Akekazura should spawn in 1) Nameless Forest (starting point) when raining, and 2) Endless Cave Breezy Path on the top right part (near the Bagworm type Bug)Anyone know where to find Akekazura (worm enemies)? I remember finding some when running to a village but now I can't find any of them. Similarly having problems finding Tsuzurakakushi (Nest thing that spawn the fly enemies and grabs you if you get too close), I killed two but don't have full information on them and they don't seem to respawn.
Also, anyone know if you can get information in your monster record for the parasitic spores (mushrooms)? I know you can get a bad end by going to the boss after eating enough of them but can't seem to figure out how to get information on them for the monster record.
The 1) spawn is only on game start, and the 2) is bugged and it won't spawn in 1.1, it was fixed in v1.3
Parasitic Spores Dex entry also bugged, fixed on v1.3 too, after updating to 1.3 your Dex entry will automatically be updated to get it