
New Member
Sep 10, 2022
ComplexBreeding Mod (version:

- base game version: 2.0.9
- BepInEx 5
- tutorial DISABLED (mod remove some mechanics required in tutorials)
- start new game

- this is overhaul mod (huge changes to base code) so you should only have this mod enabled or expect compatibillty problems with other mods (pixies mods should be fine but not tested)
- npc and special characters are not changed in this mod for now so they will probably give you wierd looking children (if you want to play with this characters for now is better to skip this mod)
- mod is in very early stage of development but some people ask me to give it anyway, expect bugs and UI inconsistency

Game is much slower in progression and a little harder, especially on beginning. (remember that slave can now sell milk so its good source of cash)
Species: 8 base and 16 evolutions

- put dll to plugins folder in BepInEx

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I want to describe mod Im working on. MBM is amazing game and it have great potencial but for me developers should focus more on sandbox features and not "story".
(by story I meant unique characters itp. if I can be honest I will sell all features from DLC for assets like wings for generic slaves)

Many mechanics are very messy for me like trait system or upgrades rooms or even upgrading stats by consumig hectoliters of milk.
Progression in not linear but very "snowbally", you buying cat slave on beginning and you basicly shooting monsters left and right and after 10 minuts you have god slaves and monsters.
I like more slow and calculated sandbox experience when after few hours of game I can still have something to achieve or created.
I also like when you can "customize" your solutions to problems and achieve goals in diffrent ways. (like in factorio you can use belts, trains or robots)

Changed mechanics:
- some species are very similar in young and adult stage so many of the small species just skip this stage, species have text "(young)" beside species name if she can be upgrade by milk to next stage
- all of species sprites are removed and replace with generic "shadow" type, only sprites for monster and npcs remains (sprites that where no even similar to actual look of slave were very confusing)
- unlock selling species to Amelia to every day so its no need to stockpile needed monsters. (it can be harder on first pay but you can always take loan for starting expences)
- Slaves cannot escape from brothel (I dont know who think it is a cool feature...)
- Fully depraved slaves are no longer supermens (they lose health like before)
- When "depraved face" is off, slave have originals eyes
- There is only one type of milk, milk not longer upgrades stats
- Most of room upgrades are disabled (I think only works health regeneration, cure disease, ending in and out)
- tentacle eggs are sold for 100 gold (5000... why not million)
- all triats and racial traits are removed and new system is implemented
- milk is for selling, slave generete milk in diff ratio and there is new attribute "milk quality" which is used when selling milk (milk is sold in automatic way in millking room)
- s with monster can give slaves and slave are more consistent in looks when in same species
- removed clone parent mechanics (monsters and slave can "mutated" simple visual stats (like eye shape and ball sack), there is ~10% chance per parameter, in case of tits size there is 5% for one size up and 5% for one size down)
- no slave species is restricted in tits size (some species like rabbits still have only for example flat on market but you can breed your way to huge if you want)
- you can have 5 childs in one pregnancy, big monsters only take 2 "slots" because getting this parameter up is much harder then in base game
- clients in brothel are changed for new trait system

I was thinking for days how implemented system which will be possible in current UI, it will include genetics (but in not overpower way like in base game) and will be fun.
I early drop the idea of many individual triats inheriting by children -> trait slot are very limited, UI is very small and hard to see stuff, and can be messy quickly

I created something I named "essences", essence can have tier value from 1 to 10 and describe how much concetration of specific group of genes slave/monster have.
For example slave can have demonic essence +1 which means that there is small group of genes originated from demons. More concetration more bonuses and sometimes weaknesses.
Tiers are inherited by gender and can be upgraded but every tier is harder to get then last one but having partner with high concetration of specific essence increase chances.
Tiers can be also lost by generations if you are not focus on selective breeding
For example feral essence:
View attachment 2369787

Racial triats:
Renamed to just traits, this can be anything like: immunity to diseases or tattoo/crest mechenics from elfs
Some traits are added just for beeing specific species, for example ghoul girl cannot be sick
Some traits are chance based and can be gained when essences levels are high, for example you have 10% chances to gain immunity for diseases when at least have eternal essence +4
When at least one parent have trait then of course you have bigger chance

Brothel changes:
Clients are now named after classes from dnd and can give you required essences to start your breeding program
View attachment 2369788

New species mechanics:
Species can now change, for example elf after taking to much demonic essence can give birth to drows (dark elfs) etc.
Species are divided to tiers Common -> Uncommon -> Rare -> Epic -> Legendary

Current human posibilities:
View attachment 2369790

Some starting species are recreated, for example dragonian is not more and you start with cute lizard and you must breed your way to powerful dragons:
View attachment 2369794

That all for now, everything I showed now is working in some way, Im currently playing to learn how number works and add at least minimum acceptable balance changes etc.

If someore read this I will be in shock.
Seems like the Tentacles can kill slaves with low max HP, then they get stuck in the after birth animation but without the slave bar below them. It's pretty easy to miss it, I only got wind of it when my Dead Count reached achievement levels...


New Member
Sep 10, 2022
I uploaded new version of mod where bug with "upgraded" trait should not occur. Thx for checking this mod and for feedback.

About brothel in future I want:
- to recreate how many coins you get in brothel where: in more rare and pure is girl then more money
- to recreate upgrades rooms so in brothel you can add "upgrade" that specific type of clients can only visit this room, for example gold clients
Is it possible to edit the random factor of the Upgrades? I mean, it feels too illogical to me that you can get opposing effects in a roll, like fertility +10% & -15%. I get that the negative upgrades are there to make things "less easy" so, I will not complain about them, even if I really dislike them(well, kinda complained now).


Jul 4, 2017
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aoi shian

Jan 14, 2021
i have to ask to be sure, does the current download have the dlc already or do i have to download the dlc?


New Member
Dec 10, 2018
If you want a fresh run you can delete whole ApplePie folder. It will also remove unlocks for Gallery mode and will reset all game settings to default.
Im trying , its so weird



New Member
Nov 22, 2021

Перевод к последней(29.01.2023) версии!!!
Включает полный перевод основной игры и DLC

Прошу писать свои замечания по переводу,
обязательно буду делать его лучше~

Некоторые места мне удалось перевести только дословно,
надеюсь на погружение это не повлияет.

Скорректировал текст и добавил оставшиеся правки в перевод(СПАСИБО ОГРОМНОЕ господину AlefFool
за предоставление собственного перевода, очень сократил время перевода и поиск не переведённого текста)

- Перевод завершён - (принимаю сообщения об ошибках в тексте)

Занимался данным переводом пару недель и вообще первый раз в жизни, на перевод и написание текста уходит много времени что не дает нормально в одиночку отслеживать и фильтровать все ошибки в тексте, так что прошу отвечать на этот пост если нашли ошибку в тексте или где то отсутствует перевод сюжета
Привет! Спасибо огромное за перевод! Можешь пожалуйста скинуть в архиве чтобы скачать можно было. А то вложение не могу скачать, а текст в нём в новом окне чтобы скопировать не перевела кириллицу.
За ранее спасибо! + Респект.


Jun 19, 2018
Hi guys, how can i use the brainwash"? its from the dlc but i never can use it, thxs
Keep playing until you get to the point where you can choose additional NPCs to help your business. Choose barbara (dwarf with hammer). Then follow her instructions and upgrade rooms. After upgrading 20 (can be reduced to 5 with character upgrades) rooms you can build a machine to raise slave depravity. Drag and drop it underground.


Dec 27, 2017
Hey fellow lazy fucks/people who played the last update, heres the cheat engine codes for the stuff you need:
Furry milk: 283BDCE15EC
dragon milk: 283BE14DAEC
small furry milk: 283BDCE13EC
dwarf milk: 283BDCE14EC
elf milk: 283BDCE10EC
human milk: 283BDCE19EC
generic milk: 283BDCE18EC
achievement points: 2B124F3E38C
random trait upgrade potion: 283BDCE1FEC
cosmetic potion: 2523F6D99EC

Enjoy and stop posting the same stupid messages over and over again
if it is created as file loadable with cheat engine and updated with all the consumable items on the main page under "Cheat Engine", I think it is more accessible and many will stop asking for it...
it is too much to expect everyone to do it
even if you put a sign the size of the entire screen "FOR CHEATS HERE"...


Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
XYZoUSAMA Hello, I had seen this image previously where we could change the color of hair, eyes, size, etc. ...

View attachment 2385148

But I don't know what mod it is exactly.

Dont know if that help you , but thank ^^
It's done as a Proof-of-concept by me. Not a mod yet. We'll need to figure out graphics/code edits first and use a stable version which we will base our mods on. For now it's but who knows for how long, right? :p
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May 18, 2020
where do i download the mods for version 2.0.12
You mean upload? If yes, then here and on any respective mod threads. If you meant download, it should work exactly the same way as before (which means you use the search for the already existing explanations), although by my understanding not many mods are compatible with the 2.0.12 version, as people are waiting for a more stable/long lasting on to start porting and making them seriously. It seems the .12 has chilled for a while already and that this might be it, but only time (or somebody with better inside knowledge:illuminati:) will tell.


Dec 4, 2022
You mean upload? If yes, then here and on any respective mod threads. If you meant download, it should work exactly the same way as before (which means you use the search for the already existing explanations), although by my understanding not many mods are compatible with the 2.0.12 version, as people are waiting for a more stable/long lasting on to start porting and making them seriously. It seems the .12 has chilled for a while already and that this might be it, but only time (or somebody with better inside knowledge:illuminati:) will tell.


Jul 23, 2017
So how do you get female slaves from regular monster breeding? Otherwise what's the point of stat building through that


Jan 30, 2020
So how do you get female slaves from regular monster breeding? Otherwise what's the point of stat building through that
you don't, you either get female slaves from the brothel or abuse the fuck out of player estate and just get an insane slave
4.50 star(s) 124 Votes