Don't worry. English is my native tongue and I had to figure out "serviette" from the context. It's a napkin, or a paper towel. The term I absolutely had to look up was "Diaphanous" since I haven't even heard the term in years, and it means a light, delicate, translucent fabric. Usually I just use the other terms instead...and serviette... man i'm brazilian so i learn english the hard way cuz i'm poor and didnt have money to invest in a english course, so imagine my face while trying to figure wtf serviette means lololol.
Thank you. I already done with it.Per the Discord channel, this is happening to lots of people. You could find a save that doesn't crash when loading and start from there or literally start the whole game over. There was talk on the Discord that they are using a new version of Ren'Py which might be part of the problem in 0.06 savepoint loading.
Amen, I'm in the same boat. The Melody only route was my intention from the start (with the exception of Isabella, cause IRL I would've done the sameLovely update. I've gotten to the point with Melody where I just don't care about all the other girls at all. Hope it won't get too repetitive.
If you like the pace and you're not only into the harem settings, you shouldn't pass pass on Life With Mary (I've played through this update without taking a break - as I usually do. I really like the pacing of the story and the overall good story-telling. Becca was the first girl I foudn instantly attractive (I like the shy part of her), but Melody has become more loveable to with every update. And with the red hue to her hair she reminds me a lot of an old hig school crush (so long ago...). Too bad, that we have to wait 8 weeks for another update.
Any recommendations for a good game to fill in the void in the meantime?
Melody or Bust my friendIt is worth playing the Melody's friendship route and go for other girl now or should i keep a save and wait till the route is done?
I mean, i saw this in the walkthrough:
"NOTE: The Melody FRIENDSHIP path and scenes will be
implemented later in the game. So from this scene onwards, you will
automatically follow the game as if you were on the Melody
ROMANTIC path. This won’t affect your progress if you are
interested in ending up with one of the other girls, that is, up until we
add the “Friend” scenes in a future update of the game."
man i'm brazilian so i learn english the hard way cuz i'm poor and didnt have money to invest in a english course, so imagine my face while trying to figure wtf serviette means lololol.
As a native to US, I had to figure out serviette from context. Never heard it before in my life. Diaphanous, I've seen tons of times so I knew it right away. Don't think I've ever said it out loud though.Same here. I looked up diaphanous out of interest, but knew what a serviette is, as it's a French loan word in German with the same meaning.
Melody has been fingered by her twice, and to me, that's even better. :happyblush I can't wait till Mel returns the favor! :heartcoveredeyes:this game needs 2 more tags..... Cock Tease and Blue Balls
and why haven't we fucked Sophia yet??
Not sure the person is actually aware but the songs in the previous version were youtube vids by someone called jess greenbergDoes anyone know who does the voice for Melody in the singing sections? Or is it just a cover downloaded from somewhere on the internet?