
Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
About Kelly´s quest:

Ok. I have not demolished the pile of crap that it´s spoiling my nice courtyard and Kelly have appeared and been captured. Nice and fine.

Now I must find the bloody thing that the moron of my brother lost on it. It´s a two hours, 10 fatigue task, so not a small thing, and seem that use f5 don´t help at all.

Anyone knows if the appearing of the dammed idol it´s scripted (ie: appears in the 17 search), probability tied (Ie 4% of chance per search) or sorted otherwise? Any way to make it easy? I don´t mind making some search, but after 2 days fully devoted to this action, I´m not a big fan of expending my days clearing a pile of debris.


Nov 7, 2023
Hi folks,

yesterday I finally had the guts to upgrade from 8.2. While I really like all the new features like especially the new house I must say I am a little sadf that the morning blowjobs seem to have been cut.

I can understand that people mith have thought them to be repetetive but they were optional before. So I donßt know why they would have been reduced.

If I understand it correct I now can only assign one slave to do it. I have 2 slaves added as favourite and I have 3 sleeping with me in the bed. Do you know if this is changed back to more than one again in the future? All the text for it used to be implemented so why did they take it out?

I also had 2 slaves with a lesbian devotion of 20 which occasionally where kissing each each other during the scene. This was set to 0 after the upgrade. Does anyone know the background why this happened?

I still love the game as is but I am really hoping for those scenes to come back!!!


Dec 7, 2017
You can try this method:

As for saveeditonline, there are stats from the old version that are holdover. Try to control + F "Bianchi". You will see two versions. The last one is the real one. Looks like this:
View attachment 3491248
i finaly found it, rework version code specific each member in the house hold name and everything, confusing at first then i found the way PS: thank for the help mate


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
Re: scrap pile

It is the only way I know one can go above 150 melee combat stat. I have 151 now, from clearing that debris pile.

Also, how many books are there for the crafting training? Only two? I see two more book entries in my save file, craftbook3 and craftbook4. Are they inside the Westside plant? I have not worked there once.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Oh, all stat increases from the scrap pile are uncapped, so I hope your strength and stamina were already at or above their normal achieveable value - my mc/pc currently lacks the strength and the melee skill to continue searching (as that is too difficult ;-) ).

And the craftbooks $craftbook3 and $craftbook4 are currently not used (at least in the public version of v8.3) as in not obtainable via normal means (except cheating). And there is currently no reason to push Artisian or Blacksmithing above the softcap of 130 (even lower values do not matter that much, if blacksmithing is at least 95 and artisian is at least 110).
From a min/max perspective you can get that 1 point boost over the usual cap for Melee, Strength, Melee, and Stamina if I remember right, but unless there are other uncapped boosts you can get, 1 point isn't really enough to matter. So clearing the scrap pile when you're at low stat levels isn't really a big deal. Is there ever a circumstance you'll run into where having 151 melee will give you even a slight advantage over having 150? Probably not. If you could boost it to 160 or 170 it might amount to an extra point of damage, not sure how the damage is calculated, but 1 point is just going to round down to the same amount I would bet.

The 1 point of stamina is the only one that might actually be useful on rare occasions. There may actually be occasions where you're busy enough in a day to reach a stamina value that is 1 point short of being able to take another action so having 1 extra point might allow you to perform 1 additional action that you wouldn't otherwise have been able to do. That's really the only scenario I can think of where a 1 point boost over the cap would matter. Most likely it would mean that I can rarely get 1 extra crafting click before I click on conclude day.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
At least in v8.3h you will need to search nearly the whole pile, before you get the circlet, ie. 29 searches alltogether (and only one search - the 30th - left to find a melee weapon). And there is nothing random about it. And I do not think that this has been changed for the current non-public alpha v8.31 version.

I must say it´s a way of making the things that I don´t like. Not only by the extend and amount of grind ( We are talking of 60 hours and 300 Fp, and that´s a lot), but for the total absence of any foreshadow. Not in the game, not in the wiki, says any thing about the scrap yard. There it is, filling a valuable space on your backyard, and Kelly it´s not an easy event to occur. chances are, if you are playing by ear, you make some search, have a look at the findings, have a look at the cost in terms of FP and that when Kelly appears, the Scrap Yard have become, long long ago, a nice garden or a productive workshop.

Grinding it´s one thing, and every one playing this game have a good resistance to grind, but this it´s grinding a lot and for no apparent reason. I don´t like it.


New Member
May 16, 2020
Long time lurker, first time poster here. Is there a console command to adjust your influence, like there is for cash? Preferably without having to do a save-edit. I'm looking to try restarting with a fresh character in 8.3h after importing one that I originally started with 8.1, but only if I can figure out a way to reduce some of the grind. I don't mind some grind, but I've got months of grind into this existing character that I'd like to 'replicate' with the console. The one thing I'm not willing to re-grind (that I can't already find a command to fix from past comments) is the hundreds of thousands of influence I used to get the fusion reactor and the baker's dozen sets of HULC armor I was equipping my party and my eight guards with.


Nov 28, 2018
I've encountered a few bugs so far in my playthrough:

The dice seem to occasionally roll higher than 100, I'm noticing it in the arena mostly but I think I have seen it in the stealth check in the first Kymanto Hall quest. I'm using 2D50

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If you let a slave take a day off with a dominant approach and you fail the Manipulate roll the Result does not have a negative on it.

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Using a tendstim on yourself in the overworld takes 18 minutes in game and can use 6 minutes if you use it in an NPCs interact menu, but if you use it anywhere else, on your followers in the followers menu, on yourself at home etc it takes no time.

When you assign a slave to a slave mistress then clear the job of the slave mistress I think the slave is still assigned to the slave mistress (you can clear the slaves assignment even though they are not assigned to anyone). No idea if this still triggers the training at the end of the day.

Lastly Nicole's news reporter job only appears if she is not assigned to any jobs, can be super confusing to try to find it without knowing this.
Last edited:


Jan 9, 2021
Long time lurker, first time poster here. Is there a console command to adjust your influence, like there is for cash? Preferably without having to do a save-edit. I'm looking to try restarting with a fresh character in 8.3h after importing one that I originally started with 8.1, but only if I can figure out a way to reduce some of the grind. I don't mind some grind, but I've got months of grind into this existing character that I'd like to 'replicate' with the console. The one thing I'm not willing to re-grind (that I can't already find a command to fix from past comments) is the hundreds of thousands of influence I used to get the fusion reactor and the baker's dozen sets of HULC armor I was equipping my party and my eight guards with.
Try this: = 10000


May 21, 2022
Just want to make sure; there's only few religion you can convert your slaves/servant etc to right now right? Will we be able to do it for every religion later?


Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
It´s the Titan´s roaming enemy a one time thing or if you kill him it will reappear if control of Ikaanos it´s low?

I have 12 hulk parts, and seems to be the that the only source to get the 3 dam ones that I need to build a suit without paying the robbery prices on the transit department. Not that I mind about the $, but 1500 rep it´s a hard hit.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
I cannot seem to find if the Captain can only train up to four guards efficiently. It is not in the Captain engine. Is it $captainskill/= 4? Seems very unlikely.

Screenshot 2024-03-31 091150.png


Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
Oh, just do the legendary common bounty missions, they can also give HULC parts ;).

And at least in v8.3h the Titans seem to be a one-time enemy, ie. they will not respawn. As location for the Titans is only rerolled (or set), if $anta1.state > 0 and the $anta1.state is only set to 1, if $anta1.state=0 and $days > 29, and defeating them will set the variable $anta1.state to -1. But then I have kept them so far alive, as they can reduce control by 1 point per day (down to 19) and the control in my game was so far always above that value (and I do like control levels below 30).
You are talking about the Lvl 7 Misions? They are far away. I´m at day 137 and I don´t make all the bounties, usually skip the bounties lvel 1-3 (unless they tell me where they are, they are very minor affairs for a man of my status, don´t bother me, call the local cops...)


Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
The house of the riding Valkyries

Sending your girls to ride it´s an aspect that can be missed, and it´s a very useful tool to use. Let´s give a look to it.

You can send any female slave or servant to ride, from 6pm to 8 pm. In order to do this you must sign her in one of the two riding schools availables. There are one more expensive, and one cheaper.

First the cheap one. Muller's Barn

You sign her, costs 5 meagre $ per day and you get a 10% chance of getting a increase on happiness. Not bad, but nothing to write home.

But you can buy tings and not go just for rental. Mind you, if you withdraw the girl, you loose most of your investment.

You can buy the girl a Horse. 500$, one time investment. That rises the benefits to +18% happiness and 5% of discipline. Not bad, and the 5% of discipline it´s now, with the workshops, of some importance.

You can upgrade the gear. 200$. Rises the Happiness to 23 and, more important, gives you a +1 of influence. That´s a no brainer to me. If I buy a horse, I always upgrade the gear. Total 700$ inversion, 5$ maintenance, 25% Happiness, 5% discipline and 1 influence.

And finally, you can upgrade the horse to a Thoroughbred. 1000$, for a total result of Investment 1700$, 5$ maintenance, 40% happines, Discipline to 10 and Influence to +3%

May be we need to go big to see the impact of this tool. Let´s imagine a 2 workshops crew, 20 slaves. The maintenance it´s a mere 100$ daily (peanuts) and the investment it´s 34.000 (Yes, no one have said that it´s costless) and you get

1) 2 points of discipline. That´s almost as having for this purpose an extra Slave Master.
2) 8 points of happiness. Well, something it´s something,
3) And last, and this it´s the main benefit, you get 60 point´s of influence. If you want 60 extra points of influence per day, one of the most efficient ways to do it it´s giving food to the orphanage. 200 food gives you 100 influence. Even with the food dirty cheap ( lets say 4$) this 60 extra influence equates to 480$ of expense daily. You get you investment back in, at most, 90 days. If the food it´s more expensive, obviously, you get you investment back a lot earlier. And then it´s 60 influence per 100$. Every single day. Without taking into account the benefits of discipline and happiness

The best thing of this approach it´s that it´s not an investment that you must get all together to get the profits. You can get it steep by steep. As slowly as 1700$ per slave that gets into your household. Or even 700, just buying the plain horse + gear if you are in a budget at the moment.

And now, we can examine the expensive barn. Mind you, wen I said expensive, I mean expensive if you want to go to the bottom of the barrel. White Stables

Going rental, it´s 25$ of maintenance, and you get 10% happiness, 5% discipline and +1 influence. ÇIt´s clearly not a good long term investment, because you get better results with the plain horse + upgraded gear in Mullers, and in 35 days the difference of maintenance makes for the inversion.

First steep, it´s again Buying a Horse (900$) plus an upgraded gear (200) and you get +25 happiness, + 10 discipline + 3 influence. Again, not a good term option, because it´s worse (25% happiness instead of 40) that a Full Muller, and the slightly minor investment it´s devoured in just 35 days.

But hey, if you go posh, you MUST go posh over the roof. For 1500$ extra you can buy a pure bred, and you get 35 happiness, +15 discipline and +4 influence. That´s better (-5 happiness worse, + 1 influence more and 5% discipline more) that top Muller´s but you are paying +20$ extra daily and have invested 700$ more per slave. Debatable what it´s better.

Over the roof? Over the roof it´s for pussies! The sky it´s the limit, and beyond!!! You can buy a champion for 2500$ extra. And this put´s you on a whooping +60% of happiness +20% discipline and +6 influence per slave.

In my opinion if you go White Stables, you must go to the top. You are fucking rich, not a wannabe. You get twice the influence and twice the discipline for slave. Yes, you are paying 25 per day instead of 5, and have invested 5100 per slave instead of just 1700. It´s clearly less efficient, but it´s more effective.

What I do (and what it´s right for me don´t need to be right for you) it´s start putting as early as you can (day 5-6 at most) slaves in Mullers ( at start, 5100 per slave its too much money) but usually I switch to White Stables. And even latter I assume the losses (roughly 1000$ per slave) and switch my first 5-6 Muller´s slaves to White Stables.


Nov 28, 2018
FYI: Max diceroll in the Arena is (currently) 105, eventhough GD-Studio might think about increasing it (so that poor Raven does not get beat-up with 100% probability every single day in some games). In some cases for very high dicerolls there is a success malus, which usually is substracted (directly) from the chance (second number), but in some cases instead the number is added directly to the diceroll value, eventhough the second case is usually done, if the diceroll values are not displayed in the game. (Also very low diceroll often give a chance boost, ie. the modifier is increased).
It does not make sense to randomly add modifiers to the base die roll when the game says that it's the die roll. 1d100, 2d50 and 5d20 never add up to more than 100 (though come to think of it I have seen 1's and that should not happen on 2d50), so what is actually being displayed there? On the surface it's just the die roll but you're indicating that it's more than that sometimes?
The game already puts all the modifiers into the result for the vast majority of die rolls so why in these cases is it different?

Giving a day off is the only case I know off, where you want to have a high diceroll (regardless of the approach), in the success case the humerous "+- n" (with n being an integer) is displayed as the second number.
This is another weird design decision, why not make all the die rolls function the same. You either want a high roll or a low one. Is this THAC0 inspired?

Outside tendstim usage on the mc/pc does depend on the travel time in that district, ie. if it is 6 minutes, the tendstim usage is 6 minutes, in most cases it will be 18 minutes (as the district is either an "unsafe" district or the Palace District, where normal travel time is 18 minutes, unless you are a limper).
I figured that something like the game thinking you were just re-entering an area/menu and if there is travel time it adds that to the use time, but this seems like an oversight to me.

Also I would not call any of your reported - which by the way show, that you are paying some attention to detail ;-) - game mechanics bugs, but I would use the word feature instead.
I was not sure what to call this stuff so I just defaulted to bug,. So maybe its just me questioning game design?


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
whats the door code for inhertance?
Which one is this? Is it the subscriber quest? Is it a normal quest? It may be one of the randomized ones. Buy a hacking computer in Redhaven's general store, bring a slave or mercenary with the trait "Techie", and hack the door.


Aug 21, 2018
where can I check how many battles MC fought in?
I could only was able to find the numbers in the savefile:
"mybattles", "mybattlesw", "mybattles"
And now I wonder what the difference between them?
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