Edit: for the record, it sounds like the wife has the exact same problem I had with Alex, so I would have wound up dropping this at that point anyway. I do like MironY's games, but his female leads that are supposedly love interests really put a number on it for me. I'm a sub for sure, but I'm also a romantic at heart. I have to differentiate play and lifestyle. I can take a massive amount of harshness from strangers or play or something, like the side characters in vicious circle, but when it comes to someone that supposedly has feelings and there is no after care and the love switches to absolute disdain with no hints of affection, I just can't enjoy that at all.
That's a fair point, and I can see where you're coming from here. Personally, though, and even though I'd also call myself a romantic at heart, I am not in principle against a story that starts all lovey-dovey and ends up with the female half completely and utterly despising the male half of the couple. I'm not saying that 'gentler' takes with lots of aftercare aren't just as great (it's not a question of what is "better" femdom or "truer" femdom -- I don't think these adjectives even make much sense when you're talking about a moral lens on a whole genre), but I am saying that, just as there is a place in literature for true tragedies and nihilism, there is also a place for such stories. Let's say that my dark side has a darker side to it, too (while still keeping my romantic side very much there...)
So I don't dislike games that go in this direction (once, a while ago, I even offered MironY help with the translation of Vicious Circle); with me, it is more the believability of the changes. And that's not limited to this particular kind of game; lots of femdom games (hell, lots of erotic games, or even lots of games in general) transition too fast between two very different states: one moment the MC is an unexperienced little child, a few moments later s/he's defeating incredibly powerful enemies with awesome magic.
In this game, the idea -- go from a love relationship to one in which basically the wife degrades the husband to an object and loses all interest in him besides his practical uses -- is fine, at least for my darker side. But to have her be all worried with her husband's weight gain for his health, and also worried about his opinion of her if he just sees what she was looking at on the computer screen... to not caring at all about what he does or thinks is, well, jarring. It needs to progress at a slower pace, to make more sense.
MironY is a good writer, and he is clearly trying his best to make the transition more believable. It is clear that, say, the wife's first day at work, when she sees her husband being humiliated by his boss and feels aroused because of it, is designed as part of this transition. The changes in her attitude -- from defending her husband against her mother during his first visit to actually siding with her mother (despite acknowledging that she had gone too far) after their second fight -- is also an attempt in this direction.
But it still feels... too sudden. The scene in the spa, and the way she thought about her husband, still seem so... out of the blue at that point. It is hard for me to imagine that a character who went through a reasonable amount of positive characterization (e.g., the scene in which she cried because of her father's death) kinda pulling a Harvey Dent like that and suddenly sounding more like her mother than like herself. Similarly, when the MC prepares her a romantic dinner as a prelude to their discussion, her thoughts are all about how he's trying to manipulate her -- when several scenes ago she seemed to understand that his feelings for her were sincere. How, when, and exactly why did she change her mind?
Which is why I suggest adding intervening steps. They started doing more femdom stuff in the bedroom after the discussion about the facesitting scene from that website, right? So let them slowly introduce some elements of femdom play in non-erotic moments as well. When they're watching tv. When he's cooking or washing clothes (which wouldn't be suddenly imposed on him but which he could be gradually picking up, both to put her in a better mood and because he slowly begins to feel it is more appropriate). Let them discuss it openly, devise some system and some rules that make it fun for both of them -- including some scenes in which she pretends to be angry at him. Then have him screw up about something, and let them play one of these scenes with her being slightly, or somewhat, angry, rather than just playful; and with him truly feeling that he deserves what he's getting, so it doesn't feel unfair and he can see why she's doing it.
Then slowly make things worse. Make her increase the number of his tasks, and decrease the time he has to himself (until we get to a point in which she's making sure he's not masturbating when she isn't looking). It may be because of small screw-ups; it may be because she actually enjoys the idea of humiliating him a little (justifying it to herself at first as, "oh, he likes it too, so I'm actually being good to him"). If the transition and dialogues are well written, we'll all be able to see where this is going, and still keep the impression that neither MC nor his wife know where this will end... until one day, like the proverbial frog boiled in water that had been slowly becoming warmer and warmer, hotter and hotter... he's trapped. (It's easy to see how the loan could be integrated into this.)
And then go as wild as you want. Destroy any semblance of love the wife could have for the MC, and make her rejoice more and more openly in the evil of crushing his will to her desires, both sexually and non-sexually. (It's a good idea to go slowly here, too, but just because one can then increase the number of scenes and prolong both her and our pleasure at seeing the MC suffer more and more.) And finish it with her becoming distant and unavailable to the little despicable piece of shit that cleans her shoes and bathroom while reveling in the power and wealth that her increasing success at the job bring her. Hell, make her team up with her boss to create a club in which they teach other women how to do the same to their husbands. The sky is the limit!
AND you'll have made it psychologically more plausible. (One can perhaps even insert scenes of self-discovery, as I think the scene in the spa was meant to be, in which the MC's wife slowly comes to term with enjoying the steps along the way, each step at a time.) Because the lack of this plausibility -- the jump from stage A to stage C without going through stage B -- tend to kill the feeling of immersion. One is suddenly led to see the MC and his wife as, after all, just fictional characters serving as props for sexy scenes...
A last word on morality to Ravenleaf: I again say that the point is not being anti-romantic (as I said, I am also a romantic at heart). The point is living a fantasy, a dark fantasy, but still a fantasy. I also love stories with tragic heroes (Hamlet is one of my favorites, or in the VN/anime world, Kiritsugu Emiya) that meet an undeserving fate too cruel for them. It breaks my heart, but it also makes me think, and, when it is well written, it is a very deep experience. Of course, we're all free to like or dislike what we want, I'm not judging anybody, and I hope nobody is judging me. And I also enjoy a lot stories with caring dommes and nicer feelings and lots of aftercare. It's just that... my darker sides also need some care...