
Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
What do you need to kill the monster that attacks in Kasey's Park. The 50 cal barely dents it and I have 82 range skill.
I don't know if Goran-Ika is harder on Grimdark difficulty, but there I find that I can barely make it with Ayden, Felix, Einar and Samuel or Connor + lots of training + durasteel armors + constant powerstrikes with great swords + luck (as in the monster targetting different team members or killing of one of them quickly, in which case it is fucked).


May 8, 2021
I don't know if Goran-Ika is harder on Grimdark difficulty, but there I find that I can barely make it with Ayden, Felix, Einar and Samuel or Connor + lots of training + durasteel armors + constant powerstrikes with great swords + luck (as in the monster targetting different team members or killing of one of them quickly, in which case it is fucked).

LOL. so just stay away from it....


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
What do you need to kill the monster that attacks in Kasey's Park. The 50 cal barely dents it and I have 82 range skill.
He's supposed to be a really hard fight. Gear up everyone with duraplate or hulk armor. He doesn't have armor so greatswords do max damage on him, but those have a penalty unless you have at least 80ish melee and strength. So train up MC and your 4 best mercs to those levels and go buy greatswords for everyone. Additional strength increases damage further, and higher melee would be advisable so you can guarantee a 100% hit rate with power strikes. Make sure to take some doctor's kits and have medical skill of at least 40 because unless he really spreads the damage around you will probably lose someone.

You could wait til you have Hulk armor and that would make things easier, but if you wait too long the guards will eventually kill him without you. Personally, I prefer to kill him myself. There is a reward for killing him that you miss if the guards do it as well. I forget exactly what but I think it includes some Republic Standing.

You might also want to buy multiple health implants for MC and your best mercs.
Mar 5, 2024
Why? If you want to kill it you have to do like I explained. There is literally nothing more to it than raw power + luck.
No, I disagree. It should be possible (in v8.31 and v8.32) to take him or it down, without any npc getting any damage at all and with only bare fists and/or whipping canes (for maximum disrespect), of course as the fight will take a long time the mc/pc might get downed¹ (and lose some stats) as I am pretty sure that in advanced combats enemies with natural weapons (eg. fists) still attack randomly (and the mc/pc cannot wear stealth armor). As a hint: the melee skill of Gorran-Ika is about 160 (and from the hit chance the dex-value is substracted) and a critical hit of an enemy (and skillroll 2 or lower) only adds 100 to the chance to hit. Similiar things apply to any and all combats with only melee opponents.

But of course, I am probably the only one, who does that the above is possible.

¹) but then again, you cannot always have everything.


May 8, 2021
New question, I have a Pantry Girl with 81 Domestic skill. The wiki says my npc's eat 1 less ration a day but I still use 3 per npc. I can set my main rations to 6,3, or 1. My setting is on 3 but if I move it to 1 would everybody start to stave after a while?

other question on that subject is when the Pantry girl has 60 Domestic, the Seasoning/food luxury cost 50% less but the price did not change in the setting. Is either of these a bug?


Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
New question, I have a Pantry Girl with 81 Domestic skill. The wiki says my npc's eat 1 less ration a day but I still use 3 per npc. I can set my main rations to 6,3, or 1. My setting is on 3 but if I move it to 1 would everybody start to stave after a while?

other question on that subject is when the Pantry girl has 60 Domestic, the Seasoning/food luxury cost 50% less but the price did not change in the setting. Is either of these a bug?
I've noticed the same. Simple fix is to just remove and re-add the pantry girl title.


New Member
Mar 31, 2017
Unity cost 2.5% of your income, Unreal - 5%(if income is above $1M). There is no free Unity version. There is a version with runtime fee model and if you have less than 100k installations - it is free for you. But if you have more than that - they charge you 2c per installation. It counts repeatable installations of same game and newer versions as well. After community rant in last year - they promised to increase limit to 200k, but refuses to remove this runtime fee.

GD passed that limit long ago. I made some evaluation of download numbers, and only in this year - Unity would have charged him about $4k, about $1k per month, 20% of his income from Patreon. Unity is the most expensive game engine for indie developers. This is why you should avoid using it as much as possible.
Well, the plan Unity HAD, previously, and retracted was hilariously bad.
But both their current pricing for Unity 5 (which has no runtime fee model), and the current plan for when they launch Unity 6 (this year supposedly?) are complete different, and almost everything you wrote about it is wrong.
Since he's making about $32,510 a month ($14,740 from patreon, $17,770 from subscribestar... also god damn I'm in the wrong line of business), that's $390,120 a year.
If he were developing with Unity 5, he's over the $100,000 limit for Unity Personal, so he'd have to purchase a Unity Pro license, which costs $2,040 annually, or 0.5% of his yearly revenue. There is no runtime free.
If he were to upgrade to Unity 6 after it launches... Unity Personal's limit goes up to $200,000... so he'd still need a Unity Pro yearly license (and the price of that may go up, but I dunno), but the runtime fee thing only kicks in after $1,000,000 of annual revenue AND 1,000,000 lifetime total unique 'initial engagements' (which they define as the first time a unique customer legitimately downloads the product from a unique distributor (IE, if one person buy it on Steam and the Epic game store, that's two, if they pirate it, that's 0, and it also doesn't count repeat downloads from the same distributor, nor upgrades).
So Grim's total cost under Unity 6 would only be the Unity Pro fees, unless he suddenly gets up to over a million in annual revenue and a million customers... and if he does, somehow get that high, the runtime fee is capped at 2.5% of revenue (but could be as low as $0.15 per new unique initial engagement each month, which would require 5,400 entirely new customers downloading it monthly to hit the 2.5% revenue cap).

All that said, yeah, switching to Unity probably ain't the greatest idea unless there's some significant blockers in the html+ SugarCube code side.


Apr 19, 2019
Small note: Try tavern - in case you already haven't - or perhaps even two before they get seriously nerfed. The ROI appears mildly put interesting. :)
My first attempt showed incredible profits for relatively small investment. I was just lucky, I thought, but started another and still remained happy with results. An inexperienced barkeep and one mediocre waitress seemed to rake in the investments total worth within a week.
As it happened I started a new game and once again started a tavern. This time I went in a little bit prepared and now a staff of only two smart and industrious girls worked well enough to cover the total investment in only three days.
Throw in some Leslie Winnipeg-class performers and your tavern should blow most other investments totally out of water, I imagine.
(Just do NOT try to fit young Kelly Mc´Tiernan in for any position. I thought such an Irish cutie working in a tavern would attract customers. How wrong I was! The whole business stopped like hit against a mighty brick-wall. Poor personal chemistry, or something, dunno. Had to let Kelly go and see to some other tasks.)
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Apr 28, 2021
when getting money early on which is better, Tavern or workshop? both take considerable investment but I do not know which is better to grab first.


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
I think you should pause creating endless slaves or if the majority (auctions, captures) are randomized creations stop starting WIP quests and focus on finishing the already started ones. Its good, even great you expanded the house so we are not forced limit ourself anymore, but with 50+ girls in the house you may lose some oversight, especially when it comes to their quests wich you need to recheck after every update to see if there was anything made to progress with them (if you remember the names, otherwise you need to talk with everyone again). Also a simple note like "Quest (not) started, quest completed, quest WIP, no quest for now" on their profile would be nice. When they prefer a specific job/activity or actually hate something (i dont think that one is in the game yet, but considering the development it will be included at some point) it should be visible noted as well.

Another sour point of the increased household is the missing sort button. It would really help to sort them by jobs instead of looking for idles or searching a current title owner to revoke it and give it the new girl who is better in it. Sorting by skills would really help to give them the best job/title and pick the most deadly squad for the punkhunts (and seeing a difference between hired swords and slaves would be good too). Sorting by affection could help common slavers to find the right girl for the bath or the night and the bad ass slavers may look for escape risks or stuff, dont know about that route, never played it, all my girls love me and noone even wants to escape.

Which leads to the last point, willpower. Okay, i get the simple fact abused girls with high willpower dont want to submit and wearing a pervy dress for a pervy master counts as submitting...BUT that that line of though only works for those who go down the route of the asshole/sadist/dom/slaver. My girls adore me to a point that makes me wonder when they will drop their religions and prey to me instead. For them a high willpower should mean to overcome shyness and insecuritys, these girls WANT to please me in every possible way, so refusing to wear something or even drop in mood when i let them strip just to enjoy the sight of their nude bodies should be impossible, THEY are the ones who want to be wanted, THEY want to arouse me, so their willpower should take a 180° turn and allow them to surprise me by walking naked around the house or in special clothes if they have a slightest interest in the kinks they are related to. Wich reminds me, i miss a nude option for casual clothes or a nud(ist) house rule. Speaking of house rules, it was hard to find in the new system, but once found there happend something horrible...you gave the morning blowjob a one girl limit. Since i'm lesbian i dont care about the blowjob per se, but it was a great chance to raise the moods and affection of multiple girls at once and see who still needs more affection to even show up. And now its a single girls job that dont gives you any valuable informations anymore. Sure, 50+ girls in my bedroom fighting who starts or get the throatpie would be a hassle to wake up to, but a script that picks 2-4 girls from the household shouldnt be that much of work + it would provide infos again if a picked girl dont shows up...and you already have the scenes, just use them again until you get bored enough to make custom ones for each girl.
Later...much later based on the current development (as stated before, i prefer things to be done instead of more unfinished stuff) it could be a nice idea to add a customizable schedule for everyone in the household, including training, work, studies, free time, pleasure duties like in the bath) so you dont come into an empty home and see everyone is out or see 5 girls doing almost nothing because you have more maids then rooms and they all work at the same time instead of rotating shifts.

It reads like a wall of complains. Honestly, i really like the expansion of the household, it was so fucking restricting before i often lost my interest and stopped playing midway, hoping future updates will increase/remove the limits. And yay, it finally happend. It just left room for significant improvements, btw, that reminds me about the cum counter in dialogues, if you have a longer talk like backround storys that symbol stays dominant and hides the text under it. So either make the text dominant or place that icon somewhere else like next to the image, just not in an area with text it could hide again.

Side question regarding the tribe urchins laika and loden. If you take them into your house they are neither hired nor slaves, so it makes sense to block half of the content you get with hired girls or slaves. But it makes me wonder what happens if i enslave them now, i guess a big drop in mood/affection, but will their content be unlocked or is there an age restriction, if so, how long do i have to feed these two to finally eat laika? Just asking because my ingame time is very slow since i prefer to complete stuff i already started before i end a day and while the time is ticking the game itself only recognices sleep as the end of the day, which sucks especially in the beginning of the game when you need to upgrade your house and cant do it because you didnt sleep in the last 3 days.

If you are like me you dont care much about money. So instead of selling the brawlers to the lab you could donate them to "your private army" in the swamp fort next to redheaven. From your first mission to you leading that thing they will always ask for manpower. Personally i send every male there and keep every girl for myself.
Or if you dont care about guys in your house i guess you could always send them to work in the towns shops or in the arena, not sure, i care about guys in my home and my girls have the strict order to exterminate them ^^
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Nov 2, 2022
I accidentally deleted my autosave because my hand slipped when I went to click to load. Can you add a confirmation on deleting saves?


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
That reminds me, could you add the default sugarcube setting to delete all savegames again?
In games with limited save slots i tend to fill the slots and delete them once there is nothing left to go back anymore. Deleting every save manually is annoying ^^
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