
Mar 13, 2021
It's funny, 4 years ago i was saying " Every creator that isn't ICSTOR isn¡t trust-worthy, because at least he finishes the games he starts", he did it in the past, but now is proving that every patreon developer is a greedy bastard... the models of the games he does are fucking insane its a pity he decided to blue ball us, well, there s nothing left to do than report him and show him who leads


May 26, 2018
This is nothing more than a bait-n-hook con. He uses F95 and other sites to promote his "product" [bait], once gaining credibility and money, he goes to patreon and registers there for continued income [catch], then drops the game mid way like he's been known to do in the past and milks it for all it's worth [hook]


Dec 31, 2018
The devil is always in the details, and in this case it is. Copywrite is NOT by default, it has to be pursued by submitting a claim to the Federal copywrite Office (USA), once there the copywrite office will see if there is someone else who has the same copywrite, if not then they award you the ownership LEGALY, if there is you're SOL. As I stated earlier, I researched all my options when I was going to do my game. In the USA this is how it is, no assumption on if I make it I can sue, you have to complete the process by filing for a patent , a copywrite if you will.
I don't know but every article I have googled basically say what also Youtube copyright lawyer Lawful Masses echo the same principles in many videos. Only thing might be that the title needs to be trademarked to be protected. Again I am not a layer but everything points out that the game has automatic copyright and any "fan versions" could be easily counted as acting as market replacement (and would be thus infricment of copyright).


May 26, 2018
I don't know but every article I have googled basically say what also Youtube copyright lawyer Lawful Masses echo the same principles in many videos. Only thing might be that the title needs to be trademarked to be protected. Again I am not a layer but everything points out that the game has automatic copyright and any "fan versions" could be easily counted as acting as market replacement (and would be thus infricment of copyright).
and here is what I ment when I said the Devil is in the details:

Here’s the official scoop from the :

Copyright does not protect the idea for a game, its name or title, or the method or methods for playing it. Nor does copyright protect any idea, system, method, device, or trademark material involved in developing, merchandising, or playing a game.

Someone could color each character's hair slightly differant, spell their names differently, go in and alter their shapes , change code to make it looks or call a label by a different name. All these things make it a different game in the eyes of the copywrite laws
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May 15, 2020
It wasn't marked abandoned because he had given progress updates within the 3-month deadline, every time, until now. The first deadline he missed, and it was marked abandoned. If you're going to come up with a "theory", at least do some research on it....
Is that any reason to remove a post just asking a question? How hard would it have been to just say exactly what you just said instead of deleting the post?


Active Member
Mar 5, 2020
and here is what I ment when I said the Devil is in the details:

Here’s the official scoop from the :

Copyright does not protect the idea for a game, its name or title, or the method or methods for playing it. Nor does copyright protect any idea, system, method, device, or trademark material involved in developing, merchandising, or playing a game."

Someone could color each character's hair slightly differant, spell their names differently, go in and alter their shapes , change code to make it looks or call a label by a different name. All these things make it a different game in the eyes of the copywrite laws
(fixed the quote/italics)

That's incorrect. An original work has to be creative and you pretty much describe what is not counted as creative. Here is what the website you linked to :

"There are some things, however, that are not creative, like: titles, names, short phrases, and slogans; familiar symbols or designs; mere variations of typographic ornamentation, lettering, or coloring; and mere listings of ingredients or contents. And always keep in mind that copyright protects expression, and never ideas, procedures, methods, systems, processes, concepts, principles, or discoveries."

And don't mix up copyright with copywrite. It's not the same thing.

Copywrite is NOT by default, it has to be pursued by submitting a claim to the Federal copywrite Office (USA), once there the copywrite office will see if there is someone else who has the same copywrite, if not then they award you the ownership LEGALY, if there is you're SOL.
Again, incorrect. You have the copyright as soon as you create the work. However, for litigation purposes you have to first register your work.
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Dec 26, 2018
So he got 200 more patreons. How people really want him to do even some minimum amount of work if they are just constantly throwing money to him while he's doing absolutely nothing.
Are these people really adults that can have access to credit cards/paypal?


Jun 18, 2018
If ICSTOR has some kind of personal issues and whatever causes him to not put out any updates, he should just say it and let people know what the situation is. If he has depression or whatever and it stops him from working on the game, understandable. But he pretends as if nothing is happening and keeps milking patreons promising them updates that just aren't coming. If he said ''ok guys, I need to get some help and I won't be updating the game for the next 2 years'' then fine, some people would still keep donating and wish him a quick recovery, but he is scamming people out of money. If people had known how much time would pass without a single update most of them would not have kept giving him money.


Active Member
Aug 2, 2018
Is that any reason to remove a post just asking a question? How hard would it have been to just say exactly what you just said instead of deleting the post?
Well, I'm not a mod, so I can't speak for them. But I will say, the entire thread is full of posts saying similar stuff to what you mentioned. Half of my comments on the thread are explaining what gets a game marked as abandoned. Not sure what your post actually said, but if it was implying the mods were somehow involved with ICSTOR? Well then maybe they just got pissed off at the accusations, if not then maybe you just got unlucky that day, who knows? Ether way, the site has a system for declaring games abandoned, and until now, Milfy City did not meet the requirements.
Just a little side note, saying "How hard would it have been to just say exactly what you just said". I mean the same argument could be made for you just looking up the site's rules for games being marked as abandoned. The only difference is you're not bombarded by bullshit from this thread, whereas the mods are. I'd be sick of it if I was them, and I'd be willing to bet you would be too.


Jun 5, 2017
If ICSTOR has some kind of personal issues and whatever causes him to not put out any updates, he should just say it and let people know what the situation is. If he has depression or whatever and it stops him from working on the game, understandable. But he pretends as if nothing is happening and keeps milking patreons promising them updates that just aren't coming. If he said ''ok guys, I need to get some help and I won't be updating the game for the next 2 years'' then fine, some people would still keep donating and wish him a quick recovery, but he is scamming people out of money. If people had known how much time would pass without a single update most of them would not have kept giving him money.
He has issues with the fans too, we can't actually ping him or we will be banned from his discord only for ping him, i have a discord from 2 other games and the dev's answers us, and there's no problems what so ever, i don't get him.


Aug 27, 2018
Here is what is gonna happen. He will release alpha/beta version of MC v0.7 without any animation and stuff in next month
Then brag about that sorry for the delay and the complete version will be releasing soon. Then he will release full version of MC v0.7 in end of the fucking December. The content of this version will be great and it binge edge for the next version. He promise patrons that next version will be release in next year (2022) and it will be gonna be big one. Horny craving followers will gonna start hoping and his followers in patron will increase to support his work again. Everyone hope for the next update he never gonna release it. After a long wait at the end of the month (Dec 2022) He post an update that next version will release shortly in next year (2023) to maintain his patrons.
He Didn't forget to update in 3 months on f95,he intentionally doing it that make everyone think that people rushing him to do his work that make to forget what damage he done to his followers through the next update IT WAS ALL HIS PLAN ALONG
sorry my english is bad and making this post long
Milfcity v0.8 releases in 2023??
That's pretty optimistic. It's more likely he'll put out a rushed update as soon as he can with whatever renders he already got from Baron, even if he has to really twist a story to fit them. Once that's out, the abandoned tag will drop. After that, he'll put the GPU's back to work mining crypto, and be more careful that he doesn't let 3 months go by without a statement that he's "working".

I doubt there'll be another update after the 200 render piece of crap he rushes out to get the tag dropped.

Deleted member 1394645

Game Developer
May 4, 2019
That's pretty optimistic. It's more likely he'll put out a rushed update as soon as he can with whatever renders he already got from Baron, even if he has to really twist a story to fit them. Once that's out, the abandoned tag will drop. After that, he'll put the GPU's back to work mining crypto, and be more careful that he doesn't let 3 months go by without a statement that he's "working".

I doubt there'll be another update after the 200 render piece of crap he rushes out to get the tag dropped.
Great, dude! This is the most realistic scenario! :D(y)
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