As I mentioned earlier:
- This forum is perfect and at the same time cheap advertising because some people here actually pay at patreon
- Furthermore, the continuous posts here give the feeling that the topic is alive.
- The release date is basically being pushed from week to week. This is done intentionally because if they were to say the update will be out in six months, half of the people wouldn't wait. So, following the principle that the more it costs us, the more it's worth to us, some people here actually wait for it.
Don't be fooled. Put yourself in his shoes - if the money is flowing, why would they publish it? Let me ask differently - how many of you would release this update while making that kind of money? Remember, the new game isn't out yet, or it might turn out to be weak. You can curse him, but you would also prolong it as much as possible. He will release it, but only after the earnings drop.
That's why this forum should be blocked.