Aug 5, 2016
Back on topic:

I wonder if we'll see any crossovers, like how in IC2 there was a little crossover with Milf's Control. I'd be down to see the Aunt take a visit to ol' Milfy City for a shopping trip and want a taste of MC's dick while at the boutique or something similar to that. OR maybe one of the girls from the less popular games. The bitchy sister in Milf's Villa didn't get enough love in that game IMO, it'd be swell if we could get more of her. I always thought there was too much focus on the other, sluttier, sister when the big tiddy bitch sister was the one I wanted the most.

Deleted member 1481465

There isn't much of a topic. Icstor has been pushing this back over and over again. Anyone still donating to him is a fool whether or not this next update releases. Trusting a dev after this amount of time and donating monthly is absurd, regardless of what he says is going on in his life. It's your money, spend it wiser. If he updates then I'll be the first to donate to him again but for the last few months? No, not happening.
Aug 5, 2016
There isn't much of a topic. Icstor has been pushing this back over and over again. Anyone still donating to him is a fool whether or not this next update releases. Trusting a dev after this amount of time and donating monthly is absurd, regardless of what he says is going on in his life. It's your money, spend it wiser. If he updates then I'll be the first to donate to him again but for the last few months? No, not happening.
Has he been pushing this back again and again? As far as I can remember, he mentioned in April that he was going to take a break after reaching 65% in the update. During this period he stopped charging his patreon. His timeframe for return was May-June, and at the end of May he announced that he had returned to work. Then shortly afterwards he gave a release date of August 2019 for v0.6 and since then we've seen the progress bar go from 65% to 70%, so unless I missed something he pushed it back once and returned to work when he said he would.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
The interesting thing about the people complaining, saying its abandoned and whatnot is I dont believe enough time went by to tag the game on-hold via the rules during his break. It was tagged that way because ICSTOR himself put it on hold. A weird case of a dev being transparent and honest (a good thing) causing a bunch of wacky conspiracies and whining. If he hadn't said anything at all, I bet most of the conspiracies and stuff wouldn't have happened.


Sep 17, 2017
I don't really care about the 9 month break from the game rather that the next update will be only Caroline :(
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Active Member
Dec 22, 2018
Milfy City is one of the few games where it's hard to pick a favorite girl, Linda, Caroline and Sara are incredible i cant chose who i like the most among these 3, Linda update was awesome, but somehow i think this Caroline update its gonna blow minds (and pants).


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
More Caroline content next update? i came just from the thought. I might just die on the menu screen the day of the next update from the anticipation of her content alone. Literally the best girl of this entire game for me. She wasn't just handed to you because she's obsessed/lusting after you( hmm Linda, yeah i said it no hate for her though or any of the other girls) you actually have to work for it which i like personally.

As a guy i like to chase women not the other way around because it doesn't feel like i earned it. So that's why she feels more realistic to me minus the fact she's his sister. This one of many reasons why she's my Waifu outside of her Ass, Face, Her Body in general and her Ass wait did i forget to say her ass because my god her Ass is insane.
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Q Who

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
Let's see if we can explain the difference between having something negative to say about what you see and ... complaining, whining, hating and even expecting.

I am a Giants fan, Go G Men. They have sucked for years recently. Eli has no O line but he makes a lot of bad decisions. The defense sucks and never come through anymore. The front office has not made good decisions for years.

By making the above statements do you think that I now hate the Giants? Do I EXPECT anything because I think my team sucks for now? because they do. Eli won us 2 superbowls but I still think he is now hurting the team and should retire. I would hate to see him be a guy who did not know when to quit. Is that whining or just a stupid opinion based on his record?

It has been almost 9 months since the last game update. Very few people ask for help in this thread. Speculation is about all that is left to talk about here. Akin to offseason sports talk. You can't really talk about last seasons games over and over anymore until the new season happens.

You are going to have to get used to people with different views. Why anyone would want to discourage different opinions escapes me. That is so long as you do not call someone names of course.

There are a few outlets to follow this game. If you prefer a tightly controlled echo chamber I suggest the Discord channel. You will never see a negative post there.

If you want to support him you can join/follow on his P page. I doubt you will see many negative comments there either.

The thread Here on F95 is not a developer controlled social media channels like Discord or P. The comments here will have more variety compared to ones controlled by the developer. until new actual game content is released on 8/6 any traffic here is a bonus.
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May 15, 2017
I do not care what anyone thinks. I have supported Icstor and followed him since the beginning and he has never failed to deliver and will continue to support and follow him there are only a few devs that meet my expectation and see things through and he is one of them. So stop ya bitching and complaining and learn one of life's biggest virtues for those who don't know its "patience".
Aug 5, 2016
Let's see if we can explain the difference between having something negative to say about what you see and ... complaining, whining, hating and even expecting.

I am a Giants fan, Go G Men. They have sucked for years recently. Eli has no O line but he makes a lot of bad decisions. The defense sucks and never come through anymore. The front office has not made good decisions for years.

By making the above statements do you think that I now hate the Giants? Do I EXPECT anything because I think my team sucks for now? because they do. Eli won us 2 superbowls but I still think he is now hurting the team and should retire. I would hate to see him be a guy who did not know when to quit. Is that whining or just a stupid opinion based on his record?

It has been almost 9 months since the last game update. Very few people ask for help in this thread. Speculation is about all that is left to talk about here. Akin to offseason sports talk. You can't really talk about last seasons games over and over anymore until the new season happens.

You are going to have to get used to people with different views. Why anyone would want to discourage different opinions escapes me. That is so long as you do not call someone names of course.

There are a few outlets to follow this game. If you prefer a tightly controlled echo chamber I suggest the Discord channel. You will never see a negative post there.

If you want to support him you can join/follow on his P page. I doubt you will see many negative comments there either.

The thread Here on F95 is not a developer controlled social media channels like Discord or P. The comments here will have more variety compared to ones controlled by the developer. until new actual game content is released on 8/6 any traffic here is a bonus.
What would be the ICSTOR equivalent of drafting Daniel Jones at 6th overall? Hiring Slonique to do his storyboarding maybe :LOL:


Sep 17, 2017
One character per update makes the game feel lifeless imo. Like all the other characters are just not even there and its just super empty and kinda takes you out of any immersion the game could really offer. wish he would just do like 1-2 scenes per character or something


Dec 26, 2017
The ability for posters to try to silence each other on this website continues to astound me. It's been 8 months since the last update. That IS a long time, whether or not there is a ton of content in it. People that are worried, or even jumping to conclusions have valid concerns here, particularly because this is a FORUM. You know, for OPINIONS.

If you disagree with that, feel free to do so, but belittling someone because of these concerns just seems petty to me. I thought we got enough damn censorship from the rest of the world so if we could leave it out here that'd be just fucking dandy.

Q Who

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
One character per update makes the game feel lifeless imo. Like all the other characters are just not even there and its just super empty and kinda takes you out of any immersion the game could really offer. wish he would just do like 1-2 scenes per character or something
I think there are 3 or 4 characters updated in .6.
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Q Who

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
tbh i cant remember cause its been too long but i remember feeling that way in one of the updates. and also in some other games that have the same update format
The Linda date weekend was like that. The last couple of updates were not the best. This update is supposed to be celia, caroline and the neighbors. I am not sure if it is one or both of them.


Nov 11, 2017
Sure, the repeat shitposters are just victims. Repeatedly harping on sky-is-falling, glass-half-full-and-broken noise as if it matters the 10th time they blather about it, everyone else should just accept that some people are tone-deaf and lack the empathy gene. Oh, and ignore the sockpuppet accounts, btw.

Heard it all before, way before F95 was even founded. They get little respect from me.

Meanwhile, this Dev offered an August date and that sounds fine to me - especially considering I'm not even a Patreon supporter for this game, just a fan. I have no problem with people supporting Alishia either, even though that Dev has a record of quitting their game after the first installment and has thus far shown signs of repeating ... unlike ICSTOR, who has owned up to their health issues and whose game is apparently so decent, even the sour critics want to bash its future as if that would somehow knock down what has already been accomplished.

Critique and speculation is one thing, noise for the sake of tossing out uncivil attitudes is another. Learn the difference and be content with your choices, I feel.
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