It is nice to finally have some opening after the silence but given the scope of work this feels like the kind of press-conference delivery that would have been better suited months, or years, prior to now. Indie development (even with a small team) is tough and slow, yes, but if this is where all focus is derived in terms of vocational employment, we should under all circumstances see a lot more progress than we have.
I'll take the notice in good faith that Kenkou similarly wishes to open new avenues of the game and world to us sooner rather than later, so I have fingers crossed that the long awaited MGERPG update will deliver information worth the appeasement in the time since.
I do think handling PR for any artistic product by direct DMCA exclusively is pretty silly, but after a point certain nuances of Japanese net culture will make it hard to understand or get across real intention.
I know the mentality, and how rough it sits, seeing your creation be changed directly against your wishes - but there is a better way to handle it than supposed 'tacit acceptance' or direct shut-down. A statement like this is a start, but being upset about people's interpretation of your work, whether you agree or absolutely despise it, is completely unproductive. Whether or not we all agree, in community, that 'tearing stuffed animals heads off' is bad - it won't stop people from doing it. They'll find private spaces to continue doing so and vilify the denial of their pleasure simply because its what they want. In spaces where it presses against the public image of MGE, absolutely, but in the event its what people do from a personal avenue it does not demand this kind of precedent.
Posting more updates about the game and never engaging with the content you don't want, is a more powerful statement in opposition to the interpretation you don't like, than trying to combat it at a proximity.
I do agree with the sentiment stated, but if this is something taking focus away from developmental direction, priorities are very out of order.
I just hope the ruling on "Futanari" doesn't extend beyond intermingling of MGs; as a dick-bearing woman, I'd like to hope there is room for "Futanari" on the human side of things.