
Jul 21, 2017
"So this one time, I took a trip to clown college..."
Caroline: "You know how people always ask 'How many clowns can actually fit into one of those tiny cars?'"

Player Character: "Um. No. People ask that?"

C: "All the time. It's one of those great mysteries of the universe that nobody's ever been able to figure out."

PC: "It... seems pretty straightforward, honestly, you just... find some clowns and start pushing?"

C: "Actually, it's not as simple as you might think. Clowns are notoriously difficult to herd. I speak from experience."

PC: "You have 'experience?' With... with what, Sis? Clowns?!"

C: "Mmmm hmm. You know what they say about a guy with big shoes..."

PC: "... no?"

C: "They have big feet."

PC: "Where are you going with this?"

C: "Big shoes means big feet. Big feet means..." (Frantically miming with her hands.) "I mean, that's what they say, anyhow."

PC: "Who's 'they?' What kind of weird degenerate says things like that?!"

C: "I don't know. It's just... you know... people. People say that sort of thing."

PC: "I worry about you and the 'people' you spend time with."

CN: "Whatever. By the way, it's 17. The number of clowns you can fit into one of those cars. I guess 18, if you count me."

PC: "..."


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
Incidentally 17 is also the number of giant clown penises she could fit into her pussy at once before the bleeding started.
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May 26, 2018
Well, Sarah is pretty much the most loyal (and naive) person in the world, so I don't think so.

As for Caroline.... Well, she talks about her ex every now and then, and according to some people that seems to be worse than cheating. So yeah, MC is sleeping around with everyone but Caroline is clearly the biggest slut here :rolleyes:
I tend to disagree, true, Sarah is young and still a virgin with her first "boyfriend" being the MC. Caroline on the other hand , She is in her mid to late 20's, she's had a few boyfriends and gained experience. I know of no woman that hasn't, that would be in her place. So, to call her a slut implies way to much, remember assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
The "average" het male in the US sleeps with somewhere between 7 and 15 women, lifetime. The MC here is on track to hit that number in his senior year of high school, with a bunch of women who'd all be in the 85th to 99th percentile, conventional attractiveness wise.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
The "average" het male in the US sleeps with somewhere between 7 and 15 women, lifetime. The MC here is on track to hit that number in his senior year of high school, with a bunch of women who'd all be in the 85th to 99th percentile, conventional attractiveness wise.
Do you have a point to make?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
The "average" het male in the US sleeps with somewhere between 7 and 15 women, lifetime. The MC here is on track to hit that number in his senior year of high school, with a bunch of women who'd all be in the 85th to 99th percentile, conventional attractiveness wise.
Actually this is inaccurate. Average straight man has sex with 0.2 women over their lifetime. Hentai Georg, a porn game protagonist who lives at his mother's house and fucks 10,000 women a day, is an outlier and should not have been counted.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
The "average" het male in the US sleeps with somewhere between 7 and 15 women, lifetime. The MC here is on track to hit that number in his senior year of high school, with a bunch of women who'd all be in the 85th to 99th percentile, conventional attractiveness wise.
Do you have a point to make?
I think I did, but I forgot. It was piggybacking on the post just prior. Surveys indicate that both men and women(most of them) consider 15+ partners to be "too many" for their comfort when considering prospective new partners. At the other end of the scale, those men who have slept with less than 3 women, and women who have slept with 2 or fewer men, are considered "too conservative" by men and women. Men who freak out that a woman has had 2 or 3 prior partners are decidedly not the majority.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
Can we expect some scenes with Caroline AND Lina in the next version?
There'll probably be some secret cards with Linda, and there may be a scene similar to the one where she lifts Sara's skirt in 0.5, but I wouldn't expect any more than that. (And the latter is a BIG maybe, I'd be very surprised, though very pleased, if we got some Linda/Caroline action, even just teasing)
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