
Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but the sale price of a newly captured slave seems to be completely arbitrary. Is this how the game is supposed to operate? One would expect slaves with a large number of bonuses would have a higher value and sell for more.

- slave 1 - bonuses to melee, ranged, beauty, and willpower. Value is 3, and will sell for $1200.
- slave 2 - all the same bonuses, slightly better bonus to beauty. Value is 4, but will sell for only $600.
- slave 3 - same bonuses, also bonuses to dexterity and strength. Value is 10, but sells for only $800.
If this is the slave processing engine sell price, I think the enemy ID plays a larger role in base sell price. For example, a captured space marine is going to sell more. What you want to do is add them to the household, maybe even let them sit in your house for a couple of days, and then sell them by going to NPC Menu ---> click person ---> Actions tab ---> pick one of Crystal Heights or Watery Eyes. If the locations are not there, you have not visited those locations in patch cycle 0.8.3.

Hello, weird question. Can you now impregnate NPC Slaves? Thanks in advance for the reply.
Is it possible to inseminate any girl?
Yes. Since the previous version. NPC Menu ---> click girl ---> Houserules tab ---> page 1 of the houserules has the option TotaLube. It's a one-size-fits-all contraceptive and lube. Take her off it.

How to stop aging for npcs now it only says freeze aging for mc only?
In the Palace District, further inside Crystal Heights and the Emerald Isle, is a store called Transit Department. They sell Revital in batches of 20. It turns back the NPC's AgeDays value by 360 days. It would not turn back age but it will make sure the days until next age up is delayed by the number of AgeDays remaining. If your 18 year old NPC has 500 AgeDays, it means she will turn 19 in 500 days, giving you plenty of time to save up for Revital again.


Sep 3, 2016
What can I do with adult offspring? I understand no father-daughter banging, but also no marrying her to anyone? No options for the offspring?


New Member
Mar 22, 2019
If anyone is interested in how to make a lot of money for your house, then I recommend using the workshop. Make a workshop and put 10 slaves on it and produce the rifles with it. You can make over a million quick with it.


Active Member
May 12, 2020
So this project has been going in for a while....Is there still any cure/mod for bald MC?


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
The Prowler's stats are amazing and its battle aura effect lowers enemy hit by 25. But it has some disadvantages. It reduces your household's happiness by 2/day. This affects everyone with a willpower lower than 39. Deploying it in combat also reduces your influence by 15 for each combat encounter it participates in. Additionally, they can only use their fists. They cannot use melee weapons. I think they should be able to use blunt weapons like sledgehammers at least.
prowler 001.png
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Then there's the Cultist Monk. Like Truls and Cassius, he has high combat stats. Real high. Unlike those two however, the Monk can only use melee weapons and he will not wear armor. He is probably geared for beginner accounts. A sort of Jagen archetype to borrow a Fire Emblem term. He is a disc 1 nuke as per TVTropes. His special trait even reinforces this. All combat captures tend to start with a Despising affection. Cultist Monk (and Prowlers) start with Neutral. The problem with this though is that the Cultist Monk, as an enemy, has a high DEX of 95. Good luck hitting him with a low melee combat stat. Faster weapons should work better but getting him to low enough health can be tricky early on. I do not expect anyone to be ready to catch him in the first 10 days without some preparation or save scumming.

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Lastly, Tuner Jackson is a performance specialist. You get him from doing his bounty in the Town Hall. His stats are geared towards performance and he gets two traits guaranteed. Extrovert and Manager. Manager is unique and allows him to raise your girls' performance-related stats to his level. You can start an idol group with this guy.

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Apr 28, 2021
So male slaves are actually worth selling now? from the looks of it yes bc that monk is way more than even some of my females were.
Mar 5, 2024
Well as v8.31 was released to the public yesterday, without an anouncement of the date beforehand. I will just post this now - and thus give everyone the opportunity to use this feature (eventhough I do not really think, that anyone, who did not figure that one out for himself/herself does deserve to use this feature without possible negative sideeffects of occassionally losing a day by going to bed too late).

The variable $daycount is set to 1 at the time the midnight calculations do happen. Meaning, if the midnight calculations happen at midnight, then one has to go to bed at 6:48 am at the latest to not miss a day. If the midnight calculations happen at 0:06 am, then one has to go to bed at 6:52 am at the latest (in this case the displayed clock does also match the "internal" $daycount variable between 0:06 am until one goes to bed or until the variable $daycount is again 240 or higher). And if the midnight calculations happen at 0:12 am then on can go to bed at 7:00 am or earlier (to not lose a day).

Now there are ways to make sure that the midnight calculations do happen late. Ie. by starting a round of carousing in Dockgrave tavern at - lets say - 11:54 pm, which would then let the midnight calculations happen at 2:54 am, as a round of carousing takes 3 hours. By starting a pool party at precisely 11:54 pm, the midnight calculations can only happen at 1:54 am (or later).

Happy feature using.

BTW: This could easily be fixed, if (in the case the $daycount variable is set to 1) the value of _savecount-241 would be added to $daycount (if _savecount-241 is positive) - as _savecount is set to $daycount before $daycount is set to 1.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
Important addition: Prowler can wear armor. I have mine on duraplate in my older account.

The Monk would be a great gladiator if he can be registered in the Arena. He currently cannot.

The girl Cassius is with is not guaranteed to be a virgin. I had her as a virgin last night in two separate captures but in my third capture today, she is not anymore. Maybe he had sex with her when the midnight calc went off while I got delayed :KEK:

Well, how about reducing his health via ranged combat and then letting a few cute looking females (with high melee skill - ie. melee capture) take him out via melee attacks. I am actually not seeing a problem - after having looked at the combat changes in v8.31b compared to v8.3h - in knocking him out with a female npc (and relatively high melee skill) in the first 10 days. You know, only the final hit for incapacitation should be done in melee (for a guaranteed capture with ie. a whipstick).
He has a tendency to one shot them (except Loren but her starting melee stats is not impressive afaik; Enya could do it but you had to have access to Emerald City) and he has opportunities because misses will happen. Your armor options that early is a crapshoot unless you pick expert soldier background. Hence, save scumming to guarantee.
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
Seems like there is code for taintroll. If I understand this right, depending on the dice roll (calculated every midnight like the rest I assume), owning a prowler can slowly transform your girls into one. They gain strength, toughness stats, melee stats, and lose intelligence, charisma, science, kindness, academics, and beauty.
Aug 14, 2020
  • You can now only give an NPC four trinkets/imp flowers per day. This does not include candy or rations.
but whyyyyy ???
i was using this feature to cheese my slave's affection
  • Haha
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Mar 5, 2024
That's a very questionable use of the word "feature".
Considering the original contents of a certain post of mine from march 25th (post 11043 in this thread) and that the developer must have seen that post (before I did edit it), further considering that v8.31 was released to the public without prior anouncement of the release date¹, and that this feature is still in the game (which btw. was already in the game in v8.23 and probably a whole lot longer) and nothing was done, I must assume, that it is a feature, as the developer stated something about certain bugs being a high priority.

So I must assume that the word "feature" is the correct word used in this case.

ps. And I consider each and every game mechanic (which is not considered a bug by the game developer) a feature and if something would be considered a bug by the game developer, it would of course get fixed by the developer. So every game mechanic (and possible exploit) of a game mechanic that the game developer is aware of, must be a feature, if the game mechanic is the same in the next release (ie. game mechanic was not changed). (Or course some things might be considered low priority bugs by the game developer and which did get therefor not fixed in the next release, but for me it is indistinguishable, if something is a low priority bug and therefor did not get fixed or if it is a game feature and therefor was not changed).

¹) In which case I would have posted something like the above, without the phrase "Happy feature using", and the code for the bugfix before the release, so the game developer could have had it fixed before the public release (and with only giving the majority the choice beween using the game feature and staying on v8.3h or not being able to use the game feature and migrate to v8.31).
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