- Apr 15, 2020
- 751
- 1,556
I picked the Kuei-Jin ending for 2 of my roleplays, Camarilla for 1, (the Strauss ending, although later I read some of the supplement books for the actual Masquerade tabletop rpg and if you do that you realize Tremere are possibly the most evil camarilla clan and that they're all blood-bound to the council of 7, which are 4th and 5th generation ancient methuselahs reigning from the Tremere chantry in Vienna. All Tremere on Earth effectively act as pawns of the council in a rigid hierarchy enforced via mind control, so Strauss himself is an excellent manipulator given how well he poses as the reasonable voice of the Camarilla in LA...) Anarchs twice, once La Croix and once the Sabbat ending with clan quest mod. All in all, I finished that game 7 times and almost always picked a different ending based on the personality/background/choices of the main character. (it's how I usually play RPGs rather than just always pick the choices I agree with morally)Your own financial stability comes before supporting me. Don't worry about it.
Ming Xiao captivated me too. But I didn't end up picking her side because through all the courteous air she slips out how much disdain she actually has for kindred a couple of times. Like being a Cainite is enough for her to disregard you completely. I don't think even a full on domme Ming Xiao would let an actor as strong as the player character stick around. Though one can always dream becoming her slave lol. I identified more with the Camarilla after meeting Strauss but I would be lying if I didn't fantasize about Damsel putting my character on a leash and forcing him to become an Anarch.
Therese always struck me as a possible domme, ignoring her baggage. I really wish there was a dominatrix vampire. It's not like the game shies away from fanservice with likes of VV or Jeanette. Though I know it's silly to expect developers to cater to my specific fetish in a non h game no less. It's only fantasizing for its own sake.
Interesting take. The best masochist is the one with a healing factor right. I'm more into the dynamic where the sub becomes a thrall to the dominant vampire though.
It's fixed on my build but maybe I uploaded the wrong one. It's been a while so I don't remember. I'll check on it.
I also would've loved a domme character, (I guess there is Venus and her emails? but it's more of an easter egg when you discover she is a domme rather than an aspect of her that manifests in the game...) as for Xiao allowing you to stay around if you beg pitifully and proved instrumental in her victory over La Croix, well, it's about as unlikely as Damsel forcing the character to do her bidding given that she's pretty much an Anarcho-Communist and despises any imposition of authority, but hey, we both get to dream!
And obviously all of their fan service was relatively mild sexually, and that is understandable in a game that weaved a grand narrative aimed at a broad audience, but for the life of me I cannot understand why many porn games often choose to shy away from an intricate plot/storyline. Obviously it is much harder to write a good believable story than a bad short one serving just as a casing for the porn, but I find even the submission scenes far more rewarding and immersive in a story-driven game like this one, so I hope more of them will get made and I'm eagerly waiting for your next update!
I liked Moster Girl Quest too, (Japanese story-driven fantasy visual novel with many femdom elements) but the problem I've always had with Japanese femdom is that it never really feels... femdom enough? As in, that game contained defeat scenes of you being eaten alive, and even in those the devs felt the need to say that you felt only pleasure or bliss as your skin tissue, bone and organs were being... dissolved??? J games in general seem to go so much out of their way to create "femdom" scenes where it is all actually about the pleasure of the male that it's frustrating, but usually whatever it is the characters are doing is taboo so he keeps saying "That's..." like a mumbling idiot and being reluctant most of the time. (I recently tried one called "So, I hear you like Sadistic women?" which is especially guilty of this) The "mistresses" will only drink the male protagonist's semen, give him hand/blowjobs or engage with him in sexual acts he could EASILY enjoy even if he were not a sub, and this mostly puts me off! (and I'm actually mostly into feet and mild fetishes, plus that I love affectionate romantic femdom where the mistress truly cares about the slave too, but I just hate it and it takes me out of it when the "domme" is pleasuring the slave more than she seems to want him to pleasure and serve her...) I'd say MGQ and its RPG sequel "Monster Girl Paradox" are among the best Japanese femdom games out there and less guilty of this male-centric-perspective issue, but it's still noticeably there. Do you have an opinion about Japanese femdom games yourself?
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