Thanks for the reply.yes Patreon has the power to freeze and or stop all donations coming in to a Dev.
Is it possible why they didn't stop the donations is because they also get a cut from each of the donations?
Thanks for the reply.yes Patreon has the power to freeze and or stop all donations coming in to a Dev.
That's exactly why they don't. As long as your content doesn't violate their guidelines or the laws of major jurisdictions, they could give a rat's ass on whether or not you're delivering on promises. Patreon is a platform, not a publisher, so they leave disputes about whether a creator is updating in a timely manner between the creator and the patron. Their own FAQ states that if you're not happy with their output, your only recourse is to stop donating. Of course, ICSTOR learned the hard way that people mass-reporting you for rape/blackmail content will also get their attention.Thanks for the reply.
Is it possible why they didn't stop the donations is because they also get a cut from each of the donations?
I don't agree that he damages other devs rep. Of course there is running meme "oho next Icstor" thrown around here and there, calling other games "next Milfy City" but this is more of a joke than actually calling anyone scam lord.My biggest issue with all this is that it hits others devs reputation indirectly. This kind of things will make many people wonder if they should or not risk putting their money on some dev, due to stuff like this. Which is sad, because there are many hardworking devs out there who deserve it more. And I'll refrain to say what I actually believe about him otherwise I'll get another mod warning.
Radiant, FreshWomen, Depraved Awakening, Summer's Gone, Tales of Undending Void, My New Memories, Midnight Paradise, Above the Clouds, Sunshine Love, ... etc etc... the list goes on.
Was this game the best in renders when it was released? Absolutely, no game came near at the time. But many already are way superior. And this is without taking into account gameplay, otherwise I would included Oialt and Eternum as well.
They should make creators state how long it takes between updates in the front page, as I know many active devs that do only big updates that take long to create, which I honestly prefer, as they take often 5 months but I'll spend a whole weekend playing it.If the game hasn't been updated in 2 months (regardless of how many post the dev has sent out) the money should be put on hold till it is updated.
Nothing special, ICSTOR just stalling and faking work on game, as usualI haven't been paying attention to this game for several months. The dev just released some small contents of "the sister" the last time I checked, but now the game is somehow onhold? I also read about something concerning Celie's Removal. What is that and what happened in these months?
To be accurate, there is actually over 42 000 people on his Discord server. They don't talk about the game as there is nothing to talk about. The general chat is as dead as Milfy City is, the most active part of that server is the channel where all those coomers just share porn clips and nude pictures of women. Sometimes some lost soul starts to talk about the game, but most of the times nobody cares to answer to those messages. And you pretty much have to be "ok to wait so long" if you want to be on the server, because if you happen to not be ok with it, the mods will show you the exit pretty fast.There is OVER 9000 people in his Discord. Is anyone here in his discord? Can someone tell what on earth those people talk about in his Discord? How are they ok to wait so long? It just boggles my mind
I see what you are saying. But is it fair to those supporting the Dev not to get a product (update) for 4 months that they are paying even if it is just a $1? There are devs out there that supply monthly updates (almost everytime) that have plenty of content each update. The game "Straitened times" comes to mind. There is a bit of grind to that game but with the help of the console commands that can be cut out.They should make creators state how long it takes between updates in the front page, as I know many active devs that do only big updates that take long to create, which I honestly prefer, as they take often 5 months but I'll spend a whole weekend playing it.
But if the dev is completely inactive like him and many others, they should be suspended from receiving until they release an update.
I get the inspired part. But ICSTOR for months talked about the JUDY update and finally cluing us in on why Linda had such a crush on MC. Then we finally get a update and it is on Sara.........WHAT! Sara was in a good place in the game and didn't really need to be updated. Far too many other questions needed to be answered first. Linda and Judy, Bob and his secret room, Bob finding out about MC and Linda if you didn't pull up the blanket. Yet he goes with Sara........almost like it was someone other then ICSTOR that did the new update. Yes I know I will get face palms but be honest with yourself first did anyone see or expect a Sara update coming?If you have the talent, how hard can it be to sit down, relax with tea or coffe, write, do some animations.
I can do none of those things, but i can edit movies.
Some are more fun that others, thats for sure, but something got him inspired to begin with. what ever that is, we can only hope it was for the excitment of the story and to bring it to us. If it was greed, then sorry, you/we are screwed.
Indie dev, big tripple acompany all try, easy money is evil, big corpo rush it out, and,small dev "milk"? muuuh lol
oh someone mentioned this is a pirate sail site, you are right, but, how do people find these games? i found many games in here i suported trough patron link this site kindly shared.
Nothing, no one gives a single fuck about the game anymore pretty muchThere is OVER 9000 people in his Discord. Is anyone here in his discord? Can someone tell what on earth those people talk about in his Discord? How are they ok to wait so long? It just boggles my mind
Welllll, I wouldn't say "no one gives a fuck about the game anymore", I mean, if there's an update, I'll take it!Nothing, no one gives a single fuck about the game anymore pretty much
Reminder that (AGAIN FOR THE 3rd TIME) the update was finished, then not finished, then it was finished but it was going to be released in parts, one part a week, then it was not finished but the next part was, then it was finished but Patreon suspended him (no, btw), then it was not finished again, then they actually suspended him for real
And now he wants you to pay for a different game that he is going to finish for sure this time frfr
Reminder 2: He used the money from patreon to buy 8(?) 3080 to mine cryptos