 18, 2018
I see we have a church now. Any plans for some mommy nuns available for our household ? :sneaky:

Strictly for religious purposes of course.
I didn't think there could be a more diffcult final boss then the main character's mom,... and now you got me thinking of a raid boss: main characters mom... AS A NUN!

To corrupt such an opponent, would taste so sweet. [looking at the mom from the game Power Vacuum!!]
Jun 10, 2022
Just saying, the tiers include all the tiers below said tier. :WeSmart:
Sure that poster didn't have to mention $50 tier, but it stands that it has the tier2 scenes....
That's not what you were "just saying". You liked comment #6936 that stated "bullshit" when I said there was not content locked behind a $50 paywall, and you yourself said I should reexamine the tiers.

I'm not interested in your side project to add videos to the game. I like the original artwork. Adding external videos will make the game clunky imho. The only reason I engaged you was to correct your false assertion that content is locked behind $50 paywall. Hopefully now that you understand tier 2 is $5 and not $50 you won't continue to promote the wrong information.
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New Member
Aug 4, 2017
Hey all.

I am kinda new to this game. I have played for 3 days and still can't grab the handels. Some mechanic are just too much for me.
Is there a guide or something?

The part I am doing ok-ish an makes sense is combat. Armour, ranged skills, team upgrade ... ok. This is almoust only way to make money for me. Altho really hard atm, to get over a hurdle, but i see the light with a LOT of grinding.
Crafting ... got it. Not lucrative imho - so far, but part of game and ok.
Personal development with academie, skills books ... got it and good. Slow but good.

Slaves, Girls and development of staff ... terrible. Willpower, happines, affection, ... wtf. I just don't get it. I have just 2 girls atm, Juno and Michele. Best I could get is Michele to like/love me (but it degraded quickly) and we could have normal sex. Everything else ... I just dont know how to handle slaves. I have read all books on Persuation.

I see all this mechanic on whorring and prices of stuff that i can see are over my head by 10 times and I know that answer is in slaves ... but how?!?
Can someone pls explain how to do this, Dummie style I guess ... :S.


Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Hey all.

I am kinda new to this game. I have played for 3 days and still can't grab the handels. Some mechanic are just too much for me.
Is there a guide or something?

The part I am doing ok-ish an makes sense is combat. Armour, ranged skills, team upgrade ... ok. This is almoust only way to make money for me. Altho really hard atm, to get over a hurdle, but i see the light with a LOT of grinding.
Crafting ... got it. Not lucrative imho - so far, but part of game and ok.
Personal development with academie, skills books ... got it and good. Slow but good.

Slaves, Girls and development of staff ... terrible. Willpower, happines, affection, ... wtf. I just don't get it. I have just 2 girls atm, Juno and Michele. Best I could get is Michele to like/love me (but it degraded quickly) and we could have normal sex. Everything else ... I just dont know how to handle slaves. I have read all books on Persuation.

I see all this mechanic on whorring and prices of stuff that i can see are over my head by 10 times and I know that answer is in slaves ... but how?!?
Can someone pls explain how to do this, Dummie style I guess ... :S.

There's a couple guides available . Note that one is older and some things have changed since it was written and the other one is solid but a little rigid at times, you can make more things work than he suggests. If you have any further questions you can ask again here too.

For the girls, compliment and encourage them regularly, note that complimenting Intelligence also increases willpower so complement beauty or sex appeal if you're not prepared to deal with that. Improve your house to help maintain happiness and affection of your girls, give them the 'Do Me' perfume every ten days and don't push the kinky stuff until you have them corrupted thoroughly. Best way to do that is take them to the rack and play with them with dildos and then fuck them vaginally.


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
Your slaves are willing to follow you by filling either one of three values, affection, corruption or fear. Alternative you could just deplete willpower.
You raise affection either with the long way, by slowly and repeatingly asking them how they are, say them nice words, give them gifts and turn them out for dinner. This requires that you have a high charm which will be increased with a 5% chance by successfull carrissing your partner during foreplay up to 70 or guarenteed by 5 points up 85 by paying 7000$ in the clinic south of Crystall Hills.
Or by the short way by just being such a good fucker that you can nearly guarentee to make them cum via vaginal sex every time you push in which requires them liking vaginal sex and you having high vaginal skill.

For filling fear you need to have a high manipulation stat because then you can terrorize the girl into gaslighting them that you are a bonafide gentlement and out there are madman that would treat her as a fleshlight that is used till broken. Once their fear is nearly 100 you can just request dominant or sadistic and they will comply because they are powerless.

For corruption you either need high manipulation stat and a big penis or a high flagellation skill which you can get beside successful using via bondage by taking the course in devious tools and afterwards reading books about this topic. At the start it is important to choose at character creation the skills that you feel most confortable with because you need to have some strengths to get the foot in the door.
Afterwards you can still learn the other ways for versatibility.
Also it is important to know that the way the skillbooks are limited here, you are better of just like Skyrim to first train the skills up to ~80 and then read the skill books because those give then guarenteed upgrades while the higher the skill the get the less likely you could upgrade because RNG.

If you want them to follow you via emptying willpower at best it is to combine the fear and corruption way unless you have a giant penis.

Personally I would start at character creationwith Elitists if you are subscribed to T4 of MoR and then Scientists and embrace it for more Intelligence. The event background is open for favour while the special Abilities I would choose WEALTHY, BRAINY and GAMBLER because Wealthy gives an additional permanent financial income unique to this while Brainy and Gambler improve Intelligence. About Body Type it is only about favour, Penis size either smallest or largest depending on if you want high or low willpower girls. Cum load is also either highest or smallest depending on if you like oral sex or not.
For Sexual Focuses I would take AROUSER because it is helping with everything and TRUE LOVE because it give for start massive charm and I am a nice guy but this is solely about how you want it to handle.
For Age now I would choose prime because it gives you another additonal Intelligence point and by the time you reach the point ingame where your age matters the development is so far that younger maker nanites are implemented.

Why the focous on Intelligence? Well it is the most hardest attribute to raise with only limited options but a big impact if you are going to learn something.
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Aug 5, 2020
Hey all.

I am kinda new to this game. I have played for 3 days and still can't grab the handels. Some mechanic are just too much for me.
Is there a guide or something?

Slaves, Girls and development of staff ... terrible. Willpower, happines, affection, ... wtf. I just don't get it. I have just 2 girls atm, Juno and Michele. Best I could get is Michele to like/love me (but it degraded quickly) and we could have normal sex. Everything else ... I just dont know how to handle slaves. I have read all books on Persuation.

There are two main ways to corrupt slaves.
1) Love.
Sweet talks, gifts, dinners, fullfiling wishes e.t.c. Until affection gets "green". Then you can start Seduction sessions and after many orgasms - girl start to get corruption during "rough" orgasms.
Charm is the most important skill for this. You can increase it by working on Plant. 3 sessions with 25% chance to get +1 Charm each, up to 40 total. Drink sessions in a "Furry" gives the same. And after 40 - you can do a plastic surgery for 7000 per 5 Charm.
Unlike other stats - charm does not have chance to increase during regular charming attempts.
2) Pain.
Dominant talks, demand for sex, e.t.c. - reduce girl's Will and increse Defiance. When Defiance gets >2 - you can proclaim punishment sessions. During that you can Slap, Whip, Rape her as much as you want. Try to max her Pain and Hummiliation levels during such session. She will try to runaway after. Capturing them is a part of gameplay too, which brings even more punishments. Eventually her Will becomes negative and she will agree to anything. With enough sex skills - she even start to get orgasms and corruption.
Main skill for that is Manupulation. It is easy to get, as every Dominant talk has 10% to get +1 Manipulation up to 90. Up to 100 if it used on wife.

With corruption 40+ or Willpower<0 - they will agree to work as a prostitutes. And this is another part of gameplay and making money in a late game.

You can avoid skill grind by using drugs. It will be unlocked after some session in Academy. Each dose cost 1000 and gives you +20 to main skills and stats up to 120. It will degrade by -2 per day. So you can stay on 100+ with just one dose per 10 days. Very cheap way to avoid grind.
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4.50 star(s) 136 Votes