More like the guy goes M.I.A. from the group project, everyone tries to communicate and he says he's had some personal problems, you give him some slack because college be like that, but fails to connect with the group later on... so everyone else gets together and finishes the work; however, he comes in on presentation/submission day wants to claim credit.
Or it could be like when your car broke because of transmission problems, so you take it to the shop to get fixed, the mechanic says it'll take like two weeks for the parts to come in and be installed... two weeks goes by and you come to pick up your car, but the mechanic says he's been swamped because of another car's repair and your repair is being delayed, tells you to come back later in the week... You show up later in the week to find out the car still isn't fixed and you can literally see it parked in the back with no work being done.