Agree 100%. Great art and superb animation ruined by a piss poor story and wholly unlikable protagonist who seems to care only about fucking every girl - and I do mean EVERY girl! - as violently, hastily and nastily as possible. Little to no build-up, minimal dialogue, sparse drama, little emotional engagement, slight evidence of respect for the girls involved and fuck all heroism as the MC progressively slutifies every female character including the ones he "loves". My advice to NLT Media, for what it's worth, would be to hire a real writer (Onyxdime?) to handle the game dialogue, just as Icstor did apparently, and stick to creating the graphic art.
NLT Media's artistic efforts may be second to none but so much else sucks bigtime in their games.
(Which is why I ended up on this thread, casting and looking for something better to play during a time of coronavirus.)
Yeah haha, I actually write books in my free time ironically although I don't really want to disclose which ones for anonymity purposes... But I doubt that even I could salvage what they have so far. To begin with they've written some really bland characters that you generally don't care about both aesthetically and on a deeper fundamental level. The story also isn't focused enough, there are too many threads at the moment when they should just be focusing on doing less, but, correctly. Not to mention the threads that they have are pretty uncreative and mostly just end with the main character doing very little beyond existing and enticing another person into some sort of urge hypnosis. I see this one often in lewd games - the sexually enticing male who looks at all the X chromosomes and steals their executive functioning. Nothing will make me roll my eyes faster.
One way you can tell if a writer knows what they are doing or not is how they handle tropes. Often it is okay to recycle things if done in the correct way. For instance, technically having a misogynists' heart set on molesting every girl he meets
could work, but there needs to be consequences laid out. Those consequences don't exist in NLT games. It basically is just endless submission dressed up to appear like it isn't. In fact, if I were a girl playing some of these games they would kind of disturb me when I realize how many out there think I should just be a submissive sex bot, because that's somehow, erotic? No, erotic is someone with personality and depth plays out that desire like Linda because the time and consequence of such a thing was played on and built up into. When you finally do have sex with Linda, magic. And that is the difference and good writer can make. Sexuality can reach far higher places in the brain.
But also, some of what they wrote is of course sexist and borderline racist at parts. An Asian massage parlor where the owner works double as a prostitute if you do favors for her? Okay, really? I digress though, moral of the story is that NLT hampers the heights they could achieve by not knowing how sexuality
works ultimately. Not physically(And honestly, I question the physical part as well often
), but mentally, and these things are arguably more important then the act itself.