
Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
Would be funny and also an interesting mechanic if a slave dies if she gets too much cum in her; death by inflation. It would make shower rooms actually useful, and make the game somewhat harder without automation.
Well, here's some thoughts about implementing it as an actual gameplay mod:

- Game already have mechanic "decrease health on pregnancy". In assembly it's called: "DecreasingMentalityOnPregnant".
- I believe health reduction doesn't work when slave is in full-depraved state, so disabling that will increase difficulty across the board.
- "Cumflation" is basically an effect "Semen Inside", so I'm not sure if it can be used. But I'm assuming a code logic like that might work in theory: "If semen inside type is 3 - apply decrease health on pregnancy code, but multiply it by 2". Or apply that, plus "Semen Tank" trait. But I'm afraid that it will kill slaves with 90-110 health so fast, player won't be able to react to that without constant looking at health state. And that will be incredibly annoying.

Also, just a reminder that there was a "Hunger" mechanic, which is not fully implemented and unused. Food icon and some code is in assembly and in scripts. But I think it would be a good solution to feed slaves and monsters with milk/all kinds of potions, just to keep them alive.
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New Member
Dec 20, 2018
Hey, so im running into a problem where im getting stuck on this screen, anybody have a solution? clicking on any room doesn't seem to do anything, and i cant close the game from the menu, only externally.


New Member
Feb 16, 2023
Bem, aqui estão alguns pensamentos sobre como implementá-lo como um mod de jogo real:

- O jogo já possui a mecânica "diminuir saúde na gravidez". Em assembly é chamado: "DecreasingMentalityOnPregnant".
- Acredito que a redução de saúde não funciona quando o escravo está em estado de depravação total, portanto, desabilitar isso aumentará a dificuldade em geral.
- "Cumflation" é basicamente um efeito "Semen Inside", então não tenho certeza se pode ser usado. Mas estou assumindo que uma lógica de código como essa pode funcionar em teoria: "Se o sêmen dentro do tipo for 3 - aplique diminuição da saúde no código da gravidez, mas multiplique por 2". Ou aplique isso, mais a característica "Tanque de sêmen". Mas temo que isso mate escravos com 90-110 de saúde tão rápido que o jogador não será capaz de reagir a isso sem olhar constantemente para o estado de saúde. E isso será incrivelmente irritante.

Além disso, apenas um lembrete de que havia uma mecânica de "Fome", que não está totalmente implementada e sem uso. O ícone de comida e algum código estão em assembly e em scripts. Mas acho que seria uma boa solução alimentar escravos e monstros com leite/todos os tipos de poções, apenas para mantê-los vivos.
Concordo que seria muito difícil para um mod mais
‌ poderia ser feito usando os modelos dos quartos vazios para criar uma cozinha e refeitório, cada espécie produz uma refeição diferente equivalente à quantidade de leite para dar funcionalidades e valores, em particular gostaria que fosse dividido em 4,5 em relação ao tamanho da barriga 1° depois da relação a mulher vomita indicando que está grávida e também fica com fome deixando o quarto inoperável até ela ser limpa 2° ela fica com aumento da barriga e dos seios 3° é como ela esta hoje em o jogo 4º leite escorre dos seios e sai líquido da virilha indicando que ela está pronta 5°isso é para situações especiais quando, por exemplo, para gravidez acima de 3 naquela barriga, ela cai no chão e os seios ficam constantemente soltos, leite está constantemente além do tamanho enorme | se fosse eu de 3 anos atrás,


New Member
Mar 31, 2021
Hey guys how do I brainwash in the game? Every time I try to brainwash it tells me that brainwashing is not omnipotent.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2018
Hey guys how do I brainwash in the game? Every time I try to brainwash it tells me that brainwashing is not omnipotent.
Fill up the "heart meter" first (click to see the requirements) so you can trigger the sex scene. Then you can brainwash.


New Member
Apr 15, 2023
Is there Surgy's modpack for v2.0.15? Or at least the NoTitsLimit and MapKeyboardExtended? The mods for v2.0.14 doesn't work for me. I have BepInEX but it won't load how much I tried.


Nov 23, 2022
I was thinking about it for some time...
I think people actually wanted to see graphical difference between belly sizes when slave is pregnant. So, let's just say I had no luck with tying "Fetus count" command. Maybe I just use wrong commands, but game doesn't seem to recognize it.

So, like with additional cloth test I decided to look for other solutions.

View attachment 2630911

As you can see, belly size doesn't get affected by fetus amount, but by how much cum is inside.

So, what it actually allows to do with this method if implemented as is:
- If you leave a slave with a monster and forget about her long enough belly size will continue to enlarge. Of course, what I'm showing here are current minimum and maximum sizes.

- If slave can't be impegnated, due to small womb size, gene rejection or because of max births reached, but gets cummed inside - belly size will increase anyway.

- Shower room will affect belly size. Basically washing away "cum inside", so belly size will return either to normal size or normal pregnant size.

View attachment 2630955

View attachment 2630956

So yeah, it can be implemented at least with this method. Of course, to fully implement it for all scenes (not even touching Unique slaves and NPCs for this one, too much work) will require a good amount of adjustments. But like everything I showcased so far, it's possible.

Basically, I'd like to implement it maybe not for Tits V2, but for V3 at least. Let's hope I'll have enough spare time to actually finish it before next Team Apple Pie game gets released and everyone forgets about MBM thread :D

View attachment 2630998


May 5, 2019
Can anyone link the latest best modded Monster black market pleeeease. like with the diffferent tits sizes and stuff coz i cant get it to work.
Im sorry im not lazy but its just a huge cluster f. to make these mods works with all the different versions and outdated topics and some are updated the game versions differ etc. i think it would be best for everyone here especially iff they are new that someone links up a Preinstalled version of every mod that is working installed.
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
Can anyone link the latest best modded Monster black market pleeeease. like with the diffferent tits sizes and stuff coz i cant get it to work.
Im sorry im not lazy but its just a huge cluster f. to make these mods works with all the different versions and outdated topics and some are updated the game versions differ etc. i think it would be best for everyone here especially iff they are new that someone links up a Preinstalled version of every mod that is working installed.
I can understand user frustration about different versions and BepInEx mods not working correctly, as well as confusion with setting up BepInEx.
As for mods, I have links in the signature to current version of "Tits" mod as well as CBM mod and a patch that user Memacile made to make these two work together. I believe that combo is stable enough.

I uploaded it as a whole installed package that I personally use for testing. .
When I'll update Tits mod, you'll be able to replace existing files in this version with new ones. If you don't want to use Complex Breeding mod - just delete BepInEx folder along with winhttp.dll and doorstop_config.

As for other existing BepInEx mods on this forum, sorry, but I'm not sure these actually works together without issues.
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New Member
Aug 16, 2021
So what about complex breeding mode i couldn't understand how it works
Breeding is kinda luck based and stats dependant (monsters and slaves have different stats, when you click on the slave/monster you can see procentage of various stats that can be higher if you breed them enough)

but there is a way to make it easier and that's with gifted slaves that you get from completing some of the missions for the NPCs like Amilia and ect. You could also breed the slaves with yourself (Player) if you bought the player estate.

After getting baby monster make sure to boost it with slave milk and swap the father with the son to get higher stats. Repeat it until you're satisfied with the outcome.

I posted a screenshot of my minotaur that I over bred and a slave that I use with the minotaur.
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