Well yes my fellow scholar, but your example is in essence about genetic drift of a small population, gingers would need to be confined to a geographic area, me thinks. We could say that about the variant of Irish gingers (the good kind of gingers
) but not of the gingers in general. We would have a decrease in Sarah gingers and we would get proportional appearances of Hailey gingers and some brunette Sarahs (that don't sound to
o bad
fuck the MC has to start pumping those out. Stuff like that always tends to something akin to a Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium.
The best course of action to maintain the Irish ginger would be what our esteemed colleague
c3p0 postulates...
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Hey fellow scholars. What variant of gingers besides Irish gingers would you say is hot?
I am musing with the idea of a latina ginger, I've seen them and
me likes!