Jul 5, 2018
Icstor only updated the bar because so many people massively and ridiculously obsessed over the 65%. It's meaningless. As has been said the update will be in August.
This, exactly this. We all know the update is comng out in August, the progress bar is just to keep the punters happy that he's "active". It's pointless at this stage since he has Caroline's content already finished (was only missing the animations). He then only planned on spending another 2 weeks on Celia but now he's adding in the neighbours.

We can only speculate that in the 2 months that we have he's most likely working on several animations (probably the biggest update with animations so far IMO). As that would "make up" for time he had off (ICSTOR said he didn't feel okay to release it as it is).

I would hope that he also adds to Caroline's story just to beef it up a bit more since I am pretty sure what we got will already be solid but in 2 months you can do A LOT of work (especially at the rate ICSTOR works!).

TL;DR: Ignore the progress bar, it means nothing for this update.
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Nov 11, 2017
Two groups basically do the same thing, repeat the same topic just using different words.

they ask, you call them out, they ask you call them out, 2 months later the same thing still goes on..

It's just the way it is not only on this forum and what im trying to say, that group 2 is not better than the group one, basically belongs in the same rabbit hole of being annoying at this point. :rolleyes:
"Both sides do it" isn't really the reality, I feel.

There's not two different groups in the forum: there's all sorts of opinions here and all should be considered equally.

Meanwhile, a minority of posters come here just to bellyache, each in their own way. Hey, that's fine at first - we all have opinions, right?

Until it becomes revisionist, trying far too hard to show that the Dev for this game isn't ... what? Going to come back from their self-imposed hiatus for medical reasons (which has happened)? Announced a timeframe for the next installment (which has been scheduled for August)? Back up their promise to suspend Patreon payments for awhile (which has happened)? Explain their rather personal reason for falling behind for a bit (which they did)?

Using lame misinformation, such as last deliverable not including the work they did for the Xmas release, etc. just shows the really odd desperation on display from some posters here with a beef for no reason I can discern.

Let people make their own decisions on whether or not to support the Dev on Patreon or in spirit - otherwise, say your piece and then get over the situation if it bothers you that personally.
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Aug 5, 2016
I just don't understand the point. Every time there's a long gap between updates, and granted this one is longer than it has been before (although we know why), there's a bunch of people who come in here and try to argue that the game has been abandoned. Not just speculate, but argue. What happens if you win this argument? What is gained? Say, you change someone's mind, two months later the update comes out, everyone gushes about how sexy it was, they're excited for the next one, etc. Are you gonna come in here and say "I guess it wasn't abandoned after all"? Or maybe you'll wait another month and a half and start the cycle again.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
Could have made it some odd amount, such as 72.37%, just to keep people guessing.
If it were me I'd write a script that sets the percentage to a random number at random times throughout the day, just to mess with people.

Or better yet something like

def update_progress():
    amount_done += random.uniform(0, 1 - amount_done)
    website.publish(str(amount_done * 100) + "%"))


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
To : Everyone who is STILL asking when the next update is coming and STILL questioning as to why ICSTOR took such a long break etc...PLEASE GET A GRIP! Making a game and updates takes time and effort. There is NOTHING wrong, the game is NOT abandoned! ICSTOR has not "cheated" anyone. He has already given an "estimate" release date of ver 0.6 on his Patreon page as well as here in the forum. If you cannot learn to read past posts or even to perform a search for the info you are looking for...that is not the fault of the creator of the game....that's on YOU! I for one have been waiting patiently for the next update. I have read ALL of the posts and therefore I am well aware of what has transpired in the last 6 months. I am very confident that this update will happen and soon. Relax and lets be patient.
What did I do to you?
If such a question should be so sarcastic, there is no need to answer it.
English is not my first language. I asked a question because I couldn't translate every article here.
I'm sorry if I offended you.
샗낇갋 졶낣 볇걿 앏닎 긇엛 풇밟긻 핞긻늖 읺성빯읂샗낗
This is a short sentence in my native language and I hope you understand

There is nothing wrong.
The next update will included additional content that was not planned (the neighbors) and has been announced for August and last time I checked we're still in June.

After that the planned schedule for 2019 comprises of bi-monthly updates, i.e. v0.7 in October and v0.8 in December.
It's all I want to know.
Thank you for your kind reply.
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N7's Slut

panty sniffer
Sep 13, 2016
What did I do to you?
If such a question should be so sarcastic, there is no need to answer it.
English is not my first language. I asked a question because I couldn't translate every article here.
I'm sorry if I offended you.
샗낇갋 졶낣 볇걿 앏닎 긇엛 풇밟긻 핞긻늖 읺성빯읂샗낗
This is a short sentence in my native language and I hope you understand

It's all I want to know.
Thank you for your kind reply.
the thing is that people ask before they event look for the answer thats why many people here get upset


Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
Reading some of the posts makes me think that some people feel devs should be locked in a basement to work on these games day and night, like some kind of exploited porn game troll.

" back to the dungeon until the game is complete! ::: cracks whip :::"

" Please sir we can't find anything else to rub one out to, without your updates."

Deleted member 1019532

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Just think of that totally annoying GrubHub commercial on TV: "I want it all, I want it now."

My response is simple. "Fuck you. You can't have it all, and you'll get it when you get it."
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Active Member
Jul 12, 2018
I just don't understand the point. Every time there's a long gap between updates, and granted this one is longer than it has been before (although we know why), there's a bunch of people who come in here and try to argue that the game has been abandoned. Not just speculate, but argue. What happens if you win this argument? What is gained? Say, you change someone's mind, two months later the update comes out, everyone gushes about how sexy it was, they're excited for the next one, etc. Are you gonna come in here and say "I guess it wasn't abandoned after all"? Or maybe you'll wait another month and a half and start the cycle again.
Trolls' lives are difficult for humans to understand.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
You are ignoring he wrote that stuff found on the OP page. Then just before the June deadline was up he changed it to 8/6. So one group has an issue with what is happening or not happening to be more accurate. And then you have the other that freaks out on people who just discovered the game and ask about the next release. Pouncing on them with the same venom as someone like me. I get having an attitude with me since I have addressed it a bunch. But even innocent questions are met with a lot of hostility.
June deadline? What June deadline. There never was a release date for 0.6 before his vacation. The May/June date was for him to return to work.

Stop saying that he promised to get 0.6 out in June and then he changed it. It's a lie.

Evidence from the OP:
"I’ll be back in good health and working at full speed come May/June."

If you have proof that he said 0.6 would be out in June, show us.
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