I am not a "grammar Nazi" hence the "not to be a..." prefacing the whole thing, and mostly not caring that much about it, so long as it is understandable.
As mentioned on a following comment, irony IS the exception to all that, mostly due to ocular pain. And even then, only when someone adds an H at the beginning.
I wasn't meaning you specifically, but it did remind me of some reviewers (I won't mention names, but they review often) who cite problems with the English grammar in a game while making glaring mistakes throughout their reviews: having awful punctuation, using incorrect homophones (
it's instead of
its or
their instead of
they're, for example), and similar amateurish errors. (Using incorrect homophones, btw, is an error in grammar, so the lack of self-awareness is actually a little amusing.)
One of the fairly early lessons native English speakers (and those learning English as a second language) learn covers possessive pronouns. Honestly, I don't think there's any excuse for a
native English speaker to make that type of mistake. They can proofread before posting, and if they aren't sure, they can
at least look it up. But to call others out arrogantly on their quality of English while making sophomoric mistakes is, frankly, annoying. I try not to criticize others over their mistakes because, as you say, I can tell what they mean. When someone hypocritically points others' errors out while making their own mistakes
during such criticism, though, it gets under my skin.
On the bright side of things, the next release of
Milfy City should be relatively soon. That should put anyone in a good mood.