Ashbash — Today at 8:18 AM
Icstor is OK both in general and mental health. He's just focusing on his projects. Current update is Milfy City is indefinitely delayed as you can see on the website. Seems the problems that were experienced with the Celia removal and such just took all aspiration to continue the project with it's current story content direction, as it all will need to be rewritten but then it won't be Milfy City as it was meant to be that we all know it to be and enjoy. So it's better to put it on ice for now, rather than release the game in the way it wasn't intended, because then you cannot really enjoy it as the developer didn't enjoy making it. All focus will be going to the Milfy Mafia game on Subscribestar for the future. Icstor is busy making the renders in preparation. The game will be released in chapters, rather than incremental updates equating to a chapter. So please expect larger content updates per update, based on the chapter planned content releases The game is planned to be 3 chapters in length. The current planned content amount of Chapter 1 is going to be around half the size~ of what Milfy City is currently overall in terms of content. The estimate release for Chapter 1 of Milfy Mafia will be around June~. So expect some updates between now and then on general progress.