
Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Oh, I did take it - but then the mc/pc so far let his followers do the capturing.

ps. My post has a little math error, as 1+89 is 90 and thus the whipstick will always capture (currently).
I mostly take it to improve MC's chance to capture with a greatsword during tough fights. Usually I end up eventually giving a greatsword to all my mercs as well as MC which means I have a decent chance to capture with high damage greatsword attacks. So I only need to switch MC to a whip if I get to the last enemy and haven't captured anyone yet. I tend to insist on capturing at least 1 if not 2 enemies in every fight though depending on whether there are any females or not. This includes tier 6 and 7 bounties. It can get painful trying to capture that last plasma wielding enemy with a whip if you get unlucky.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Interesting. So far I have not done the level 7 bounties (for whatever reason they never show up ;-), might have to do with the fact, that I have so far not recruited the high tier mercs and my normal followers have just to few maximum health to have realistic chances). I would probably go with a setup of grenade launcher as ranged weapons for the followers (who would need the ammo pack trait, as the mc/pc would refuse to pay for the expensive ammo), except maybe Ayden in the last follower slot (as his ability should do more damage as the maximum damage from a greatsword at least in the first round and if a cybercannon wielder goes down in the first round or there is no cybercannon wielder in the group, the fight is a whole lot easier), and possibly Greatswords (allthough Power Katanas might also be enough) - eventhough it is easier to manage the badass values, if the followers would use a crossbow (instead of a grenade launcher) as the crossbow is a ranged weapon which decreases the badass value (for followers).
Oh and all followers would of course start in the melee position. First round the first to third follower would be targeting the enemy above the enemy with the cybercannon (or if there are two, targeting the fourth enemy) and Ayden then shooting on the cybercannon wielder (or the fifth enemy, if there are two cybercannons). The mc/pc would probably also shoot on the cybercannon wielder (or fifth enemy, if there are two cybercannons). The next round would then probably depend on how much health the enemies have left (and whether one enemy was downed in the first round).

And yes I also usually insist on capturing at least on enemy (or two, if females are present).
Tier 7s start showing up once you've completed 150 bounties. I've been pretty busy lately so I haven't had time to play the last few versions, but the last time I tried tier 7s are very questionable unless you save scum. I have not found a reliable way to influence who the enemy targets like I could in previous versions. Without that option it's not possible to avoid stat losses for MC if he gets targetted. Nobody is tough enough to solo tank a tier 7 no matter how strong your team is.

My usual method is to start with the most dangerous enemy I can guarantee a kill on in 1 round and save the boss for last since he always takes at least 2 or 3 rounds to kill. In some previous versions it was actually possible to reliably manipulate who the enemy was targetting via weapon selection so I could consistently beat tier 7 bounties without ever losing anyone. If you can't do that then you're going to lose at least 2 or 3 people per fight usually and frequently that's going to include MC himself. As long as you start everyone in close position, greatswords outdamage everything else with the possible exception of Ayden's first shot with his coil gun. I have not found any reason to use grenade launchers unless they've been recently upgraded.

The last time I was able to manipulate the enemy's target it was by training up all of my mercs to identical combat stats so the enemy would randomly target my mercs and then switch MC's weapon to a stronger or weaker weapon depending on whether I wanted MC to take a turn as tank. In the latest version, weapon doesn't seem to affect the enemy target anymore. The choice seems dominated by stats and armor. So I find myself giving MC the best armor so he won't get targetted as the main tank and giving all of my mercs armor 1 stage weaker than MC. Unfortunately if you do that with a tier 7 bounty you're going to take massive losses, maybe even a full party wipe.

Even using my armor trick I sometimes run into advanced tactics fights where MC gets targetted exclusively unless one of my mercs is completely naked.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2017
that seems quite crazy to me.
I import saves
It is just a different playstyle.
I know every quest an pretty much every enemy. I have a built in wiki in my head.
I know exactly what I want to accomplish and the fastest way to get there from day 1.
I can make due with base weapons and armor.
Rarely do I even bother with herc armor because I dont find it necessary.

*Side note* I have also never pimped out a girl and only visited the arena twice. Never let anyone other than me fight there.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
The current make-up for tier 7 includes:
1. Enemy: Plasma rifle (and duraplate or hulc)
2. Enemy: Sword, Rifle or Assault Rifle - and same armor as the enemy would have in the 4-6 tier common bounty, sword will target random enemy (eventhough it is advanced tactics), as 4-7 use here the same enemy data. Meaning enemy no. 2 is the easiest of them all.
3. Enemy: Plasma rifle (and duraplate or hulc).
4. Enemy: Either Plasma Rifle or Cybercannon (and duraplate or hulc armor).
5. Enemy (if there is one): Plasma Rifle or Cybercannon (if I remember the code lines correctly the "Ultimate Hulk" or Uber Hulk will have the highest health of the enemies).

There are usually for the enemies a few different flavors with more or with less max health, if hulc armor is worn (or only duraplate) depends on a certain variable $hulcloot (if I remember correctly). Also if I remember correctly the tier 7 bounties can have 4 or 5 enemies - ie. it is not guaranteed that the bounty will have 5 enemies (but then this is not inferable from the bounty data, as with at least 2 additional crew, the bounty data in the town hall will say "yes" concerning additional crew, if the bounty is only the target or 1 additional crew member, the town hall would say "unknown" concerning additional crew - also the bounty sum will sadly in this case - that is if I remember correctly - give no hint, if there are 4 or 5 enemies).
From past experience with tier 7 bounties I don't think there is ever just the boss. There is always either 5 enemies or in rare cases a lone abomination. The abomination is obviously trivially easy and does not drop plasmas but you do get the same bounty.

The reason for grenade launcher is that the splash damage (which is higher for the enemy below the target) is not reduced by any armor and some of the damage will depend only on whether the splashed enemy still has a certain amount of health left. I hope with that to eliminate the cybercannon guy (if there is only one) in the first round, but so far this is just theory.
Maybe damage was increased on the grenade launcher since I last tried it. The last time I tried it, the total damage from the grenade launcher including splash damage just wasn't enough to be worth it, especially since any round where you don't get at least 1 kill is unacceptable IMO except when you're going for the boss himself. That means the single target damage alone would need to be equivalent to a plasma or greatsword and the splash damage would just be a bonus on top of that. Otherwise you end up in a situation where you may have done more total damage in a round with the grenade launcher but you didn't actually kill anyone. Which means you have to absorb an extra plasma or cyber cannon hit compared to using plasma or greatsword which is definitely not a good thing.

Concerning badass:
Melee+Ranged is summed up, also maxhealth is added (eventhough for the mc it is capped at 150, for the followers that value is not capped). The badass value is also adjusted (for the mc) by the active weapon: None: -50; Knife,Staff:-25; Plasma:+100; Coilgun:+70; Automatic Rifle, Rifle50, Greatsword, Grenade Launcher: +50.

For the followers the badass is adjusted by melee weapon and ranged weapon, where:
Crossbow: -30; Pistol: -10; Automatic Rifle, Rifle50:+50; Plasma Rifle, Grenade Launcher:+90; Coilgun:+70 and Greatsword:+50.

If the worn armor is not "WEGA" (which probably is the armor of Ayden), Duraplate or HULC the badass value is increased by 100 (if the badass value is already above 200).
Interesting. Hadn't seen numbers for this before. I'll have to try some different combinations again and see if I can guarantee that MC does not tank by only giving mercs 1 weapon. Unfortunately if this is the way it works then that pretty much puts Ayden on the bench because greatsword is better than his coil gun in a long fight. In some of my previous testing MC was targetted exclusively even when he's using fists and all my mercs have both plasma and greatsword. The only time I never saw that happen is if at least 1 of my mercs was not wearing any armor at all. But you can't survive tier 7 bounties doing that.

The armor trick does generally work pretty well prior to tier 7 bounties though. I give MC duraplate and I give weave to all my mercs until I can afford Hulk. Then MC gets Hulk and all my mercs get duraplate. I only wear the hulk for the bounties and switch MC back to duraplate for all other fights to avoid wear and tear on the Hulk armor. Tier 7 bounties are doable that way once MC has Hulk but if none of your mercs have Hulk you're going to lose a lot of mercs and if they do have Hulk then MC is going to take a lot of stat losses.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
In the latest tier 4 I've crit hit with cane and dropped people I was trying to capture, FWIW.
There are some people who are scripted to not be capturable like the boss of bounties and certain other random fights around town. I don't think I have ever failed to capture someone who it's possible to capture with a cane whip. For me it's a 100% chance unless the target is not possible to capture by any means. The damage doesn't matter. I've captured people with an 80 damage cane whip crit.


Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
There are some people who are scripted to not be capturable like the boss of bounties and certain other random fights around town. I don't think I have ever failed to capture someone who it's possible to capture with a cane whip. For me it's a 100% chance unless the target is not possible to capture by any means. The damage doesn't matter. I've captured people with an 80 damage cane whip crit.
Did Grim change it to automatic? In previous versions, I've killed enemies that I was trying to capture with the cane whip.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Did Grim change it to automatic? In previous versions, I've killed enemies that I was trying to capture with the cane whip.
In every version I've played so far the cane whip is either a 0% chance to capture or a 100% chance depending on whether the enemy is scripted to be uncaptureable or not. There are some you can't capture no matter what. The boss/primary target in a bounty for instance is impossible to capture no matter what you do. But everyone else in a bounty fight is capture able. So if you use a whip on the boss you will fail 100% of the time. There are some enemies that spawn around town that are also not capture able as well as certain quest enemies. I don't have a list of which ones are like that.
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Jun 10, 2022
In every version I've played so far the cane whip is either a 0% chance to capture or a 100% chance depending on whether the enemy is scripted to be uncaptureable or not. There are some you can't capture no matter what. The boss/primary target in a bounty for instance is impossible to capture no matter what you do. But everyone else in a bounty fight is capture able. So if you use a whip on the boss you will fail 100% of the time. There are some enemies that spawn around town that are also not capture able as well as certain quest enemies. I don't have a list of which ones are like that.
Ya, then you were lucky. I'll try on the tier 4 version today, but I've definitely killed with cane when trying to capture, then reloaded save before combat and captured the same slave on multiple previous versions.


Oct 24, 2017
From the wiki on the slave hunters page.

Incapacitation chance
  • Base: 5%
  • Fists: +80%
  • Whipping cane: +85%
  • Combat staff: +70%
  • Sledgehammer: +35%
  • Knife/sword: +15%
  • Great sword: +15%
  • Firearms: -3%
  • Heavy firearms: -4%
So, if we take this at face value, using a whipping cane gives you a 90% chance of incapacitating an enemy taken to zero health by it. (Barring the immunity conferred to some enemies like bounty targets)
So this would explain why some people are getting enemies killed on hit, there is a 10% chance of it killing even when using the whipping cane.

So why the disparity in experience then?
Well if we remember the Manhunter trait, which confers another +15% chance to incapacitate then this takes the final total up to 105% chance to incapacitate, so it may well be that the people who are reporting certain captures opted to take the trait while those who occasionally have a capturable character die on them did not, falling victim to the 10% chance of death they would be subject to without the trait.

Obviously there may be something I am missing here, but I think it explains things?


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2017
From the wiki on the slave hunters page.
Combat staff: +70%
I use combat staff for everything.
It very rarely fails to capture.
On the rare occasion it does kill someone I want, I reload save and fight again.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
From the wiki on the slave hunters page.

Incapacitation chance
  • Base: 5%
  • Fists: +80%
  • Whipping cane: +85%
  • Combat staff: +70%
  • Sledgehammer: +35%
  • Knife/sword: +15%
  • Great sword: +15%
  • Firearms: -3%
  • Heavy firearms: -4%
So, if we take this at face value, using a whipping cane gives you a 90% chance of incapacitating an enemy taken to zero health by it. (Barring the immunity conferred to some enemies like bounty targets)
So this would explain why some people are getting enemies killed on hit, there is a 10% chance of it killing even when using the whipping cane.

So why the disparity in experience then?
Well if we remember the Manhunter trait, which confers another +15% chance to incapacitate then this takes the final total up to 105% chance to incapacitate, so it may well be that the people who are reporting certain captures opted to take the trait while those who occasionally have a capturable character die on them did not, falling victim to the 10% chance of death they would be subject to without the trait.

Obviously there may be something I am missing here, but I think it explains things?
Well in my case I had the same experience before the Manhunter trait existed but I do pick that trait in every game now, primarily to improve my chance of capture with a greatsword. For a game emphasizing slaves so heavily it just makes sense to me to maximize my chance of captures. Maybe I've been lucky. Maybe the chances have been tweaked from earlier versions, not sure. The only times I fail captures is if I accidentally use someone who is using something other than a whip.
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Oct 24, 2017
Well in my case I had the same experience before the Manhunter trait existed but I do pick that trait in every game now, primarily to improve my chance of capture with a greatsword. For a game emphasizing slaves so heavily it just makes sense to me to maximize my chance of captures. Maybe I've been lucky. Maybe the chances have been tweaked from earlier versions, not sure. The only times I fail captures is if I accidentally use someone who is using something other than a whip.
Obviously I can only speak from experience and I have rarely had the whipping cane fail and instead kill and enemy who as far as I know didn't have immunity, but only when my character didn't have manhunter.
So my best guess would just be that you having it never fail was just luck, it isn't beyond the realms of possibility after all as the odds are very much in your favour with a 90% success chance. Over the whole playerbase it is plausible that someone had a very good run on good luck in that regard and it just happened to be you.
Moot point either way now as like you said, you use Manhunter on your characters now, so you get guaranteed captures on the whip at this point regardless.


Feb 5, 2021
what this game need is posibility to buy EVERTHING in bulk , crafting materials is very nice, but it is still incovient if you want to buy bigger amounts of weapons, ammo..etc, especialy if you just got acces to beeter shop and want to rearm yur guards/companions.
or you just need to shop big for some donations to desired factions.
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