Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
I am playing on laptop and half the screen is missing, any fix to resolution size? half the interactable objects are outside the screen
Did you try it with Chrome? That's the browser MoR was designed for and will sometimes resolve issues like this.


Engaged Member
Jun 3, 2017
Did you try it with Chrome? That's the browser MoR was designed for and will sometimes resolve issues like this.
I am playing on Chrome. I didn't have this problem before when playing the game on my pc, but now I am on laptop and and as I said the game size does not fit the laptop screen.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
I am playing on Chrome. I didn't have this problem before when playing the game on my pc, but now I am on laptop and and as I said the game size does not fit the laptop screen.
Set the zoom level of your browser lower. I set mine to 90% and then press F11 to fullscreen the browser.
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Oct 12, 2018
Let´s talk about...

Slavemasters and the Guard Captain
This are jobs that train passively your slaves. You can have 3 slavemasters, each of them train up to 4 slaves and One Guard captain, that trains the servants appointed as guards. Well, I have taken some numbers and made a 10 days run. No treats influence in the slaves I have selected for the run and no head maid appointed, but may be my household will have some passive effects I´m not aware off. Let´s see if we can get interesting data

Slave Master Enya: Skill 36 (Not great), 4 slaves:

Increase corruption (Max 60) : +3+3+4+4. Starting point 23,13,38,14
Increase Sexual Skills: +12,+12,+12,12 (spreaded between the 3).Starting point, all below 70

Increase Phisical skills: Dex:4,4,4,4: Starting point 30,30,31,31
Increase Phisical skills: Str: 4,4,4,4: Starting point 30,30,30,30

Slave Master Aiko: Skill 80, 4 slaves
Increase Discipline: +8,0,0,0. Starting point 25,70,70,70
Increase Kindness: +8,+7,0,0 Starting point 31,72,80,80
Increase Phisical skills: Dex:7,1,0,0,: Starting point 32,54,54,70
Increase Phisical skills: Str: 0,0,0,0: Starting point 60,60,60,60

Slavemaster Jordan. Skill 89, 4 slaves

Increase Discipline: +10,10,10,0. Starting point 40,41,47, 70
Increase Physical Skill Dex. 7,7,7,+2:Starting point 32,32,32,57
Increase Pysical Skill Str. 0,0,0,0. starting point 60,60,60,60
Increase Willpower: +10,10,0,0. Starting point 47,60,80,106

Well, I believe that we can draw some conclusions. The skill of the Slave Master it´s the chance of increasing each skill by one point, per day, and there are some kind of hard cap that put a max the increase of the slave Stats. Seems that Aiko have a cap on 55 Dex and Jordan on 60 Dex. Why the difference? I have no clue at all. But the cap exist, and seem to be 55-60 in Dx, 60 in St, 70 in Disc and 80 on Will. It´s curious that the game tell you the cap in Corruption, but not in other stats.

Captain Ltn Einar Corso. Skill 75 (+20 for being pretty famous)

Ranged Skill: +4,2,1,0,0,0: Starting point 10,59,5,80,82,92
Melee SKlli: +4,4,2,0,0,0: Starting point 10,76,5,82,97,98
Discipline: +6,4,4,4,0,0,0. Starting point: 25,25,32,57,80,80

That´s surprising. I was expecting at this point more or less the same that with the Slave Masters. And yes, we have a cap tht seems to be 80 on melee and ranged combat and unknow (but above 60) for Discipline. But I have no clue of why the yield it´s so low, or why Farah, with his 5 in combat (and no traits) yields so poorly, or why Aisha gets +6 in discipline, with a starting point of 25, the same of Farah. May be he is overloaded with 6 guards and can only attend properly
4, the same number as a Slave Master????

Edit. Yes. If you put more that 4 guards under the guard captain you are overloading him. With 4 guards the Guard Captain works as an Slave Mmaster (with the difference that you can put non slaves under his wing).
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
Have you considered that maybe just maybe the caps on the attribute and skills do (at least in some cases) depend on the corresponding attribute and skills of the guard captain respective slave master/mistress.
I have checked it and I don´t see any obvious correlation. In my run, Aiko have a cap on Dex of 55 and Jordan a cap of 60, but Aiko have a Dex of 65 and Jordan a Dex of 20. And Corso have a Training cap of 80, both in melee and ranged, but his skill is 76 Ranged and 122 Melee


Oct 24, 2017
The whole, 'Felix's duraplate image being misnamed' thing persists into the current patch so anyone who did change the image name will have to do so again if they downloaded it fresh.


Active Member
Feb 20, 2018
0.83 Changelog : " Skill book yields are no longer dependent on your INTELLIGENCE. Having an INT that's below 70 now increases the required reading time with 30% (lvl 1 books) up to 50% (lvl 2-3 books). "

With this is does the supplemental gain from books with the brainy trait in creation game remain available?


edit : thanks
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Oct 24, 2017
0.83 Changelog : " Skill book yields are no longer dependent on your INTELLIGENCE. Having an INT that's below 70 now increases the required reading time with 30% (lvl 1 books) up to 50% (lvl 2-3 books). "

With this is does the supplemental gain from books with the brainy trait in creation game remain available?

View attachment 3413026
Yes, inteligence no longer gives aditional skill points from books, instead affecting reading speed. Instead if you want additional skillpoints from books you pick the brainy perk at char gen.
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2021
So I have an intuition...

I can't confirm anything, but it feels to me that since 083, the disposition of your slave toward sex is "merged". They all share the same opinion about whether they like a certain type of sex or not.

Let's take one of my test example : I have only one girl (Adora), and she LOVES any type of sex. Then i acquire 2 prude-type girls (May-lynn and Piper) and all of a sudden, the first girl dislike all type of sex. If asked, May-lynn and Piper share the same opinion.

Then I work the disposition toward each type of sex back up, but only with Adora. After a while, the 3 of them LOVES every type of sex, even throught i never touched the other 2....
Then did the same test again, but raised only the dispotion toward oral. Once again, after a while, they all share the same opinion : they all love oral, and hate vaginal and anal.

Edit : And it's not only what they say. Right after acquiring May-lyyn and Piper, Adora was WAY harder to arouse, and would even occasionaly drop into negative arousal during sex, despite undying affection and excellent sex stats.

Please note that i left BDSM out of the test entierely, as it's heavily influenced by corruption.

Once again, just an impression. I might be all wrong. And i don't know anything about coding so i can't check it.
You might be right. I went into the save files and "likepussy" and "likeoral" was missing for some, with "likesadist" retained for all. The npc's that did have it seemed to be former issids. I checked the greatpussyengine and greatoralengine, and they still seemed to reference it still, so my guess is it's a bug and not a removed feature from the game. This was for 0.8.3c, so it might of been fixed by now.
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Jul 3, 2022
Here is some QOL patches
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Active Member
Feb 20, 2018
I'm an atheist professor and after 10 lecturing in academics I did gain no points of devotion. Did something change concerning the chance of gain? It was 40% if I'm not wrong.

Lol, just gained devotion after the 11th lecturing, was just a matter of rng, sorry.
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Sep 25, 2017
I'm finding that the 0.8.3 version doesn't allow me to modify slave attributes through SugarCube (e.g. = 200). Anyone know if there is a workaround?


Aug 3, 2018
Can someone explain to me why i can enslave the mercenary KYLE but i can NOT enslave the mercenary LOREN?
In a former quote was written that mercanaries can not be enslaved generally.
Is this a bug in the game?
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