Violet a 3-point route yes I can see. Judy will be morel like the main girls. The reason I say that is she holds the key to continuing the Linda route. It isn't just the book deal with Linda. But Judy knows why the whole Love/Desire interest MC started and just how strong it is. She may also know how much Linda knows about Bob's secret room.He did say Judy and Violet are getting their own routes. They'll probably only be 3-point routes, not 5 like the main girls. If you think about it, Judy is writing a book and has a deal with Linda over the MC about the whole taboo thing. I'm sure her route would be pretty interesting if it actually happened.
I don't know if he decided to stick to that plan though. Before the last update. I think it was May or so (maybe earlier) he said he was going to do a couple of new routes. We'll see what happens though.
Remember she is a Therapist so she probably isn't just going to "GIVE HIM" the answers but "Talk" him through them. So that he comes to the correct answers himself. She may hint and nudge him. Give him some leads to track down himself. But all that will take some time.
Wait a minute!!!! Caroline!!!! Caroline was in a very bad place (before the game began) due to her ex-boyfriend's abuse. Linda would have noticed that behavior from Caroline. Did Linda send Caroline to Judy for Therapy? hmmmmm